Life in the Bush Economy

Darla, don't even worry about it. The minimum wage is totally popular, and there's no macro economic evidence that it has any statistically significat effect on depressing employment.

Its a talking point that circulated in CATO and their propogandists, but it won't make an iota of difference to mainstream american voters.

I know that a higher minimum wage is hugely popular, supported by a super-majority of Americans and that that won't change.

But I can't read this poopaganda without gagging.
Of course, wall street has been awaiting this report to see how the housing crisis and the credit problem was going to affect the job market. This has nothing to do with minimum wages and you will not find one credible report claiming it does.

Dano, is a liar. I believe he is paid to be a liar, but paid or not, he's a liar.

It's painfully obvious to anyone who has been paying any attention to the economy this year, and what we have been trying to tell toppy.

Dano sees the headline, and doesn't even try to look into it. It's the minimum wage, I tell's ya!
You are so full of shit Dano, that truly you sicken me like noone else on this site. I personally suspect you are paid by a republican or libertarian organization.

Study after study has shown no adverse effects on employment rates, and in fact, the raising of the minimum wage can increase employment because the more disposable income people have, the more they spend it, and that creates more jobs.

Really, I am at the point where I am just going to IA you, if I want to read garbage that someone puked up, I can go the white house website. You are beyond the pale, truly.
Really? Well Darlalaling, if that's true why not raise it to $100/hour, after all people will have more disposable income and that will create more jobs and hey if we raise it to $1000, well hell even more jobs!
HAHAHAHA, Liberals would be funny if not for the fact that they creep into power.

I imagine to the above you are thinking that of course huge raises would mean mass unemployment and a huge spike in prices, so why are you so oblivious to the fact that smaller raises would simply mean the same negative effects except smaller?

And sorry most studies looked at by economists make them trend to realizing that it does indeed produce unemployment:

You don't have any studies that you post Duhla, you just spout off emotional BS based on how much you hate someone. You sicken me like no one else on this site.
Again, Dano - are you contending that every employment downturn is due to the minimum wage?

That seems to be what you are saying; just wanted to clarify...

Nope never said that, never seemed to say it even. Lie and lie again buddy.
They are overwhelmingly covered by unions who tie wage increases in with the minimum wage hike. They are actually some of the very few who actually benefit from minimum wage increases because the vast majority of even McDonald's workers make more than the minimum wage.

Before you post a knee-jerk answer do you imply that unions do not tie wages in with minimums?

I don;t imply it. I know it for fat. Any union that ties their wage increases to the federal minimum wage would be run out of the company as the workforce wouldn't have seen a pay increase since 1997. A decade without a raise? Not likely.

I'm calling bullshit.
You were a tad quick on the draw with your "LOL", Damo:

BLS: "In August, employment in manufacturing, construction, and local government education declined (largely NON-MINIMUM wage jobs), while job growth continued in health care and food services (where a lot of minimum wage are).
No, I was not. Most of the job loss will be where higher wages are effected by the increase, thus only in those places with Union Contracts that tie wages to the minimum and thus are increased by such a rise, will you see the vast majority of job loss.
I don;t imply it. I know it for fat. Any union that ties their wage increases to the federal minimum wage would be run out of the company as the workforce wouldn't have seen a pay increase since 1997. A decade without a raise? Not likely.

I'm calling bullshit.
That is not the only tie. They get cost of living increases as well as raises normally, however the entirety of their wages are almost always tied in to the minimum wage as well. Thus when a minimum increase is passed they too get a raise. Why do you think that much of the time they are talking about such increases they do it at a Union event?

Originally Posted by Onceler
It's kind of ludicrous to go screaming "minimum wage increase" without any causal evidence or backup at all. It would be like me screaming "it's because the Iraq War is costing so much!", without even looking at the details of the job report, or what people on Wall Street & in the industry are saying....

This is sort of like saying you need to examine the details of the law of gravity in order for it to be true."

You would deny that this comparison directly implies that any downturn in employment must obviously, logically be tied to the minimum wage, so no examination of the current report is necessary?

Are you really this stupid?
Good point cypriss, the only thing that has changed is Democrat's got control of congress and now we have job losses.

Weren't you guys warned OVER and OVER that the minimum wage has been known to cause job losses? Didn't you respond OVER and OVER that that was not true? And the Liberal Democrats passed the increase anyway...

In perfectly competitive markets, the market price settles to the marginal value of the product. Therefore, absent a minimum wage, workers are paid their marginal value. As is the case with all (binding) price floors above the equilibrium, minimum wage laws are predicted to result in more people being willing to offer their labor for hire, but fewer employers wishing to hire labor. The result is a surplus of labor, or, <drum roll> unemployment.

That is not the only tie. They get cost of living increases as well as raises normally, however the entirety of their wages are almost always tied in to the minimum wage as well. Thus when a minimum increase is passed they too get a raise. Why do you think that much of the time they are talking about such increases they do it at a Union event?

Damocles - Just admit that you are wrong on this one. Please. It's just not true. Maybe a few unions do this, but the vast majority do not. No union worth it's salt is going to tie their wage increases to the good will of Congress and the President.
Damocles - Just admit that you are wrong on this one. Please. It's just not true. Maybe a few unions do this, but the vast majority do not. No union worth it's salt is going to tie their wage increases to the good will of Congress and the President.
One more time, it is just one of the things they tie their wages to. They negotiate regular increases, and then tie this in as well. Thereafter each minimum increase, also increases their wages outside the regular negotiated raises. In years that there is an increase in the minimum wage they get their regular negotiated raise, then are also increased at the percentage that the minimum was raised (usually not a one for one, but they are increased).

I will not admit I am wrong because it is part of every Union contract that I have so far seen. And part of the effect I have witnessed.
Wages were up 3.9% year over year Cypress Castro convieniently left that gem out. That beat inflation by more than a percent.

It's laughable to say its minimum wage increase. "It's housing stupid".

The housing market is in deep recession and could go into depression.

The fed will prob cut mybe 50 basis points.:clink:
Wages were up 3.9% year over year Cypress Castro convieniently left that gem out. That beat inflation by more than a percent.

It's laughable to say its minimum wage increase. "It's housing stupid".

The housing market is in deep recession and could go into depression.

The fed will prob cut mybe 50 basis points.:clink:

Average wages are a useless statistic.
your education was obviously useless ya moron

Good one.

Median wages are a more useful indicator of how people are doing economically. Average wages can give a distorted picture. For example, the minute Bill Gates walks into my neighborhood bar the average wage is several million dollars while the median wage would remain at around $43,000 (to use the national median).

Get it?

Originally Posted by Onceler
It's kind of ludicrous to go screaming "minimum wage increase" without any causal evidence or backup at all. It would be like me screaming "it's because the Iraq War is costing so much!", without even looking at the details of the job report, or what people on Wall Street & in the industry are saying....

This is sort of like saying you need to examine the details of the law of gravity in order for it to be true."

You would deny that this comparison directly implies that any downturn in employment must obviously, logically be tied to the minimum wage, so no examination of the current report is necessary?

Are you really this stupid?

I'm not letting this slide, btw - because you called me a liar for suggesting it...