LMAO!!! Im on FAKE ignore by the nutter lefties.

I call the game........FUN WITH LEFTARDS. Its easy,.....set them up and they come a runnin EVERY TIME. Complete with soiled diapers and drool running down their jaws.

"Hereeeeeeeeee leftards,...come,....come to daddy..."

When I call......THEY COME. Just like the good little trained pets they are. Maybe next time I'll throw em a cookie!

The PM's were flying! :laugh: They got together and decided the only way to deal with me is to not respond to me. This shows how TRULY EFFECTIVE I have been. Best part? None of these idiots have the sand to actually put me on ignore,....instead they read EVERY word I post without responding. Their blood pressure must be rising by the day! :laugh: This is awesome,.....this way I can say whatever I want to and they have to just sit there and TAKE IT with gritted DENTURES! Thanks lefties! You let me bend you over AGAIN!

You must be so proud of yourself! You have a great hobby: pissing people off. That must lead to a fulfilling life.
LMAO!!! Im on FAKE ignore by the nutter lefties.

:maga grin:
I'm on fake ignore by the MAGAts, oath-breakers and other fat-assed losers on JPP. Notice how many of these little cocksuckers talk about me or have my name in their signature. It's a laugh riot, Fat Boy!

That doesn't even cover all of my tribute threads. How many tribute threads do you have, son? None? :rofl2:

You must be so proud of yourself! You have a great hobby: pissing people off. That must lead to a fulfilling life.

He's a troll with little joy in his life except sitting at the desk of a family business, the baby brother who was never as smart or ambitious as his two older sibling who run the business.
The PM's were flying! :laugh: They got together and decided the only way to deal with me is to not respond to me!

I didn't receive any PMs about you, and you have never been the subject of discussion of any PM I have ever received.
Nah, don't get such a swelled head. You're not on my ignore list. You're just mostly too insignificant, silly, and trollish to bother with. Sorry.


All I see of his are quoted posts. Tell me, does he ever not use that GIF of a MAGA evil laugh? It's so retarded.
The Stoner's self-aggrandizement
in the form of a wildly exaggerated opinion of his own relevance
as a leftist annoyer
genuinely betrays his lack of understanding
as to why he's on multiple ignore lists.

He's not entertaining.
That's it.
That's why I ignore people
but leave an open mic
to nutjobs who still make me laugh from time to time.
I read everything you write, Stone. One...because I honestly like you. Two, because your argments often do more to help causes I champion than some offered by those on the left. I truly do like you, but you are not nearly as effective as you apparently think you are.

I pretty much agree with this.

With the exception of reading everything he writes.

I don't read everything anybody here writes.

Except for me, of course.
The PM's were flying! :laugh: They got together and decided the only way to deal with me is to not respond to me. This shows how TRULY EFFECTIVE I have been. Best part? None of these idiots have the sand to actually put me on ignore,....instead they read EVERY word I post without responding. Their blood pressure must be rising by the day! :laugh: This is awesome,.....this way I can say whatever I want to and they have to just sit there and TAKE IT with gritted DENTURES! Thanks lefties! You let me bend you over AGAIN!


Uh, oh. Sounds like someone's wittow feewings are hurt! Would you wike a tissue?
Nah, don't get such a swelled head. You're not on my ignore list. You're just mostly too insignificant, silly, and trollish to bother with. Sorry.


Stoney's OP proves 2 things:

1. He's starved for attention; and
2. It hurts him immensely to be ignored.
Stoney's OP proves 2 things:

1. He's starved for attention; and
2. It hurts him immensely to be ignored.

Yeah, it definitely reaked of: "HEY E'REBODY! LOOKIT MEEEEEEEE!!!!!" Kinda pathetic. I barely even notice when he posts other than to note his posts are usually pretty vapid and not worth much.
The PM's were flying! :laugh: They got together and decided the only way to deal with me is to not respond to me. This shows how TRULY EFFECTIVE I have been. Best part? None of these idiots have the sand to actually put me on ignore,....instead they read EVERY word I post without responding. Their blood pressure must be rising by the day! :laugh: This is awesome,.....this way I can say whatever I want to and they have to just sit there and TAKE IT with gritted DENTURES! Thanks lefties! You let me bend you over AGAIN!


Why would anyone want to ignore you Stony?

You are entitled to your opinions. And we enjoy hearing them, however bombastic and off-base they can be.

No one's perfect right?

So don't go getting an inferior complex on us OK?

When a man like you often boasts about his own self-importance, it just tells me that you are having doubts about your own significance.

So, in other words, it is not a good idea for you to start acting like Donald Trump by over-inflating your own self- MAKES YOU LOOK LIKE A TYPICAL TRUMPTARD!

Good Luck Lad!