Loaded Gun Left In Capitol Bathroom By A Republican Staffer


Yes, this is an important 2A issue for me.

But by no means am I 'into' guns. They hold little interest for me. I see them as one tool, out of many. I do use them for sport. (Out of many recreational pursuits) But I own very few. And each for a specific purpose. I am here framing an argument for discussion. But guns dont really factor into my life any more...and definitely leess...than my cars. And I'm not into cars a bit! They each have their specific purposes as well.
cool. BTW, welcome to JPP.

Intellectual debates for the sake of discussion are always welcome too.
Thanks, I really appreciate that you recognize that. It's very important!

As for Chicago...guns are almost completely illegal there. It's almost impossible for a regular person to legally own one. As they were until last yr in DC. And those are the major cities with the most crime and gun crime.

So how people can think that making guns more difficult for regular people to own can be *more* detrimental, I do not understand. The facts do not support that.
Chicago law has changed withe recent SCOTUS decision, that basically wiped out gun control. Least it did inDC, and i assume the same.

It is the sheer weight and numbers of guns in the US that allow for the black market - easily diverted to criminal activity.

But when we get to WHAT to do, and I confess there realy isn't any good answer but to continue to bleed.

I just try to stay out of the crossfire - so far so good, but i have known so many that haven't been unable to dodge this Dodge City.

Oh well , the dead don't complain..
Thanks, I really appreciate that you recognize that. It's very important!

As for Chicago...guns are almost completely illegal there. It's almost impossible for a regular person to legally own one. As they were until last yr in DC. And those are the major cities with the most crime and gun crime.

So how people can think that making guns more difficult for regular people to own can be *more* detrimental, I do not understand. The facts do not support that.

You do know that Chicago gun laws are not enforced, (R)ight?

Fox News Bill O'Reilly exposed this. They don't enforce their gun laws.
Chicago law has changed withe recent SCOTUS decision, that basically wiped out gun control. Least it did inDC, and i assume the same.

It is the sheer weight and numbers of guns in the US that allow for the black market - easily diverted to criminal activity.

But when we get to WHAT to do, and I confess there realy isn't any good answer but to continue to bleed.

I just try to stay out of the crossfire - so far so good, but i have known so many that haven't been unable to dodge this Dodge City.

Oh well , the dead don't complain..

The numbers of guns wont go anywhere tho. However the more restrictions you put on them, the fewer end up in only the law-abiding's hands. It has no affect on teh criminals. As a person who believes in obeying the law, I HAVE to obey my state's gun laws...or I will *lose my right* to own them. And yet the laws are in place to attempt to stop criminals from their activities. And gun laws dont change that :-(
The numbers of guns wont go anywhere tho. However the more restrictions you put on them, the fewer end up in only the law-abiding's hands. It has no affect on teh criminals. As a person who believes in obeying the law, I HAVE to obey my state's gun laws...or I will *lose my right* to own them. And yet the laws are in place to attempt to stop criminals from their activities. And gun laws dont change that :-(
Knowing the US history, and our love affair with guns, and the worldwide trending toward more and more arms....
all I can do is stand back and loathe then..sadly I am in full agreement with you as to this situation.
The numbers of guns wont go anywhere tho. However the more restrictions you put on them, the fewer end up in only the law-abiding's hands. It has no affect on teh criminals. As a person who believes in obeying the law, I HAVE to obey my state's gun laws...or I will *lose my right* to own them. And yet the laws are in place to attempt to stop criminals from their activities. And gun laws dont change that :-(

You can't have a gun because you killed someone vs. You can't have a gun because I'm buying your weapon at a gun show is the gap. And you can bet your money that the rich whippersnap is the one making tons of money at the gun sale on illegitimate gun sale. The Right doesn't worry about this because anytime the Right sells guns to the Left it's because they want profit Dictator style.
All Republicans want Congress to be in power and think that the American people are stupid today. Maybe I should repeat that.

What is the BS about Starbucks? They were never in favor of guns, they are very liberal. I know, I'm here and have worked with many of their corporate employees.

They CHOSE not to oppose state laws (in each state) and said they would not ask people to behave differently than those laws state...just like any other state laws. Didnt mean they liked guns. Guns are allowed in private businesses in this state. Open carry is also legal. They chose to follow state law. Their downfall was allowing the media to make a big deal out of it, when in reality, nearly ANY business in this state is in the same position.

But people open carrying to make a point over did it and Starbucks started losing money. Their customers didnt like seeing people posing with their ARs in front of the scones.

So they *asked* gun owners to stop doing that. To stop open carrying. They didnt demand it. They publicly said they and their employees would not ask people open carrying to leave. They just ASKED that their request be respected.

What's the problem? They have a right to express their opinion and make business decisions based on their main customer base.
I left my gun in the restroom have any of you seen it. It carries the tag "for guns' and not the tag "for Americans" This might become complicated
You can't have a gun because you killed someone vs. You can't have a gun because I'm buying your weapon at a gun show is the gap. And you can bet your money that the rich whippersnap is the one making tons of money at the gun sale on illegitimate gun sale. The Right doesn't worry about this because anytime the Right sells guns to the Left it's because they want profit Dictator style.

