Lte's Have Universal Health Care

You must be one of those freeloaders that think it's the government's job to provide for you and take care of you.

Any decent country would want all their citizens to be healthy and not be a burden. How many drug addicts kill for a fix when they could be put into drug rehabilitation schemes. How many mentally ill walk the streets without proper medication?
Any decent country would want all their citizens to be healthy and not be a burden. How many drug addicts kill for a fix when they could be put into drug rehabilitation schemes. How many mentally ill walk the streets without proper medication?

Any decent individual would provide to him/herself what they should be providing. It's not the responsibility of one group to provide another group with something the group that doesn't have it won't do for themselves.

Decent people, when they say another person deserves something they don't have, provide it to those persons with their own money. People like you promote the concept that if you think those without should have what they don't have, it's OK to get the government to force someone else to fund it when all that needs to happen if you believe it should occur is to provide it.

If you believe someone should have something he/she doesn't have, why don't you simply provide it to them yourself instead of using the government to force someone else to pay for it?
So you want the employer to let you make the decisions? Not how it works. That's why I don't have a problem with those like you doing without including healthcare coverage. You won't be an adult and earn your own way then expect those of us that are to offset the costs for you.

I have worked at plenty of places. Where I was exploited. I chose not to remain exploited. That's how THAT works.
You must be one of those freeloaders that think it's the government's job to provide for you and take care of you.

Taking care of people IS the government's job. It isn't shaking babies and kissing hands. For a society to function, it requires sharing. That doesn't mean that some shouldn't be allowed to have more than others. Is anarchy really what you prefer? It may work well in cockroach society. Even if it does often involve eating cockroach children. But it wouldn't work in a more structured society such as can be found among bees, ants and termites.
Any decent country would want all their citizens to be healthy and not be a burden. How many drug addicts kill for a fix when they could be put into drug rehabilitation schemes. How many mentally ill walk the streets without proper medication?

The problem of CFM (along with many others) is that whatever happens doesn't really matter. As long as it happens to someone else.
Taking care of people IS the government's job. It isn't shaking babies and kissing hands. For a society to function, it requires sharing. That doesn't mean that some shouldn't be allowed to have more than others. Is anarchy really what you prefer? It may work well in cockroach society. Even if it does often involve eating cockroach children. But it wouldn't work in a more structured society such as can be found among bees, ants and termites.

Sharing is a willful act by the giver not a mandate from the taker. For a society to function, EVERYONE must contribute. When you think the government should take care of people, those being taken care of aren't contributing.
The problem of CFM (along with many others) is that whatever happens doesn't really matter. As long as it happens to someone else.

The problem with people like you is that when things happen to people as a result of their own bad choice, you want people like me and others to pay the price of those bad choice without holding the one making them accountable.