Looks like another school shooting.....

Meanwhile, back at the thread, still haven’t seen any explanation how a fifteen year old girl acquired a handgun to kill her mates, as I’ve said, America is plagued by too many guns out there and way to easy access to too many guns
Poor anchovies......
Actually, a private Xtian school. Let's see if someone keeps this up. Sooner or later, a Congressperson's kid will get it.

Hopefully, Cruz's kids.

I just want to be the first to offer him thoughts and prayers.
It must suck to be filled with such hatred and vitriol
What's your solution?
Mental illness is a really...REALLY big problem in this country.

Address it

I have heard no one CNN or the press conference mention it

What drugs were prescribed to this kid and for how long
Same bullshit over and over again, “guns don’t kill people ………,” yeah, but Babe Ruth couldn’t have hit all those home runs without a bat

Got anything relevant?
Do u wipe your ass or does toilet paper?
Mental illness is a really...REALLY big problem in this country.

Address it

I have heard no one CNN or the press conference mention it

What drugs were prescribed to this kid and for how long
Mental illness is just one reason for shooting. and most of the mentally ill aren't killers. I agree mental illness shouldn't be stigmatized the way it is in this country, and we have to develop better methods of treatment. This girl was 15 so her parents would know what meds she was prescribed, but we don't know if she took them. We also don't know if meds or the lack of them contributed to her rampage.
I thought so. You do understand that you have presented no verifiable evidence to support such a conclusion, don't you?

Incorrect. I presented evidence but you don't like it.

There's a difference.

Do try to keep up. I know it's hard given your clear intellectual limitations.
Meanwhile, back at the thread, still haven’t seen any explanation how a fifteen year old girl acquired a handgun to kill her mates, as I’ve said, America is plagued by too many guns out there and way to easy access to too many guns

That's it in a nutshell. America has almost more guns than people. What gun enthusiasts here don't seem to understand is that no matter how good each individual thinks he or she is with their guns. guns get misappropriated ALL THE TIME. Increase the number of guns in circulation and you automatically increase the probability that a gun will be used for something bad by someone.