Life in the Bush Economy

The truth is inflation is and has been used to nullify minimum wages and unions. Suckers keep calling for it to be raised and supporting a system that quickly makes it irrelevant, except for its capacity to maintain hardcore unemployment.
Prices rise because prifits must rise. It is a business imperative.
Yeah I know efficiency, etc, but basically I am correct.

That's ridiculous. If producers could arbitrarily raise their prices and increase their profits they would raise them by much more.

Besides, inflation means across the board price increases. There will be no profit. Just as the rise in minimum wage is irrelevant so are the supposed profits.

Basically, you are saying the same thing dano is, cost push. At least with minimum wage the price of labor rises by law. No one can arbitrarily raise their prices without force of government. Even when it is done by law, it leads oversupply (in labor that means unemployment) without debasement of the currency to counter it.
Dungheapofshit, the programmer
Do you ever read financial reports. No you play Donkey Kong
They never use Median to describe changes in income. And you never make any money.:clink:
Dungheapofshit, the programmer
Do you ever read financial reports. No you play Donkey Kong
They never use Median to describe changes in income. And you never make any money.:clink:

I read the Wall Street Journal quite regularly. Almost every day in fact. Some people don't use median income because they are pundits, not economists, that are unconcerned with the distribution of growth in this country and want to convince people that the economy is booming when their pocketbooks and wallets say otherwise. Look at the numbers for the public's perception of the economy and compare that with what all the pundits are saying and you'll see the disconnect.

Actually, maybe they don't have sinister motives and just don't want to confuse the dimwitted out there like you who have no grasp of the concept of "median."

Finally, I'm not a programmer. I have a very nice job and earn a very nice living. However, unlike you, I'm not a pompous elitist and I don't feel the need to tout my credentials or income.
like I said Dungshit your a turbolib moron. You NEVER read in the WSJ that median is up because median and average are up or down about the same.:pke:
I seriously doubt he reads the WSJ daily, no adult of average intelligence is dumb enough to believe this gem "Some people don't use median income because they are pundits, not economists, that are unconcerned with the distribution of growth in this country and want to convince people that the economy is booming when their pocketbooks and wallets say otherwise"
I do believe dungshit believes that, but he's certainly not a monthly reader of the wsj much less a daily reader.
I seriously doubt he reads the WSJ daily, no adult of average intelligence is dumb enough to believe this gem "Some people don't use median income because they are pundits, not economists, that are unconcerned with the distribution of growth in this country and want to convince people that the economy is booming when their pocketbooks and wallets say otherwise"
I do believe dungshit believes that, but he's certainly not a monthly reader of the wsj much less a daily reader.

Whatever Top. You seem to think that it means something. You read the WSJ, wow. Meanwhile, those guys are a dime a dozen on the trains around here. I cross myself and move to another seat if I see one close enough to me.

I am ever amazed that you are not in the NY financial district.
just a small point in an argument that you don't understad Duhla.

It was a very shitty jobes report made somewhat less shitty by average wages up 3.9%. Some coloussal moron name Dunghunkofturbolibshit breaks out the moron anti-economy card average is less than median card from the deck of "I went to college and stopped learning there deck". Actually I find it comical so thanks dungshit.:clink:
just a small point in an argument that you don't understad Duhla.

It was a very shitty jobes report made somewhat less shitty by average wages up 3.9%. Some coloussal moron name Dunghunkofturbolibshit breaks out the moron anti-economy card average is less than median card from the deck of "I went to college and stopped learning there deck". Actually I find it comical so thanks dungshit.:clink:

Unless I missed it, the link I posted to start the thread doesn't say anything about wages up 3.9%

In fact, the latest data from Bureau of Labor Statistics says real wages were down in July.

Real average weekly earnings fell by 0.1 percent from June to July after seasonal adjustment, according to preliminary data released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor.-- BLS Website

I have no idea why you continue to wear your cheerleader skirt, and wave your pom-poms for the Bush economy.
We a chickenshit veternarian gay boy from Berkley wouldn't know shit about real economic discourse anyway.
just a small point in an argument that you don't understad Duhla.

It was a very shitty jobes report made somewhat less shitty by average wages up 3.9%. Some coloussal moron name Dunghunkofturbolibshit breaks out the moron anti-economy card average is less than median card from the deck of "I went to college and stopped learning there deck". Actually I find it comical so thanks dungshit.:clink:

Topspin - You don't even understand the concept of "median" so please, just spare me the speech about your "education." Your M.B.A from wherever you managed to buy it was a waste of money. You don't know what the fuck you are talking about. You're so utterly clueless that you don't even realize how clueless you are. As I said, do a google search for "Dunning-Krueger Effect." It describes you perfectly.

Additionally, I'm not sure what it means to be "anti-economy." I assume you meant that as a slight, but it is, again, one of the more moronic things I've heard lately. Nice one.

Finally, average wages is commonly used by Bush economy cheerleaders to hype up feelings on the economy. The economy is doing great they say. Everyone is doing so well. Averages wages are up. Looking at public opinion numbers though we see that lots of people think the economy is shitty. Why is that? Because most people aren't seeing any real increase in their wages. The continuing drop in median income figures is a testament to this.

Ignore it if you want. I don't give a shit. Ignorance is bliss.
Whatever Top. You seem to think that it means something. You read the WSJ, wow. Meanwhile, those guys are a dime a dozen on the trains around here. I cross myself and move to another seat if I see one close enough to me.

I am ever amazed that you are not in the NY financial district.

Umm why do you think he is in Mississippi working for an oil co instead of making the million dollar bonuses on wall street ?
Because he is an economic loser.
I make more than you two morons combined.
I know exactly what median means.
I also know it's only used by stupid dems trying to play down nice gains in income. Which by the way isn't at all necessary because Bush has abdicated the WH with Iraq.
Dungshit why don't you google and article that uses median because we both know nearly ever business journalist uses average. Next your going to tell me the enitire business community are Bush cheerleaders.
Your comedy is funny dungshit, bet you've never made 10,000 in the market in a year by yourself. Where did you get your GED:clink:
It's funny because he doesn't use the quote button, and the message he is replying to must be on the previous page, and so I don't know which "two morons" he is talking about. But I do know that every poster here is a moron in top's book, and that according to him, he makes more money than any two of us put together, and so whoever he is talking to, I wouldn't take it personal!
you to "poor dorks" must never watch business news.
Please show me a report where median increase is frequently used.
You show how utterly business stupid you are by saying average is no good.
Turbo-lib never made a dollar in the market gay boys:clink:

Top, you are quite wrong on this. Median income is the most reported by economists. It is the one that is a truer reflection of how the economy is doing on the whole. Average income is something journalists that don't understand what they are talking about glom on to.

Dung is correct. Median income is the better measure.