life on other planets

well you see, that type of lie is why we think lib'ruls are fuckwits.......nobody is trying to pass laws based on the existence of for abortion, I want it to be banned because I think it is incredibly evil to kill can gamble if you want to throw your money away, and if you have to buy sex I think you should have the right to do so......stem cell research is wrong for the same reason as abortion.......any thing else?......

Nobody wants to kill children, dumbass. But how is abortion "killing children" when the thing being aborted is a non-sentient, microscopic clump of cells? Ditto with regards to stem cell research.
obviously that fucks up your claim regarding religion, since you have neither.....

Well, people don't levitate, so that right there contradicts the Bible's claim that Jesus levitated into the clouds.

Also, people don't come back to life after dying, which contradicts the Bible's claim that Jesus rose from the dead.

Want to keep going? Lol.
Nobody wants to kill children, dumbass. But how is abortion "killing children" when the thing being aborted is a non-sentient, microscopic clump of cells? Ditto with regards to stem cell research.

so despite what science tells us about human reproduction you choose beliefs which are contradicted by fact and reason........I wonder what we should say about whether beliefs like that should be considered true...
Well, people don't levitate, so that right there contradicts the Bible's claim that Jesus levitated into the clouds.

Also, people don't come back to life after dying, which contradicts the Bible's claim that Jesus rose from the dead.

Want to keep going? Lol.
unless of course Jesus is not "people".......I think you haven't even started yet, so don't ask if you need to keep going........why don't you go straight to the heart of literally said there are no show me the facts that prove you are right......
unless of course Jesus is not "people".......I think you haven't even started yet, so don't ask if you need to keep going........why don't you go straight to the heart of literally said there are no show me the facts that prove you are right......

Oh. How convenient. When something in your dumb religion contradicts reason, you resort to hand-wavium.

"Jesus is magic! That's how he does shit that defies reason. Magic...."

Try again, but this time without disregarding reason whenever cornered by it.
So when woman has a miscarriage, your god is a murderer.

obviously not.......nor is he a murderer if a person dies at the age of 112........he is not a murderer if you open someone's head with an axe.......he is not a murderer when there is a 150 vehicle pile up on a Texas interstate.......anything else I need to clear up for you?......
dude you seem to claimed to have facts and reason that prove my beliefs are not true.......I'm just here pointing out you haven't done it yet......

So if I write a religious book claiming something, it's someone else's job to debunk my claim? My claims are considered true until proven false? Are we to assume that Mohammed really flew to heaven on a winged horse? Or that the Greek gods reside on Olympus? Are we to assume these claims are true until someone comes along to disprove them?

Lol. That's not how reason works. You asked me how reason and facts contradict the Bible. I gave two examples. You need to either reason your way out of the corner, or admit that your position is unreasonable. You don't get to change the rules of a debate at your convenience.
Speaking of life on other planets...

Ever been to a college campus...?

Japan. Definitely Japan.


As for real aliens...

First, we're a tiny needle in a very big haystack, as are they. For example, we have beamed radio signals into space for only about 75 years now. We don't know what window of time that radio signals would even be used by a technological civilization. What if, for example, radio usage lasted just 300 years (give or take)? After that something else comes along to replace it.
That means for any civilization that develops radio and continues to develop technology there is a window if just a few centuries where we could intercept their transmissions before they went "dark" again with technology we haven't discovered yet.
Then there's the simple dissimilar issue to deal with. If an advanced alien lifeform were dissimilar enough it might take an interest in us but not sufficiently to make itself known.

As for UFO's, there are definitely some cases where it was undoubtedly a UFO. Most can be explained away, but that small portion that cannot...
Lol. That's not how reason works. You asked me how reason and facts contradict the Bible. I gave two examples. You need to either reason your way out of the corner
refuting what you presented so far was you have to actually come up with the facts and reason you claimed to have....
Speaking of life on other planets...

Ever been to a college campus...?

Japan. Definitely Japan.


As for real aliens...

First, we're a tiny needle in a very big haystack, as are they. For example, we have beamed radio signals into space for only about 75 years now. We don't know what window of time that radio signals would even be used by a technological civilization. What if, for example, radio usage lasted just 300 years (give or take)? After that something else comes along to replace it.
That means for any civilization that develops radio and continues to develop technology there is a window if just a few centuries where we could intercept their transmissions before they went "dark" again with technology we haven't discovered yet.
Then there's the simple dissimilar issue to deal with. If an advanced alien lifeform were dissimilar enough it might take an interest in us but not sufficiently to make itself known.

As for UFO's, there are definitely some cases where it was undoubtedly a UFO. Most can be explained away, but that small portion that cannot...

Trump and Hillary are evidence that aliens exist.