life on other planets

There is as much evidence for your particular god as their is for any of the other 10,000 proposed gods from other religions throughout the past hundred thousand years when homo sapiens started to believe in such things.
did you think anyone was trying to give you evidence?........sorry for your confusion.....

The biggest clue that religion is man-made is the fact that more than one exists. The smorgasbord of religion throughout the world and throughout history is exactly what one would expect to see if religion is just fairy tales.

so on that basis I guess the best clue that there are no good ideas is that more than one exist?.....can one prove there are no truths because untruth exists.......smells liked a very familiar logical fallacy to me......
The biggest hurdle to life as we know it is not the number of galaxies, star systems, or potentially habitable planets.

The biggest problem is emergence: how is the threshold crossed from a soup of organic molecules, to extremely complex, self-organizing, self-replicating cells possessing metabolism and genetic material.

We can produce amino acids and pre-biotic organic molecules synthetically under laboratory conditions. But after 70 years of trying we have not come remotely close to approaching the threshold of life. Even a simple prokaryotic cell is so vastly complex, we seem light years away from being able to duplicate it.
well Im not sure we should be able to duplicate it to be honest .

It is possible that the emergence of life occurred by an almost infinitely improbable series of unusual chemical reactions - in which case we will never understand how life originated.

My gut feeling is that someday we we have a pretty good idea. Maybe not in our lifetimes. But we have made significant progress since the Miller-Urey experiment, and as I understand it we may be closing in on how nucleotides get zipped together into forming DNA molecules.
did you think anyone was trying to give you evidence?........sorry for your confusion.....

so on that basis I guess the best clue that there are no good ideas is that more than one exist?.....can one prove there are no truths because untruth exists.......smells liked a very familiar logical fallacy to me......

Are you being deliberately stupid? Multiple "good ideas" can exist simultaneously. Multiple contradictory claims about reality (e.g., religion) cannot.
two contrary ideas cannot both be true......but that doesn't mean one of them isn't........

And neither can be considered true when facts and reason contradict their claims.

If the Bible is wrong on matters we know to be true (e.g., evolution, geology, heliocentrism, germs), then why should we trust its religious claims?

The logical assumption is that a book that reads as if written by ignorant desert dwellers is probably nothing more than that.

To get back to the thread topic--or some semblance thereof--I don't think any aliens who land will by carrying copies of the Holy Bible.
Because you relious lunatics are trying to pass laws under the assumption that your god exists.

Why do you want to ban abortion? Why do you want to outlaw gambling and sex work and stem cell research?


well you see, that type of lie is why we think lib'ruls are fuckwits.......nobody is trying to pass laws based on the existence of for abortion, I want it to be banned because I think it is incredibly evil to kill can gamble if you want to throw your money away, and if you have to buy sex I think you should have the right to do so......stem cell research is wrong for the same reason as abortion.......any thing else?......