Lte's Have Universal Health Care

If you all want single-payer universal government healthcare, just vote for Douchebag Donald.

I never heard that he was in favor of universal health care. Like most if not all of the other developed countries have. But if he is, that is indeed another reason to vote for him.
What "nonsense" is that?

What solutions are you proposing?

Why has it taken more than 235 years to formulate and implement these supposedly successful solutions? Does trickle down have to work first?

I've proposed an easy solution to the healthcare coverage issue. I'll provide mine and all those that think someone without coverage should have it can provide their own and all those they choose to personally pay for.

That took about 30 seconds to type. If it's not successful, the failure can be attributed to all those that say someone else deserves something but are unwilling to do something about it with their own money.

I've proposed an easy solution to the healthcare coverage issue. I'll provide mine and all those that think someone without coverage should have it can provide their own and all those they choose to personally pay for.

That took about 30 seconds to type. If it's not successful, the failure can be attributed to all those that say someone else deserves something but are unwilling to do something about it with their own money.


I find it totally baffling that a rich country like the USA cannot provide universal healthcare even now yet an emerging economy like Thailand has had one for many years.
When I was around 8 years old, I used to ride my bike around most days for miles going from bar to bar to shine shoes. Also, Michigan wasn't well known for having employment. I went to Indaina on a couple occasions to work. I also did so in Texas a couple of times. I went to Virginia once to work. But ended up selling myself onto slavery in the navy. On another occasion I went to Florida to work. Where I got hit by a car and was nearly killed. Then I received the added bonus of getting screwed by the insurance company of the person who caused the accident. So eat shit and die, queerbait.

So you can't hold a steady job?
I find it totally baffling that a rich country like the USA cannot provide universal healthcare even now yet an emerging economy like Thailand has had one for many years.

What's baffling is how those who claim they care for others think taxing someone else to pay for it is considered compassionate on their part. To do what the self proclaimed compassionate people say needs to be done only involves them doing it with their money. Why can't they do that and prove their compassion?
If you mean that I won't accept exploitation on a steady basis, then the answer is no.

So you want the employer to let you make the decisions? Not how it works. That's why I don't have a problem with those like you doing without including healthcare coverage. You won't be an adult and earn your own way then expect those of us that are to offset the costs for you.
Americans have a belief that, alone among the nations in the world, they are specifically incompetent and incapable of making universal healthcare work.

Those of us intelligent enough to know better realize that such a worthless system can't work.
Americans have a belief that, alone among the nations in the world, they are specifically incompetent and incapable of making universal healthcare work.

That does puzzle me as well, it seems to me that many of the social problems in the US could be averted if there was true UHC.
That does puzzle me as well, it seems to me that many of the social problems in the US could be averted if there was true UHC.

One of the biggest problem here is that too many think it's the government's job to do for them what they should be doing for themselves. The social problems we have here get worse because the entitlement minded freeloaders living here think that if they want something they haven't earned the government should make someone else provide it for them.