Lobbyist Know No Bounds: Even Infants are Fair Game

Damo, that is LAME. I know you like to do the devil's advocate thing, and sometimes that is needed, but this is a stupid comparison...

actually vegetable oils are pretty good for ya. It is the partially hydrogenated ones that are bad according to the latest rumor.
Besides these types of mistakes came from the medical esbablishemnt not the gummit.
actually vegetable oils are pretty good for ya. It is the partially hydrogenated ones that are bad according to the latest rumor.
Besides these types of mistakes came from the medical esbablishemnt not the gummit.
Yes, but the government gets their information from the mistaken entity to promote and establish an official position. The idea that the government should promote how to feed your child seems odd from a group who doesn't want them telling them how to treat their child in the womb.
Damo I just saw 3 WIC commercials on that very subject here in VA in the past week. Talking about feeding yourself right while pregnant.
Damo I just saw 3 WIC commercials on that very subject here in VA in the past week. Talking about feeding yourself right while pregnant.
I haven't seen one in a long time. Yet, can you still legally kill them and why?

BTW - The commercials mean that you don't have enough people on welfare. Get out and find them....

They promote their programs and I had a thread not too long ago about that as well.
Yes, but the government gets their information from the mistaken entity to promote and establish an official position. The idea that the government should promote how to feed your child seems odd from a group who doesn't want them telling them how to treat their child in the womb.

Jeez...have you had coffee yet today? ANOTHER pretty dumb comparison. No one is talking about the government MANDATING anything, or telling people what they HAVE to do.

It's an AWARENESS CAMPAIGN, to promote the MEDICAL FACT that breastfeeding is, in general, healthier for an infant. People can do whatever they want with that information.
I haven't seen one in a long time. Yet, can you still legally kill them and why?

BTW - The commercials mean that you don't have enough people on welfare. Get out and find them....

They promote their programs and I had a thread not too long ago about that as well.

well if you are gonna have them both programs and children you should do the best you can at it.

Jeez...have you had coffee yet today? ANOTHER pretty dumb comparison. No one is talking about the government MANDATING anything, or telling people what they HAVE to do.

It's an AWARENESS CAMPAIGN, to promote the MEDICAL FACT that breastfeeding is, in general, healthier for an infant. People can do whatever they want with that information.
You keep saying "comparison", I am not working to compare anything. It is an inclusion, not a comparison.

And two decades ago you would be saying, "It is a MEDICAL FACT that animal fats are bad, 'mmmmkay? It is the government's place to tell us all about how hydrogenated vegetable oils are better!"

It was an awareness program.

I prefer getting an awareness program from places other than the government. I prefer my medical advice from doctors who are not invested in whichever MEDICAL FACT that suddenly becomes the centerpiece of their promotions.
You're playing it loose w/ the language, then. What, exactly, are we supposed to infer from this?

"The idea that the government should promote how to feed your child seems odd from a group who doesn't want them telling them how to treat their child in the womb."

Wanting to protect a woman's right to choose AND inform that same woman that, if they have a child, breastfeeding is a healthier alternative, are not mutually exclusive positions by any stretch of the imagination, and are in fact quite compatible with each other. There is nothing "odd" about supporting both ideas.
You are being obtuse now damo.
It does not become you.
No, you are. The children are the responsibility of the parent, not of the government. The government has a proven record of promoting the wrong advice. I prefer to get advice from a source much better than that. And prefer a better system of deciding where tax dollars are spent than percentages that are on welfare.
You're playing it loose w/ the language, then. What, exactly, are we supposed to infer from this?

"The idea that the government should promote how to feed your child seems odd from a group who doesn't want them telling them how to treat their child in the womb."

Wanting to protect a woman's right to choose AND inform that same woman that, if they have a child, breastfeeding is a healthier alternative, are not mutually exclusive positions by any stretch of the imagination, and are in fact quite compatible with each other. There is nothing "odd" about supporting both ideas.
M'eh. It was an example of the "I can't see why people who think that a fetus has a right to life also support the Death Penalty!" mentality.

I really don't have much invested in this argument other than just poking... :D
No, you are. The children are the responsibility of the parent, not of the government. The government has a proven record of promoting the wrong advice. I prefer to get advice from a source much better than that. And prefer a better system of deciding where tax dollars are spent than percentages that are on welfare.

assuming you made a true statement then why does the govt have any right to tell them they cannot get an abortion ?

I knew a Republican would get this side tracked on abortion sooner or later :D

And you opened the abortion ball not me.
assuming you made a true statement then why does the govt have any right to tell them they cannot get an abortion ?

I knew a Republican would get this side tracked on abortion sooner or later :D

And you opened the abortion ball not me.
When did I say that they should? Not on this thread or any thread have I ever said that it should be illegal to get abortions.
My post:
Originally Posted by uscitizen
Damo I just saw 3 WIC commercials on that very subject here in VA in the past week. Talking about feeding yourself right while pregnant.

to which you replied...

I haven't seen one in a long time. Yet, can you still legally kill them and why?

BTW - The commercials mean that you don't have enough people on welfare. Get out and find them....

They promote their programs and I had a thread not too long ago about that as well.
My post:
Originally Posted by uscitizen
Damo I just saw 3 WIC commercials on that very subject here in VA in the past week. Talking about feeding yourself right while pregnant.

to which you replied...

And that says that I think that it should be illegal how? I asked a question, I provided no opinion. I have never, in any thread or any post suggested it should be illegal to obtain an abortion. I resent your inferring an opinion without regard to my actual expressed opinion.