Look Who's Talking Now

""John said some nasty things about me the other day, and then next time he saw me, ran over to me and apologized," Cheney said.

Who the heck stole McCain's balls? Are they being stored in a jar somewhere?

In a jar right next to his integrity. This man is pathetic.
Cheney is mocking McCain's manhood.

He says that McCain dissed him on the record, but then off the record McCain ran over to him to apologize.

That's the equivalent of saying a man is groveling to you.

LOL. I kind of like that cheney is making him look stupid. He's such a sanctimonious BS'er always going off at the mouth and rarely backing up his bark.
LOL. I kind of like that cheney is making him look stupid. He's such a sanctimonious BS'er always going off at the mouth and rarely backing up his bark.

As far as I know, McCain isn't disavowing Cheney's assertion that "McCain ran over to him" the first chance he had to apologize.

Pathetic. What a groveling weasal.
why do you beleive cheney on this? yoiu don't believe a word he says, but you believe this?????? what a surprise!
As far as I know, McCain isn't disavowing Cheney's assertion that "McCain ran over to him" the first chance he had to apologize.

Pathetic. What a groveling weasal.

More importantly I'd have expected a lot more from him over the last few years than from most republicans. He himself is a vet and he suffered at the hands of war hungry politicians gone amuck. He should have been one of the first to speak out against this war and the admin yet its taken this fool nearly 4 years to realize Rumsfeld was doing a bad job? As far as I'm concerned Cindy Sheehan, Al Franken, Michael Moore, the mouthy Dixie Chick and Susan Suranden are better suited for the presidency than this fool. No backbone, no principals, and no clue. I really hope he doesn't get nominated.
Now McCain is running around with that libcon Ahhnuld and badmouthing Bush.
Hmmm... Didn't somebody say he could never distance himself from Bush? I know it wasn't you, but do know I read it on the site. It seems like he isn't having much trouble.
Hmm I scanned the article and McCain did not seem to mention Bush by name :D
Just the Administration, could mean the real boss, Cheny.
McCain is attempting a ham handed attempt at distancing himself from Bush but not his war...

But the war is basically what is defining Bush these days.
Hmmm... Didn't somebody say he could never distance himself from Bush? I know it wasn't you, but do know I read it on the site. It seems like he isn't having much trouble.

He can try, but he's been lock and step with Bush over national security for the last 4 years. They are politically married at this point.
He can try, but he's been lock and step with Bush over national security for the last 4 years. They are politically married at this point.
I honestly don't think so. For the past 6 years all I have heard from Neo-Cons is how hacked they were at McCain. So, I don't think he will have the problem that you think he will.
Well if the neos don't like him and the libs don't like him, he is toast.
I am sure a few cons that have soured on the war don't like him either.
I honestly don't think so. For the past 6 years all I have heard from Neo-Cons is how hacked they were at McCain. So, I don't think he will have the problem that you think he will.

He'd go off at the mouth and appear to be "moderate", but at the end of the he gave bush what he wanted.
Well if the neos don't like him and the libs don't like him, he is toast.
I am sure a few cons that have soured on the war don't like him either.

That's good to know. I could live with Guiliani. I wouldn't be thrilled but he'd be a step up from Bush that's for sure.