life on other planets


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Well I tend to think there is and has been even possible intelligent beings, b ut the main reasons I think there is life out there are 2 main factors.

The sheer numbers of galaxies and planets .

The Hubble telescope has been active for awhile, and its estimated that there are 125 billion galaxies in the observable universes. As for planets that's any bodys guess.

Next for me would be some examples on planet earth, namely extremophiles. For those of you who don't know what they are look it up. to me the water bear is a great example but there are many others.

As for truly intelligent life forms say with the intelligence of primitive humans or perhaps great apes or more intelligent creatures , its possible such species have came and gone as the universe is estimated at about 14.5 billion years old and earth is about 4.5 billion.
So such species could have come and gone in that time and we will never know about them.

They could be out there now even at our primitive level and we would never know.
What it takes for a planet like earth to form and be protected so that life can evolve is a amazing number of events to all line up over time.

It starts at the very beginning as dust lumps together and form a planet at just the right distance from a sun to hits from asteroids and meteors and comments carrying various organic materials, , the odd are not in life's favor at all but against it.

Yet Im sure the universe is teaming with basic like such as extremophiles and maybe more , spread over billions of light years apart.

We may indeed be the cream of the crop the most advanced species in the universe , which by the way is a sad thought .
Then again we may be very low on the scale of intelligence .
We will never know the answers and maybe that's a good thing I don't know.

For some reason I think we may have been visited in the past by a race of people who travel in space maybe in time like the adventures on the high seas, its just a feeling I get from reading history books and other material .
Again I will never know the answers to this in my life span but , I do wonder what others more advanced then us, if they do or did exist would think of us.

Its hard to think of the possible advances inn science and medicine and flight and space travel a species could develop given the time and conditions to do so.
Our own race has made huge strides in the last 140 years even with all the wars we had , and in the last 70 years these advances have been huge coming in leaps and bounds so to speak with amazing results .

I hope its humans from earth that end up being the top dog over time if we don't kill each other off first , I actually have a lot of faith in that .
Well I tend to think there is and has been even possible intelligent beings, b ut the main reasons I think there is life out there are 2 main factors.

The sheer numbers of galaxies and planets .....

...I hope its humans from earth that end up being the top dog over time if we don't kill each other off first , I actually have a lot of faith in that .

Agreed the odds are there is life elsewhere in the Universe, even if it's only one per galaxy.

Not sure if we've been visited before. Our solar system is in a relative backwater.

Top dog? Maybe one of the signs a civilization is intelligent enough to explore the Universe is by realizing they aren't dogs at all. :)
I see no reason to assume that God would have created a universe so vast that it is impossible to ever travel from one end to the other, just for us......
The biggest hurdle to life as we know it is not the number of galaxies, star systems, or potentially habitable planets.

The biggest problem is emergence: how is the threshold crossed from a soup of organic molecules, to extremely complex, self-organizing, self-replicating cells possessing metabolism and genetic material.

We can produce amino acids and pre-biotic organic molecules synthetically under laboratory conditions. But after 70 years of trying we have not come remotely close to approaching the threshold of life. Even a simple prokaryotic cell is so vastly complex, we seem light years away from being able to duplicate it.
The biggest hurdle to life as we know it is not the number of galaxies, star systems, or potentially habitable planets.

The biggest problem is emergence: how is the threshold crossed from a soup of organic molecules, to extremely complex, self-organizing, self-replicating cells possessing metabolism and genetic material.

We can produce amino acids and pre-biotic organic molecules synthetically under laboratory conditions. But after 70 years of trying we have not come remotely close to approaching the threshold of life. Even a simple prokaryotic cell is so vastly complex, we seem light years away from being able to duplicate it.

well Im not sure we should be able to duplicate it to be honest .
Agreed the odds are there is life elsewhere in the Universe, even if it's only one per galaxy.

Not sure if we've been visited before. Our solar system is in a relative backwater.

Top dog? Maybe one of the signs a civilization is intelligent enough to explore the Universe is by realizing they aren't dogs at all. :)

I agree with you dutch , As far as being visited in the past who knows I actually doubt it but its possible. Many of our ancient legends have some type of base such as many of the Greek monsters could be based on dino bones put together wrongly not knowing what they actually were and people decided that was what they were not dinos extent but monsters.
I tend to think any planets like to ours are very rare and advance life forms are ever more you said one in a galaxy would be reasonable one out of billions of planets in a single galaxy .
hunter likes his probes it big I hear, at least thats what the strippers said that used them on him

I doubt that story since prostitution is illegal, even in New York. The bar would be shut down for illegal sexual services.
I agree with you dutch , As far as being visited in the past who knows I actually doubt it but its possible. Many of our ancient legends have some type of base such as many of the Greek monsters could be based on dino bones put together wrongly not knowing what they actually were and people decided that was what they were not dinos extent but monsters.
I tend to think any planets like to ours are very rare and advance life forms are ever more you said one in a galaxy would be reasonable one out of billions of planets in a single galaxy .

There's no evidence of alien visitation. The stories and myths could be related to that but they could also be related to earlier human civilizations that collapsed or human time travelers.

The collapsed civilization idea seems the most plausible due to the time elements.

Consider that anatomically modern mankind has been around for about 300,000 years and that modern thinking man has been around for about 30,000.

Consider how far we've come in the past 5000 years.

Consider that if any great civilizations existed in the northern latitude before or during the last ice age, 11,700 to 115,000 years, it would have been ground into power by the glaciers. Nonetheless, there would have still be humans to tell the tale.
I doubt that story since prostitution is illegal, even in New York. The bar would be shut down for illegal sexual services.

you dont think a stripper would commit a illegal act for enough money do you ? o no it couldn't happen in the VIP room when your spending over 10 grand in one night lol
you dont think a stripper would commit a illegal act for enough money do you ? o no it couldn't happen in the VIP room when your spending over 10 grand in one night lol

The stripper will but the club owners don't want the publicity...and you know who owns them, dontcha?