Low IQ on display

How am I supposed to know? But we have 50-yr-old trains transporting toxic materials on 100-yr-old tracks. How often are tracks inspected and maintained? We can start there.

Tracks are inspected and serviced annually using a continuous inspection schedule by most railroads. Switching equipment is maintained on a continuous basis by either a switchman or a yard operator. Signaling equipment is checked as each train passes them and otherwise continuously maintained as needed. Rolling stock is checked in the yard as each train is assembled.

Notable exceptions are rapid transit systems run by the government.
Maybe you don't live in the Northeast. The tracks here are terrible.

Soil heave does a lot of damage to tracks in the Northeast. They require more reballasting them usual because of it.

If you want to bitch about your weather there, move elsewhere.
Regulations don't prevent accidents.

To say that is a misconception of the truth! That is like saying Traffic Lights do not prevent accidents!

The truth is, regulations don't always prevent accidents. The truth is, regulations do prevent some accidents.

If you could only envision a traffic light as a regulatory entity, you would understand.

I would hate to think about a world with out traffic lights.

Laws do not prevent crime! Are you sure you want to do away with the law of the land?

Regulations and laws are put in place to deter, mitigate, or lesson the occurrence or impact of things that are already predetermined to be inevitable!
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To say that is a misconception of the truth!
Nonsense statement. Try English. It works better.
That is like saying Traffic Lights do not prevent accidents!
They don't.
The truth is, regulations don't always prevent accidents. The truth is, regulations do prevent some accidents.
Nope. They don't.
If you could only envision a traffic light as a regulatory entity, you would understand.
Traffic lights do not prevent accidents.
I would hate to think about a world with out traffic lights.
Are you fascinated by those little colored lights flashing?? :rofl2:
Laws do not prevent crime! Are you sure you want to do away with the law of the land?
Pivot fallacy. Extreme argument fallacy.
Regulations and laws are put in place to deter, mitigate, or lesson the occurrence or impact of things that are already predetermined to be inevitable!
Regulations do not prevent accidents.
Nonsense statement. Try English. It works better.

They don't.

Nope. They don't.

Traffic lights do not prevent accidents.

Are you fascinated by those little colored lights flashing?? :rofl2:

Pivot fallacy. Extreme argument fallacy.

Regulations do not prevent accidents.

Bother someone else with your stupidity please!

And Thank You in advance!
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Here's the thing: the chemical lobby got the Obama admin. to go lax on the laws regarding shipping toxic stuff. The rail lobby got the Trump admin. to go lax on the laws regarding upgrading the rail brakes system. The Biden admin. has done essentially nothing to change the aforementioned. It took 10 days for the local senator and for Secty of Transportation Buttigieg to react.

And the losers are the citizenry. And the band played on.

Here's the real thing. Obama set brake requirements for rail cars. The railroads had a few years to install brakes on every train car. He also had the chemicals that crashed as hazardous and requiring special care. Trump rescinded both. The real culprit, besides Trump, is the railroads who fight like crazy to eliminate regulations.
to end safety regulations,.

Both of us are correct.
Both of us are correct.

Fucking power brakes wouldn't have stopped this derailment!
From what I've read, it was a seized wheel bearing, No type
of breaking system, no matter how modern, could have
prevented a seized wheel bearing.
Fucking power brakes wouldn't have stopped this derailment!
From what I've read, it was a seized wheel bearing, No type
of breaking system, no matter how modern, could have
prevented a seized wheel bearing.

This was still a problem that could have been solved, assuming that is true. They have heat sensors that will signify if an overheating problem is occurring. It will tell the few workers that they have a problem exists. The train was also overloaded and had way too many cars. Increasing profits to the max means fighting regulations., and crossing the lines. The railroad will install as few sensors as they can get away with. They will have the minimum number of workers.
Here's the thing: the chemical lobby got the Obama admin. to go lax on the laws regarding shipping toxic stuff. The rail lobby got the Trump admin. to go lax on the laws regarding upgrading the rail brakes system. The Biden admin. has done essentially nothing to change the aforementioned. It took 10 days for the local senator and for Secty of Transportation Buttigieg to react.

And the losers are the citizenry. And the band played on.
The lobbyists threaten any politician voting for the regs by backing their opponents and donating to them.
Obama's people fought the railroad lobbyists to install safety regs. They had to deal. That is how American politics work. His regs were scheduled to start in 2025. Trump killed them. Safety costs profits.
The lobbyists threaten any politician voting for the regs by backing their opponents and donating to them.
Obama's people fought the railroad lobbyists to install safety regs. They had to deal. That is how American politics work. His regs were scheduled to start in 2025. Trump killed them. Safety costs profits.
So the politicians, whom We, the People, elected, turn out to be spineless weasels who give into money instead of standing by their convictions?

Is that their fault or ours? The Frog and the Scorpion story springs to mind.

Every election I get shit upon by the JPP Democratic and Republican Party voters for voting Third Party instead of voting for one of the two major parties. They are usually the same people who later bitch about how fucked up our politicians have become.


Fucking power brakes wouldn't have stopped this derailment!
From what I've read, it was a seized wheel bearing, No type
of breaking system, no matter how modern, could have
prevented a seized wheel bearing.
Disagreed on prevention. There's inspection, investment in better materials, more frequent replacement, etc. The problem is that most of those things cost more money and corporations are all about profit.

In this case, who is really paying here besides the citizens of East Palestine? Aren't the railroads insured?
That made no sense. Regulations are the people's defense against corporate greed. they will risk our lives for profit and not lose a minute's sleep. Regulations are your friends. The wealthy and corporations are not. You hate the wrong people.
Self-Serving Politics Make People Feel Like Ping-Pong Balls

The Donkephant goes from one extreme to the other on regulations. Wendy Gramm, a senator's wife on the board of Enron, whined about regulations and I backed her up by telling her some of the bossy, intrusive, and unnecessary regulations in my own business. It turned out she was wrong and my complaints were justified, so it's hard to judge which side to take.
Are we under attack?' Trump Jr. loses it over train derailments

Donald Trump Jr. on Friday suggested that the United States might be under attack because of recent train derailments in Ohio and Michigan.

"Are we under attack?" Trump Jr. posted on Twitter. "Does anyone believe you can have all of these major train derailments, all with severe environmental consequences, and it’s just total coincidence?"

Trump Jr. has also claimed that the Biden administration is ignoring the derailments because it has impacted predominantly white communities.


And, what was your position on attacks on the electrical grid where substations were shot up?