The remora of JPP
She wouldn't give him the V.
At some point, your "servitude" for tRump will require professional help. tRump has been a "scumbag" most of his adult life.
Given all the people who have been out to get him, to include DOJ with unlimited resources, for years, who have found nothing of importance against Trump I must conclude that Trump operates much cleaner than I thought he did.
Trump is the opposite of sloppy and unlawful.
I was wrong.
It happens.
His taxes will nail him. Mueller listed 10 incidents of obstruction. He will be exposed starting Jan. 21st. Trump always thought he was above the law. He has been in court over 2000 times.
Not enough faux gilt everywhere?
His taxes will nail him. Mueller listed 10 incidents of obstruction. He will be exposed starting Jan. 21st. Trump always thought he was above the law. He has been in court over 2000 times.
My favorite part is when tRump chewed out the Mar-A-Lago staff that had NOTHING to do with the renovation and Donny knew it. What a chickenshit bully CorruptRump is.
Trump has been getting his taxes closely looked at for most of his life, I doubt it. That does not mean that the DA wont make up some Bull Shit...charge Trump for something no one else gets charged for that lots of people do....because it is clearly OK as seen by the fact that the government never cares.
Thats the thing about TAXES....they are very complicated so it is really easy to make up a new crime for the person they are trying to get.
Anyone know if Melania's tastes are well known to be better? I hate to ask because it's unlikely Trump has any taste at all. A dog shitting on the floor would be an improvement in comparison, but felt compelled to ask.
Given all the people who have been out to get him, to include DOJ with unlimited resources, for years, who have found nothing of importance against Trump I must conclude that Trump operates much cleaner than I thought he did.
Trump is the opposite of sloppy and unlawful.
I was wrong.
It happens.
His taxes will nail him. Mueller listed 10 incidents of obstruction. He will be exposed starting Jan. 21st. Trump always thought he was above the law. He has been in court over 2000 times.
And there you have it, folks. No matter what criminal and civil charges and indictments arise against the ex-IMPOTUS, this will be the excuse made by the Cult: "Charges are fake, made up." "It's a witch hunt." "It's a nothingburger." You heard it here first! lol
Once upon a time, Hawkeye's dad won a sales award got a tour of a tRump owned building. tRump himself gave the tour and was nice to Hawks daddy. Ever since, Hawk has been 1000% pro tRump regardless of evidence to the contrary.
In other words, you are correct. Hawk's TOTAL BLIND ALLEGIANCE is exactly what tRump counts on to perpetuate lies and scams.
And there you have it, folks. No matter what criminal and civil charges and indictments arise against the ex-IMPOTUS, this will be the excuse made by the Cult: "Charges are fake, made up." "It's a witch hunt." "It's a nothingburger." You heard it here first! lol
It is nearly impossible to look and focus clearly on evidence, when one chooses to be on their knees French kissing Trump's flabby ass.
Hahahaha, that's hilarious. It doesn't take much to win the loyalty of someone so willing to be hoodwinked, does it?
Does this look like the ppl who live here have good taste?
Does this? lol
A logical person would look at #LOSER45's post-election behavior and understand that the reason he's enraged and fearful is that HE knows he's toast once he loses the protection of the office of the presidency. But then logical persons do not typically continue to support corrupt, incompetent, seditious losers.
I have said all along that he won’t. He is isolated there more than usual. His support is drying up. People are leaving for their new jobs or trying to find new jobs. When he’s at Mar a lago he is surrounded by friends and can play golf.Any bets he never returns to the White House? Probably not even Washington DC unless compelled to testify after Pence pardons him.
Any bets he never returns to the White House? Probably not even Washington DC unless compelled to testify after Pence pardons him.