Loaded Gun Left In Capitol Bathroom By A Republican Staffer

Absolutely, because of the two genders the woman is always the weakest and of the woman's body parts nothing is weaker than her vagina! So whenever I want to call someone a weakling, I just look them in the eye and scream, "PUSSY"? Brilliant! And no need to worry, after your comment here, I don't think anyone will be confusing you with a woman or accusing you of being a feminist except for some of the idiots on this board which appears to be peopled by some exceptionally confused individuals. What's most amazing to me is that most of the women here gave you a pass on this, but you won't be getting one from me! Please clean up your language and refrain from such characterizations in the future.

Rune is pretty sane except when it comes to guns, especially when compared to a lot of men on this site. That's why he gets a bit of a pass. We need SOMEONE sane posting on other threads.

But on guns - he's really off the "gun rights" edge.
Interesting. I told one of of my feminist friends about you and that you seemed smart, but she hadn't noticed you.
I'd have to assume that my initial impression of you is correct, yet sadly, your initial impression of me is not.

Clearly the comment I made was to a man, and the way I made it was intended to inflame. I am, however, sorry that I offended you and will certainly endeavor to refrain from such language in the future.

As to your assumption though, sorry but the colloquial use of the offending word indicates simply a weak man (in terms of emotional fortitude, not physical strength.)
Feel free to disagree and call me a liar and all the usual venting, the truth is that that was my intended use. Furthermore, I would highly refrain from calling any woman's vagina her weakest part, in my experience quite the opposite is true though maybe not in the most physical sense. A woman's vagina, used as a weapon by her, can cause more pain than a gun and be just as deadly.

By the way, the reason most of my female friends here "give me a pass" is because only one of them bothers to read anything I write in gun threads, since they are all quite liberal, like myself, and I am the one with the aberrant (from a progressive's perspective) attitude towards guns.

In closing, allow me to state that I am truly sorry I offended you; I am after all but an imperfect man, and welcome to our forum. Should you choose to stay, despite the obvious imperfections of many of our members, I am quite convinced you will come to enjoy yourself.

Oh, by the way, I am routinely referred to as she or her, etc. here, that is unlikely to change any time soon, despite your exposure of my true nature.
