Librard Sunny Hostin and husband going down hard. Husband arrested . RICO law , rackteering.


This is rudimentary statistics: A majority is more than 50 percent.

Trump won only a plurality, because his share of the popular vote was 49.8 percent.

The majority of American voters voted for a candidate other than Trump
Abraham Lincoln got 39.7% of the popular vote.
Maybe these giggling MAGA housewives and house husbands can give us an update on The Bold and the Beautiful in the next thread.
So you admit that you are interested in The Bold and the Beautiful. Why would you want an update of that tripe?
So you don't have a job, and have the leisure and interest to watch daytime talk shows.

You must be worried about Musk, Ramaswamy, and Trump cutting your public assistance income and disability payments.
trump said he's not touching social security.

though I don't receive it it any form.

So you admit that you are interested in The Bold and the Beautiful. Why would you want an update of that tripe?
You're the expert on daytime television, Ms. Fastlick. Cypress was joking, but your expertise and comments about the View prove you're an avid viewer.
It is amusing that Sunny helped to damage Kamala's campaign when she wanted so badly to help it.
I'm astounded so many MAGA men are watching The View. I had to work for a living and didn't have time for daytime television. Even in retirement I have better things to do than daytime talk shows

The other alarming implication of this thread is that any guy who is watching daytime television talk shows is quite possibly watching soap operas too.

I think it'll be okay. MAGATs seldom know what their talking points mean; they just dutifully repeat them. They know nothing about the topics that they obsess over whether that's climate change, Trump's latest criminal enterprise, COVID, what liberals believe, evolution. Mostly they're just here now for an opportunity to pop their Rage Pimples that talk shows exist that aren't MAGATy and are hosted by -- ugh! -- women.. lol