Oh, that was no distraction, my dear. That was truth -- pointing out my speculation that perhaps the inadequate numbers of test kits is deliberate on the part of the #COVID-45 administration. I used his very own words to illustrate why the number of positive cases in the U.S. was so important to the gibbering cretin. He wanted low numbers. Not because he gives a shit if you die, or if I do. He wants them because higher numbers make him look like the inept fool that he is. I think that most ppl are good at heart and hope to the gods that he is not *that* self-serving, but history casts doubt on my optimism.
If you want real science, then you need to get everyone tested. Only then can you begin to calculate the true lethality of this virus. Even then, the data in a given country may not be precise because much depends on the infrastructure available to the population being tested. Areas with poor access to medical care -- or no medical care as in some locations -- are obviously going to have more deaths per capita than a location with better care. The same is true with hot spots like NYC currently, where excellent medical facilities are nearby but are overwhelmed by the sheer volume of ppl needing them.