Look Who's Talking Now

I don't fear for my life under the chimp. but then I don't live in Jersey/NYC area either.
If Gulliani were pres would that make his home area a bigger target ?
One thing we know for sure about McCain... he has supported the War all along and he has a disdain for the Occupiers in the White House... this much is true. Now as far as his political positioning... he is not doing anything different than Hillary... he is moving right as Hillary is trying to move left... once they secure the Nomination... you will see both of them move back to the center .. unfortunately this is the game of Politics.

If you have followed McCain's History.. his record speaks for itself.... he is fiscally conservative and socially liberal (except on abortion) on most issues..., he is more of a Reagan Republican and lets not forget...he was a prodigy of Goldwater.

Like most of 'em.. they will sell their soul to get the White House.
he is more of a Reagan Republican and lets not forget...he was a prodigy of Goldwater.
And that is supposed to give us comfort ?
One thing we know for sure about McCain... he has supported the War all along and he has a disdain for the Occupiers in the White House... this much is true. Now as far as his political positioning... he is not doing anything different than Hillary... he is moving right as Hillary is trying to move left... once they secure the Nomination... you will see both of them move back to the center .. unfortunately this is the game of Politics.

If you have followed McCain's History.. his record speaks for itself.... he is fiscally conservative and socially liberal (except on abortion) on most issues..., he is more of a Reagan Republican and lets not forget...he was a prodigy of Goldwater.

Like most of 'em.. they will sell their soul to get the White House.

And likewise I will not be supporting hillary in the primary.