LMAO!!! Im on FAKE ignore by the nutter lefties.


Well-known member
The PM's were flying! :laugh: They got together and decided the only way to deal with me is to not respond to me. This shows how TRULY EFFECTIVE I have been. Best part? None of these idiots have the sand to actually put me on ignore,....instead they read EVERY word I post without responding. Their blood pressure must be rising by the day! :laugh: This is awesome,.....this way I can say whatever I want to and they have to just sit there and TAKE IT with gritted DENTURES! Thanks lefties! You let me bend you over AGAIN!

The PM's were flying! :laugh: They got together and decided the only way to deal with me is to not respond to me. This shows how TRULY EFFECTIVE I have been. Best part? None of these idiots have the sand to actually put me on ignore,....instead they read EVERY word I post without responding. Their blood pressure must be rising by the day! :laugh: This is awesome,.....this way I can say whatever I want to and they have to just sit there and TAKE IT with gritted DENTURES! Thanks lefties! You let me bend you over AGAIN!


I read everything you write, Stone. One...because I honestly like you. Two, because your argments often do more to help causes I champion than some offered by those on the left. I truly do like you, but you are not nearly as effective as you apparently think you are.

I read everything you write, Stone. One...because I honestly like you. Two, because your argments often do more to help causes I champion than some offered by those on the left. I truly do like you, but you are not nearly as effective as you apparently think you are.


Interesting take, Frank.

I don't like him at all,
and have had him on ignore for months,
but I'm sure that I've missed some pretty funny stupid remarks because of it.

There are no perfect solutions, it seems.:)
The PM's were flying! :laugh: They got together and decided the only way to deal with me is to not respond to me. This shows how TRULY EFFECTIVE I have been. Best part? None of these idiots have the sand to actually put me on ignore,....instead they read EVERY word I post without responding. Their blood pressure must be rising by the day! :laugh: This is awesome,.....this way I can say whatever I want to and they have to just sit there and TAKE IT with gritted DENTURES! Thanks lefties! You let me bend you over AGAIN!

Nah, don't get such a swelled head. You're not on my ignore list. You're just mostly too insignificant, silly, and trollish to bother with. Sorry.

I read everything you write, Stone. One...because I honestly like you. Two, because your argments often do more to help causes I champion than some offered by those on the left. I truly do like you, but you are not nearly as effective as you apparently think you are.


What an excellent illustration of "damning with faint praise." Well done!
The PM's were flying! :laugh: They got together and decided the only way to deal with me is to not respond to me. This shows how TRULY EFFECTIVE I have been. Best part? None of these idiots have the sand to actually put me on ignore,....instead they read EVERY word I post without responding. Their blood pressure must be rising by the day! :laugh: This is awesome,.....this way I can say whatever I want to and they have to just sit there and TAKE IT with gritted DENTURES! Thanks lefties! You let me bend you over AGAIN!


Every... single.... thread...Stone ...sorry about that...lol
And just like that.......POOF!,...I MADE them respond. Quite effective indeed....;) :cool:

Nah, don't get such a swelled head. You're not on my ignore list. You're just mostly too insignificant, silly, and trollish to bother with. Sorry.


Yet HERE you are, bothering with me and responding. Snicker snicker........

Interesting to see who responded isn't it? Wait for the rest of the PM recipients...
Its an old left wing tactic carried over into the internet age. They put an individual on follow,.....then in an attempt to isolate the individual they come out of the woodwork to quickly isolate and attack. Its a pussy move. Straight from the mind of the old dirt bag Alinsky. They do not understand that I am immune to that sort of sillyness. It would be no more effective against me if there were 6000 of them let alone the small handful of shut ins here. :laugh: Numbers mean nothing to me. They simply give me more targets. ;) On a side note,......Thank you Frank for at least some kind words. I have nothing against you either and in many ways I do in fact like you too. It is only politics that get in the way,....as always. :palm:
I feel sorry for your dumb ass,that your only supporter is Toxic Top! Be careful she will stab you in the back in a Columbus Second!

Be nice. I havent attacked you and we rarely have bad words toward each other. Why start now. I also dont care for the sneaky way you just tried to DOX Top in your post. Stop it.