Long commutes

That is average to below average for any big city on the west coast.

So, if you live in a big city, good for you.

Btw, I lived on an island and when I went to work, which wasn't often, the commute was 20 minutes. Imo, the time is not relevant, it is the traffic. I enjoyed that commute, quite scenic.
I drive 6 miles OW...takes about 6-7 minutes most days. My nephew drives 50 miles OW. Takes him about an hour.
It takes me 34 minutes to get to work. I think that's a long time.
It takes me 5 minutes. 15 if I ride my bike. :)

I do not miss commuting. I have two 7 year old used cars I paid cash for...and not a lot of cash at that...so I'm saving a ton vs commuting. I was spending well over $1,000 USD/month on car related expenses for the Misses and I. We finally got smart and bought a home close to where we both work. I also save save about 7 to 10 hours a week not stuck in rush hour traffic. That's nice too. So I'm now spending about $200/month on car related cost (mostly gas and insurance) and I don't have to deal with the stress, aggravation and time commuting. I'm so glad I got rid of the house in the country.
when i was in my 30s, there were times I was commuting 45 minutes to an hour or more, depending on traffic. Now, my home office is my commute.
when i was in my 30s, there were times I was commuting 45 minutes to an hour or more, depending on traffic. Now, my home office is my commute.
I know people who live in large metro areas like NYC, DC, Atlanta, Houston, The Bay are where they commute 2 to 4 hours per day. Most if it stuck in stop and go traffic.
It takes me 34 minutes to get to work. I think that's a long time.

That is nothing. When I lived in DC an hour fifteen each way on most week days. A good day and I could cut it to an hour. A bad day and it was closer to an hour 40 and that was 18.6 miles each way.
when i was in my 30s, there were times I was commuting 45 minutes to an hour or more, depending on traffic. Now, my home office is my commute.

I hear that. Isn't it nice, in a way? My commute was 40 minutes each way; longer when traffic was sucky. Working from home was a dream that they didn't implement till after I retired. Of course. lol

Are you able to keep yourself focused, or do you sometimes find yourself getting distracted by things you need to get done around the house?
It takes me 34 minutes to get to work. I think that's a long time.

To me, some of it depends not on the length of the commute, but on the quality and nature of the commute.

There is a big difference between sitting in bumper to bumper traffic in a concrete metropolitan jungle,
and cruising in light traffic on a scenic rural road.
40 minutes of commute time in one is not equivalent to 40 minutes in the other. One of them can actually suck the life out of your soul!

To me, some of it depends not on the length of the commute, but on the quality and nature of the commute.

There is a big difference between sitting in bumper to bumper traffic in a concrete metropolitan jungle,
and cruising in light traffic on a scenic rural road.
40 minutes of commute time in one is not equivalent to 40 minutes in the other. One of them can actually suck the life out of your soul!


That is a good point.
I work out of my "week" home, the on Friday night commute about 2 hours to my "weekend" home, commute back on Sunday night. I travel a lot to visit job sites; last year nearly 13,000 miles.