People dont buy mass amounts of guns at gun shows. And guns are not cheap at guns shows, most are people there with legitimate businesses trying to make a profit like any other business. It's cheaper to steal them or buy them on the street. People take them from their relatives and friends. Getting a gun is not the problem. Criminals and nut cases are the problem.

In this state, the mainstream gun shows dont sell guns to anyone without doing a background check....they have the computers right there. That's not new, been going on for yrs.
Really? What a crock of shit, especially from you.

Let's check; School shooters stopped by hand wringing liberal anti-gun pussys; zero.

Nope, you are wrong.

Absolutely, because of the two genders the woman is always the weakest and of the woman's body parts nothing is weaker than her vagina! So whenever I want to call someone a weakling, I just look them in the eye and scream, "PUSSY"? Brilliant! And no need to worry, after your comment here, I don't think anyone will be confusing you with a woman or accusing you of being a feminist except for some of the idiots on this board which appears to be peopled by some exceptionally confused individuals. What's most amazing to me is that most of the women here gave you a pass on this, but you won't be getting one from me! Please clean up your language and refrain from such characterizations in the future.
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Absolutely, because of the two genders the woman is always the weakest and of the woman's body parts nothing is weaker than her vagina! So whenever I want to call someone a weakling, I just look them in the eye and scream, "PUSSY"? Brilliant! And no need to worry, after your comment here, I don't think anyone will be confusing you with a woman or accusing you of being a feminist except for some of the idiots on this board which appears to be peopled by some exceptionally confused individuals. What's most amazing to me is that most of the women here gave you a pass on this, but you won't be getting one from me! Please clean up your language and refrain from such characterizations in the future.

Interesting. I told one of of my feminist friends about you and that you seemed smart, but she hadn't noticed you.
I'd have to assume that my initial impression of you is correct, yet sadly, your initial impression of me is not.

Clearly the comment I made was to a man, and the way I made it was intended to inflame. I am, however, sorry that I offended you and will certainly endeavor to refrain from such language in the future.

As to your assumption though, sorry but the colloquial use of the offending word indicates simply a weak man (in terms of emotional fortitude, not physical strength.)
Feel free to disagree and call me a liar and all the usual venting, the truth is that that was my intended use. Furthermore, I would highly refrain from calling any woman's vagina her weakest part, in my experience quite the opposite is true though maybe not in the most physical sense. A woman's vagina, used as a weapon by her, can cause more pain than a gun and be just as deadly.

By the way, the reason most of my female friends here "give me a pass" is because only one of them bothers to read anything I write in gun threads, since they are all quite liberal, like myself, and I am the one with the aberrant (from a progressive's perspective) attitude towards guns.

In closing, allow me to state that I am truly sorry I offended you; I am after all but an imperfect man, and welcome to our forum. Should you choose to stay, despite the obvious imperfections of many of our members, I am quite convinced you will come to enjoy yourself.

Oh, by the way, I am routinely referred to as she or her, etc. here, that is unlikely to change any time soon, despite your exposure of my true nature.
If you claim to be a man and appear to be a man calling you a vagina is an insult meant malign your manhood.

do you think chicks don't call each other dicks?
People dont buy mass amounts of guns at gun shows. And guns are not cheap at guns shows, most are people there with legitimate businesses trying to make a profit like any other business. It's cheaper to steal them or buy them on the street. People take them from their relatives and friends. Getting a gun is not the problem. Criminals and nut cases are the problem.

In this state, the mainstream gun shows dont sell guns to anyone without doing a background check....they have the computers right there. That's not new, been going on for yrs.

and its NOT nation wide
If you claim to be a man and appear to be a man calling you a vagina is an insult meant malign your manhood.

do you think chicks don't call each other dicks?

Sorry Desh, but I didn't call Zappa a vagina, and if you check the English language, you will find that many words, not just irreverent slang terms have multiple definitions, and it is the user of the word, not the reader who determines the user's intended meaning. I made myself very clear that vagina was not my intended definition.

I really could not care less whether you believe me or not.

You might want to look at yourself a bit, in terms of your lightning-speed judgements of others.
Perhaps I actually meant what I said, despite your bias.
Sorry Desh, but I didn't call Zappa a vagina, and if you check the English language, you will find that many words, not just irreverent slang terms have multiple definitions, and it is the user of the word, not the reader who determines the user's intended meaning. I made myself very clear that vagina was not my intended definition.

I really could not care less whether you believe me or not.

You might want to look at yourself a bit, in terms of your lightning-speed judgements of others.
Perhaps I actually meant what I said, despite your bias.

dude ease up.

Im saying I don't give a rats ass when I hear guys call each other pussies or twats or whatever.

You see just like you guys us chicks don't want to be the opposite sex.

We like our vages and twats.

we know the real power of them.

we create you all
dude ease up.

Im saying I don't give a rats ass when I hear guys call each other pussies or twats or whatever.

You see just like you guys us chicks don't want to be the opposite sex.

We like our vages and twats.

we know the real power of them.

we create you all

Thanks Desh. Sorry I mis-interpreted your comment.
I agree, a vagina is a very wonderful and powerful thing.