LMAO!!! Im on FAKE ignore by the nutter lefties.

Yeah, it definitely reaked of: "HEY E'REBODY! LOOKIT MEEEEEEEE!!!!!" Kinda pathetic. I barely even notice when he posts other than to note his posts are usually pretty vapid and not worth much.

Yeah, I can't think of anyone on this forum who's threated to ignore me where it hasn't been mutual.
I put stone on ignore years ago. All he does is harass people. What a pathetic life.

Well, he's just a trump cultist. They all troll. If we put all trump cultists in this forum on ignore, we'd be left with hardly anyone to talk to. At least Stoney can be funny once in a while.
Verrrrrrrrrrrrry very dumb people in here. The self awareness by some is ZERO. :laugh:
He's a troll and uses that graphic to troll others for whatever reason(s). He adds zero to the forum.

Stone wants to be the epitome of a TRUMPTARD!

So, the more he talks, actually has a positive effect on the election for the causes that I am most concerned with.

When all one does is show his ass, with every comment, intelligent people see through that and just say, "No, I'm not having any of that"!
Stone wants to be the epitome of a TRUMPTARD!

So, the more he talks, actually has a positive effect on the election for the causes that I am most concerned with.

When all one does is show his ass, with every comment, intelligent people see through that and just say, "No, I'm not having any of that"!

Hey,...when you have a nice ass,...you just gotta show it! So I DO! Remember,...a good ass is a terrible thing to waste! ;)
Hey,...when you have a nice ass,...you just gotta show it! So I DO! Remember,...a good ass is a terrible thing to waste! ;)

We are starting to be seriously concerned about your obsessive and relentless worship of Donald Trump's ugly ass!

The PM's were flying! :laugh: They got together and decided the only way to deal with me is to not respond to me. This shows how TRULY EFFECTIVE I have been. Best part? None of these idiots have the sand to actually put me on ignore,....instead they read EVERY word I post without responding. Their blood pressure must be rising by the day! :laugh: This is awesome,.....this way I can say whatever I want to and they have to just sit there and TAKE IT with gritted DENTURES! Thanks lefties! You let me bend you over AGAIN!


Don’t cry too hard

The FBI always listens to you
Stone wants to be the epitome of a TRUMPTARD!

So, the more he talks, actually has a positive effect on the election for the causes that I am most concerned with.

When all one does is show his ass, with every comment, intelligent people see through that and just say, "No, I'm not having any of that"!

The FBI appreciates many of his posts

It helps them greatly
I placed this thread in this particular forum for a reason you know. I could have just as easily changed up the thread title a little and put it in the main forum,.....but that wasnt my intent. Instead I put it here because it shows how so many of you have me on follow. ;) You all sure found your way here quite quickly I might add. Or are you now going to FALSELY claim that you just happen to check out the Off Topic forum bright and early every morning? :rolleyes: :laugh: Consider yourselves.........PLAYED. :cool:
