APP - Life is sacred!, do we let the poor die?

No, because this guy will get the treatment dispite the fact that he cannot pay the $5000 deductable. Its just that once he rises above the $5000 mark he will be covered. It will limit the hospital and doctors liability to $5000.

it was lame in the extreme to give me negative rep for my seem to miss the point that what you describe above is exactly what we have now, he will get the treatment despite the fact he cannot pay....yet his circumstances are exactly the reason the left argues we MUST have health care reform.....the fact that the reform they push doesn't solve his problem underscores the fact that the reform they are pushing isn't for him, it is for themselves.....
it was lame in the extreme to give me negative rep for my seem to miss the point that what you describe above is exactly what we have now, he will get the treatment despite the fact he cannot pay....yet his circumstances are exactly the reason the left argues we MUST have health care reform.....the fact that the reform they push doesn't solve his problem underscores the fact that the reform they are pushing isn't for him, it is for themselves.....

Except it will have a $5000 cap, according to you.

It was not lame, when you make comments that are not related to the discussion to try to hide the ball, Ill make repution decisions.
Except it will have a $5000 cap, according to you.

It was not lame, when you make comments that are not related to the discussion to try to hide the ball, Ill make repution decisions.

???? I recall, the discussion is "Life is sacred!, do we let the poor die?"....the claim is, we need health care reform because of the comment pointed out that the proposed reform does not help the is that "not related" to the discussion?.....
???? I recall, the discussion is "Life is sacred!, do we let the poor die?"....the claim is, we need health care reform because of the comment pointed out that the proposed reform does not help the is that "not related" to the discussion?.....

Sure it does, it puts a cap on how much the system will be responsable for there care. You know better than to say that some hospital will say... Well, you dont have the $5000.00 deductable so sorry go out on the street to die.

Have you cited to me any place where this $5000.00 deductable exists?
this is sooo lame, you ambulance chasers are one of the biggest culprits in high medical cost. People in Canada say the mindset is no one has it in their thought process to sue dr's.
You know better than to say that some hospital will say... Well, you dont have the $5000.00 deductable so sorry go out on the street to die.

dude, that's my whole point....have you forgotten the title of this thread?....the liberal argument is that if we don't pass this health care plan the poor are going to die....

Have you cited to me any place where this $5000.00 deductable exists?

section 122 of the House bill, defining essential benefits and the limits of annual contribution for a single insured under the government 29
Life is sacred? Says who?

We send young men & women to die in foreign countries and do not call it sacriledge.

We have all manner of activities, foods, food additives, drugs, and other things that we know shorten our lives, and yet this is not seen as sacriledge.

Who says life is sacred? We all die. If we were suddenly immortal we would have a huge problem with overpopulation in short order.

Everything that lives will die. It is a fundamental premise of our world.

Here we have it ladies and gentleman, the ideology behind the current drive for government control of healthcare, so it can be withheld.

Winterborn really feels enlightened about himself.
Here we have it ladies and gentleman, the ideology behind the current drive for government control of healthcare, so it can be withheld.

Winterborn really feels enlightened about himself.

Here we have the refutation of the claim that life is sacred. Neither party claims that life is sacred until they want something.

I am not one of those who wants the government healthcare plan. I have argued against it in several threads.

But if you feel triumphant in proclaiming all this, go right ahead.
So are we as a nation willing to allow those who have no healthcare and no wealth die in the streets?

When a homeless man comes to a hospital with a curable form of phunumia, should we treat him or turn him away to die?

If we are to treat him... who should pay for that?

Hospitals cannot turn anyone away by law. The taxpayers pay for it.
Here we have the refutation of the claim that life is sacred.
That was your position.
Neither party claims that life is sacred until they want something.
Which is why both fascist nihilist parties should be abandoned by people of conscience.
I am not one of those who wants the government healthcare plan. I have argued against it in several threads.

But if you feel triumphant in proclaiming all this, go right ahead.

That's why the irony is so rich. a fascist, is a fascist , is a fascist.
this is sooo lame, you ambulance chasers are one of the biggest culprits in high medical cost. People in Canada say the mindset is no one has it in their thought process to sue dr's.

How do you support that statement?
Id think that anti-choicers would be all for this bill.

Require that life be brought into the world, but dont hold me responsable for the health of the poor ones.... THat does not make any sense?
Id think that anti-choicers would be all for this bill.

Require that life be brought into the world, but dont hold me responsable for the health of the poor ones.... THat does not make any sense?

???....the problem is making us responsible for the health care of those who aren't poor.....isn't that obvious to you yet?......the "poor" are merely an excuse......that can be seen by the failure of the proposed plan to address the needs of the poor.....

why doesn't the plan provide for 100% of the medical costs of those living in poverty?......why does the plan include $10billion dollars to shore up the UAW benefits plan?......why does the plan subsidize the premiums of people earning 300% of the poverty level?......why does the plan require every insurance policy sold to provide dental care for children under the age of 21?, isn't that a financial burden on an unmarried, childless 22 year old, just getting started in life?....
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???....the problem is making us responsible for the health care of those who aren't poor.....isn't that obvious to you yet?......the "poor" are merely an excuse......that can be seen by the failure of the proposed plan to address the needs of the poor.....

why doesn't the plan provide for 100% of the medical costs of those living in poverty?......why does the plan include $10billion dollars to shore up the UAW benefits plan?......why does the plan subsidize the premiums of people earning 300% of the poverty level?......why does the plan require every insurance policy sold to provide dental care for children under the age of 21?, isn't that a financial burden on an unmarried, childless 22 year old, just getting started in life?....

The Plan does not do that. The plan acknoledges that ANYONE can get sick, and requires responsability from everyone for that fact. You can have a million dollars and if you get cancer and seek treatment... you will be broke before that treatment is done. The Kennedy Healthcare Plan will ensure that the cost for that treatment is spread out and that it is kept in check.

Pass Kennedy care now!
The Plan does not do that. The plan acknoledges that ANYONE can get sick, and requires responsability from everyone for that fact. You can have a million dollars and if you get cancer and seek treatment... you will be broke before that treatment is done. The Kennedy Healthcare Plan will ensure that the cost for that treatment is spread out and that it is kept in check.

Pass Kennedy care now!

did you notice that your post didn't answer any of the questions I asked?.....please try again, this time honestly.....
Jarod, where did you go to law school?

I would fail out here if I spelled like you. Legal Writing is a required class.