Long commutes

I have had both types of commutes, and the one on the scenic rural road is pretty painless, and even pleasant.

I enjoy commuting on my bicycle. Unfortunately in my current digs I haven’t found a safe route. Winter also has a way of diminishing a scenic drive and after you’ve driven a scenic drive a few hundred times the brain essentially stops noticing it.

So i’ll go with my five to ten minute commute and pocket the money I’d be spending on a car.
About 20 min. for me, all the while watching out for deer (I hit one a few years ago :mad:).
Yea they’re pretty Thick here in corn country too.
Lots of ducks, deer, fox, and other wonderful forest creatures...of course we're only about a mile from the woods;)
Ride the bikes everywhere....though the afternoon trips haven't been quite as pleasant with this heat....We're on a first name basis at Roll.....lol
Yea they’re pretty Thick here in corn country too.

Corn fields along the road are far more dangerous because you can't see wildlife until they're on or just off the roads, shorter crops, not as bad, but still difficult to see in the dark morning hours.
Lots of ducks, deer, fox, and other wonderful forest creatures...of course we're only about a mile from the woods;)
Ride the bikes everywhere....though the afternoon trips haven't been quite as pleasant with this heat....We're on a first name basis at Roll.....lol

I live on the far west side of Dublin and I’m only a mile from being as far out in the country as where I was raised in West Ohio. I see forest critters in our subdivision all the time. It’s a Deer hunters paradise in Western Ohio.
I live on the far west side of Dublin and I’m only a mile from being as far out in the country as where I was raised in West Ohio. I see forest critters in our subdivision all the time. It’s a Deer hunters paradise in Western Ohio.

Yeah but it's still, O H I O.
I enjoy commuting on my bicycle. Unfortunately in my current digs I haven’t found a safe route. Winter also has a way of diminishing a scenic drive and after you’ve driven a scenic drive a few hundred times the brain essentially stops noticing it.

So i’ll go with my five to ten minute commute and pocket the money I’d be spending on a car.

I hope your town gets more bike paths and bike lanes.

We don't have winter here, and I never take the scenery and relative solitude for granted. I am also a morning person, and enjoy the sunrise every day on the way to work. There is magic in a sunrise, chap!

I agree that bike is superior in virtually every way to automobile. What percentage of our lives are spent in those tin cans? Frightening to even think about! My employer started a program to pay people to bike to work, and I was tempted. But, even though I am in reasonably good shape for a dude my age, I think riding into the afternoon headwinds would give me a heart attack!
I hope your town gets more bike paths and bike lanes.

We don't have winter here, and I never take the scenery and relative solitude for granted. I am also a morning person, and enjoy the sunrise every day on the way to work. There is magic in a sunrise, chap!

I agree that bike is superior in virtually every way to automobile. What percentage of our lives are spent in those tin cans? Frightening to even think about! My employer started a program to pay people to bike to work, and I was tempted. But, even though I am in reasonably good shape for a dude my age, I think riding into the afternoon headwinds would give me a heart attack!
You’ll be fine. Just drop to a lower gear ratio and spin. I once did a two day, 215 mile bike tour that a 90 year old man completed. Half the guys in Masters racing are in their 50’s or 60’s. The important thing is to get a bike suitable for commuting. Buy it from a local bike shop and have them fit you properly. I’d suggest a steel framed touring bike with eyelets for panniers so you can carry shit and high tire clearance so you can add fenders for wet days.
I hope your town gets more bike paths and bike lanes.

We don't have winter here, and I never take the scenery and relative solitude for granted. I am also a morning person, and enjoy the sunrise every day on the way to work. There is magic in a sunrise, chap!

I agree that bike is superior in virtually every way to automobile. What percentage of our lives are spent in those tin cans? Frightening to even think about! My employer started a program to pay people to bike to work, and I was tempted. But, even though I am in reasonably good shape for a dude my age, I think riding into the afternoon headwinds would give me a heart attack!

Also, if you’re commuting over five miles I recommend a modified road bike with drop handle bars and a high spoke count wheels and 25 to 28 ml tires. I do not advise commuting in high traffic except for very short distances. To many assholes who have no compunction about killing you and apathetic police who don’t care if they kill you. If you’re not experienced and don’t know how to ride with the flow of traffic don’t do it. That’s why I stopped. My new digs don’t have a low traffic or low speed route available and no bike lanes. My previous house had safe back roads and residential roads available to get to work.

If you can find a safe route do it. Doing 5 to 10 miles in commuting will keep you reasonably fit and will do wonders for your cardiovascular fitness and keep your weight, blood pressure and blood sugar under control and increase your life expectancy and quality of life.
I enjoy commuting on my bicycle. Unfortunately in my current digs I haven’t found a safe route. Winter also has a way of diminishing a scenic drive and after you’ve driven a scenic drive a few hundred times the brain essentially stops noticing it.

So i’ll go with my five to ten minute commute and pocket the money I’d be spending on a car.

I spent a week in Amsterdam last month. Their infrastructure is set up perfectly for commuting by bike, with dedicated lanes, different pavement colors, paths, traffic signals...

Plus, and this is important, bicycles have the right of way over pedestrians.
I spent a week in Amsterdam last month. Their infrastructure is set up perfectly for commuting by bike, with dedicated lanes, different pavement colors, paths, traffic signals...

Plus, and this is important, bicycles have the right of way over pedestrians.
Yea I've seen the bicycle traffic jams of Amsterdam. It's the most bicycle friendly city in the world.
I hope your town gets more bike paths and bike lanes.

We don't have winter here, and I never take the scenery and relative solitude for granted. I am also a morning person, and enjoy the sunrise every day on the way to work. There is magic in a sunrise, chap!

I agree that bike is superior in virtually every way to automobile. What percentage of our lives are spent in those tin cans? Frightening to even think about! My employer started a program to pay people to bike to work, and I was tempted. But, even though I am in reasonably good shape for a dude my age, I think riding into the afternoon headwinds would give me a heart attack!

So, in conclusion, bicycles are not actually superior to automobiles.
So, in conclusion, bicycles are not actually superior to automobiles.

It depends on the measure. Back in the 80's my boss, then in his late 50's, used to commute with his Buick from his condo in the North End (Boston) to a parking garage one block from our office off of Boston Common, a distance of about a mile, maybe a bit more. His parking space at the condo building cost $150k and he paid $125/ week to the garage. His car ran terrible, and stunk, because it never warmed up enough to heat up the catalytic converters. Between his car insurance, car payment, repair bills, gas, maintenance, and parking costs he would have been far, far better off buying a decent $200 bicycle and commuting that way. On shitty days he could have walked or taken a cab, and rented a car when he wanted to go out of town.