Libya News and Interests

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Prior to this, a Gaddafi autocracy that was overthrown with the help of the US govt via 5 administrations.
So, what's your point?

what are you trying to say? Qadaffi was a member in good standing at the UN in 2011 when we took the No Fly zone (UN Resolution 1973) and morphed it into regime change

Condi Rice visited Libya - 2008 again I ask what is the point of the OP? again I ask what is the point of the OP?
think of it as a blog. I mentioned before Black As Coal and myself ( on another board) were onto this early,
when the so called bombing of civilians was used as the excuse for teh No Fly Zone ( it never happened)
and I just got interested ( hence the title "news and interests") in the NATO war and kept interest as the country went thru hell after Qadaffi was slain.
think of it as a blog. I mentioned before Black As Coal and myself ( on another board) were onto this early,
when the so called bombing of civilians was used as the excuse for teh No Fly Zone ( it never happened)
and I just got interested ( hence the title "news and interests") in the NATO war and kept interest as the country went thru hell after Qadaffi was slain.

Ehh, whatever.
think of it as a blog. I mentioned before Black As Coal and myself ( on another board) were onto this early,
when the so called bombing of civilians was used as the excuse for teh No Fly Zone ( it never happened)
and I just got interested ( hence the title "news and interests") in the NATO war and kept interest as the country went thru hell after Qadaffi was slain.

Ehh, whatever.
there is an election ( yet again) coming up. we'll see if this government has any power.
Speaking of power,Libya looks to be getting power plants,and new construction,and hard wired internet,
11 years of civil war and 2 governments - Libya might be coming out of the dark.
GECOL reviews speeding up operation of West Tripoli and Misrata power plants
The CEO of the General Electricity Company of Libya (GECOL) Wiam Al-Abdeli, met Thursday with the German ambassador to Libya, Michael Ohnmacht, discussing joint cooperation between GECOL and German energy companies, in addition to speeding up the operation of urgent West Tripoli and Misrata power plants that are being operated by Germany's Siemens company and Turkish ENKA company.

The meeting saw discussions about carrying out urgent and emergency maintenance to some units as well as upgrading the grid in Libya, in addition to reviewing using the expertise of German companies in solar energy field.

Al-Abdeli hailed the cooperation with Siemens in Libya, While Ohnmacht reiterated the need to urge German companies to exert more efforts to support GECOL.