Blacks are almost twice as likely to be pulled over as whites — even though whites drive more on average, by the way. We also discovered that blacks are more likely to be searched following a stop. Just by getting in a car, a black driver has about twice the odds of being pulled over, and about four times the odds of being searched. Hispanic drivers, overall, are no more likely than whites to be pulled over, but much more likely to be searched.
In the late-1990s, the concept of “driving while black” began getting national attention. North Carolina became the first state to mandate the collection of traffic stops data in 1999, thanks in large part to efforts by black representatives in the state legislature.
The database includes information on why the driver was pulled over, the outcome of the stop and demographic information about the driver. It also has an anonymous identification number for each officer as well as the time of the stop and the police agency that conducted it.
The initial law focused only on the State Highway Patrol, but it was expanded two years later to cover almost every police agency in the state. As a result, we have a record of virtually every traffic stop in the state since 2002.
The idea was to settle once and for all if “driving while black” was a legitimate grievance. The bill passed with bipartisan support and with the blessing of the leadership of the Highway Patrol. Editorials suggested either it would disprove the ugly allegations of bias, or that police leaders would take immediate steps to resolve any issues the data might reveal. The law also mandated that the state issue periodic reports analyzing the data.
None of this has occurred
But a black man is far more likely to be killed by another black man than a cop but why should that concern a racist fuck like you?
Blacks are almost twice as likely to be pulled over as whites — even though whites drive more on average, by the way. We also discovered that blacks are more likely to be searched following a stop. Just by getting in a car, a black driver has about twice the odds of being pulled over, and about four times the odds of being searched. Hispanic drivers, overall, are no more likely than whites to be pulled over, but much more likely to be searched.
In the late-1990s, the concept of “driving while black” began getting national attention. North Carolina became the first state to mandate the collection of traffic stops data in 1999, thanks in large part to efforts by black representatives in the state legislature.
The database includes information on why the driver was pulled over, the outcome of the stop and demographic information about the driver. It also has an anonymous identification number for each officer as well as the time of the stop and the police agency that conducted it.
The initial law focused only on the State Highway Patrol, but it was expanded two years later to cover almost every police agency in the state. As a result, we have a record of virtually every traffic stop in the state since 2002.
The idea was to settle once and for all if “driving while black” was a legitimate grievance. The bill passed with bipartisan support and with the blessing of the leadership of the Highway Patrol. Editorials suggested either it would disprove the ugly allegations of bias, or that police leaders would take immediate steps to resolve any issues the data might reveal. The law also mandated that the state issue periodic reports analyzing the data.
None of this has occurred
... so simple, yet libtards can't comprehend this truth...Perhaps blacks shouldn't be as poor drivers as they are and they won't get pulled over as much. Same thing with crimes. If black didn't commit so many, they wouldn't be dealt with for committing them.
... so simple, yet libtards can't comprehend this truth...
Notice how the list of names remains at one (and that the one name is unfortunately a weak example to begin with)??
According to Nordberg, my opening post should contain a super long list of names by now...
Yup. They reject that explanation right out of the gate because it doesn't align with their narrative that the "racist white cops" are out to get the "innocent black civilians"...The lefties automatically equate disparity with discrimination. Their first, last, and only thought is that it's because they're black because a disproportionate amount get stopped. No consideration is given that it could be because they commit more crimes.
Yup. They reject that explanation right out of the gate because it doesn't align with their narrative that the "racist white cops" are out to get the "innocent black civilians"...
THEY are (largely) the ones being the racists... The Democrat Party is the enemy of the people; most certainly the enemy of any freedom-loving God-fearing individual. The Demonrats are the party of racism, bigotry, hatred, division, segregation, compulsion, theft, lies, logic-denial, science-denial, history-denial, mathematics-denial, economics-denial, engineering-denial, affirmative-action, high taxes, anti-freedom, anti-liberty, anti-America, BLM, Antifa, domestic terrorism, fear-mongering, hoaxes, abortion, slavery, and Satan... I can't wait for the day that the demonically influenced leaders of this ungodly Satanic Party burn in the lake of fire. Fuck the Democrat Party.