APP - Life is sacred!, do we let the poor die?


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So are we as a nation willing to allow those who have no healthcare and no wealth die in the streets?

When a homeless man comes to a hospital with a curable form of phunumia, should we treat him or turn him away to die?

If we are to treat him... who should pay for that?
So are we as a nation willing to allow those who have no healthcare and no wealth die in the streets?

When a homeless man comes to a hospital with a curable form of phunumia, should we treat him or turn him away to die?

If we are to treat him... who should pay for that?

well either the tax payers or private donations pay for it now. What do you recommend?
well either the tax payers or private donations pay for it now. What do you recommend?

I recomend a system where we reconise that this is what is going to happen in our society and that we are not willing to allow such people to go untreated. Thus we create a set up where everyone is required to have basic health coverage or be taxed. That way when the time comes for an uninsured person to get basic treatment he/she has paid into the program. Instead of paying for these people by using cost shifting and making the insured pay, thus increasing insurance premiums... we deal with the problem proactivly and thus it costs less.
Right now the tax payers are paying for it. We pay more than we would if basic coverage were mandated.
So are we as a nation willing to allow those who have no healthcare and no wealth die in the streets?

When a homeless man comes to a hospital with a curable form of phunumia, should we treat him or turn him away to die?

If we are to treat him... who should pay for that?

since the proposed health care bill has a $5000 deductible, I am puzzled why you think this question has relevance.....if we pass this montrosity, who is going to pay for the homeless man?.....
since the proposed health care bill has a $5000 deductible, I am puzzled why you think this question has relevance.....if we pass this montrosity, who is going to pay for the homeless man?.....

I was/am not aware of a $5000 deductable. But still that would work when you consider the cost of a night in the hospital. The cost of an MRI or a round of chemotherapy.
Many company provided health care plans now have a 5K deductable with 20% copay after that. It sucks but can keep you from losing everything in a major health crisis.
I was/am not aware of a $5000 deductable. But still that would work when you consider the cost of a night in the hospital. The cost of an MRI or a round of chemotherapy.

what an *****. Try learning the details of the plan before supporting it, *******
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Life is sacred? Says who?

We send young men & women to die in foreign countries and do not call it sacriledge.

We have all manner of activities, foods, food additives, drugs, and other things that we know shorten our lives, and yet this is not seen as sacriledge.

Who says life is sacred? We all die. If we were suddenly immortal we would have a huge problem with overpopulation in short order.

Everything that lives will die. It is a fundamental premise of our world.
I was/am not aware of a $5000 deductable. But still that would work when you consider the cost of a night in the hospital. The cost of an MRI or a round of chemotherapy.

so your answer to the homeless guy who needs medical care is just, "a $5000 deductible will still work, just pay it".......I thought life was about we dump the parts of the plan that benefit you and we make a plan that helps the homeless guy?.....
the chronically homeless usually have mental issues that will prevent them from even seeking medical help.

????....I would have sworn they were among those 47 million Americans we are writing the health care bill to I suppose you'll tell me they aren't going to be fined for not having health care under the proposed bill.......
????....I would have sworn they were among those 47 million Americans we are writing the health care bill to I suppose you'll tell me they aren't going to be fined for not having health care under the proposed bill.......

How can they? They do not have an address.
They do not exist in the records.
so your answer to the homeless guy who needs medical care is just, "a $5000 deductible will still work, just pay it".......I thought life was about we dump the parts of the plan that benefit you and we make a plan that helps the homeless guy?.....

No, because this guy will get the treatment dispite the fact that he cannot pay the $5000 deductable. Its just that once he rises above the $5000 mark he will be covered. It will limit the hospital and doctors liability to $5000.
So are we as a nation willing to allow those who have no healthcare and no wealth die in the streets?

When a homeless man comes to a hospital with a curable form of phunumia, should we treat him or turn him away to die?

If we are to treat him... who should pay for that?

I agree with the gist of your post and congratulate you on your novel spelling of pneumonia.