Long commutes

Most of my "commutes" range from weeks to months. You bunch of pussies!

I hear that. Isn't it nice, in a way? My commute was 40 minutes each way; longer when traffic was sucky. Working from home was a dream that they didn't implement till after I retired. Of course. lol

Are you able to keep yourself focused, or do you sometimes find yourself getting distracted by things you need to get done around the house?

so far the project that i'm on hasn't required alot of my focus, but that's changing. to be honest, I was getting bored sitting on my xbox waiting for an email to come in for something to be done.
so far the project that i'm on hasn't required alot of my focus, but that's changing. to be honest, I was getting bored sitting on my xbox waiting for an email to come in for something to be done.

I feel your pain. Well, not really. lol I did PT at-home typesetting for several years when my kids were very young, at the same time I was running an in-home daycare. It took a lot of self-discipline to stay focused and get the work done. I loved it though... nice not to have to get dressed up, drive there, drive home, spend extra $$ for gas, etc.
I'm a bad person for this discussion, as my only real commute is rolling over, and turning my laptop on to sell online. Of course traveling to ship packages might count, I don't know. I do take care of things around the house as well.