Lying Joe Biden & the Dems to eliminate fossil fuels making America Energy Dependent

It doesn't make sense.

It's all dissonance...he says that it was Democrats who attacked the Capitol to frame Trump, but why would they frame Trump when all they had to do was certify Biden's win?

He's just a troll. All he posts is propaganda. He's our little "Tokyo Rose" :)
It doesn't make sense.

It's all dissonance...he says that it was Democrats who attacked the Capitol to frame Trump, but why would they frame Trump when all they had to do was certify Biden's win?

Argument of the Stone fallacy.
There was no election in 2020. Congress does not certify any elector. Biden didn't win.
Energy security is national security, because the opposite of energy independence is energy dependence, as we saw in the lead-up to and early days of Russia's war on Ukraine.

During the 2020 campaign, Biden earnestly pledged, "I want you to look at my eyes. I guarantee you, I guarantee you, we're going to end fossil fuel." He has worked to make good on that promise. His policies have driven the price of gas and electricity through the roof, threatening the lifeblood of our economy and our security.

The main sources of energy didn't change all that much from the days of Jesus's disciples to Our American Founders with the main sources of energy were wind, water, fire, and muscle. Then came coal, next came oil and gas, and finally nuclear power. The Industrial Revolution which in of itself made America the most powerful nation on earth, and that Revolution was sparked by fossil fuels which has yielded economic abundance unparalleled in human history.

Joe Biden and Obama promised that if somebody wants to build a coal-fired power plant, they can. It's just that it will bankrupt them. Obama also admitted that under his plan, "electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket." Hillary pledged that "we're going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business." Bernie Sanders and AOC want to ban hydraulic fracturing, the technology that enabled the U.S. to become the world's top oil and gas producer over the past 2 decades. They also propose a "Green New Deal" to eliminate fossil fuels and nuclear power entirely in the next decade. Joe's cancellation of the Keystone pipeline helped make him America's worst president and unfortunately helped to make America fully energy dependent.

These scum bags want you to rely on windmills and solar electricity energy so your power is always going out and in winter you die to suit their sick agenda under guise of saving the environment yet only 3% of the planet's surface area is occupied by humans and they can't even prove that we raise the temperature 0.000001 degree because all they do it lie. Electric cars will be useless. Germany is opening their coal mines back up which is proof of WEF climate change lies and their green energy death trap as miserable failures. Your own officials want the green energy death trap as they keep borders open to replace you as you die. Also as you lose jobs (shutting down energy sector means many can't pay rent or mortgage) and are replaced by illegal invaders and this is what your own officials want under guise of illegals have the right to seek asylum.
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Government can default on its debt, but it can't go bankrupt so long as it can print its own currency.

You know what does go bankrupt? Oil and natural gas companies whenever there is a price war.

Someone, whose initials are LV426, cannot seem to learn from history. Look up the demise of the Weimar Republic and tell me that "just printing money" is a solution to anything. If you don't simply apologize for this stupidity afterward, then you are either incapable of learning and/or simply lying to yourself.
Argument of the Stone fallacy.
There was no election in 2020. Congress does not certify any elector. Biden didn't win.

Look, if you're going to avoid all accountability and questions, then why are you responding to my posts?

Is it because you just want to distract from the fact that you don't believe in anything and everyone now knows it?
Someone, whose initials are LV426, cannot seem to learn from history.

Teach me history, then, oh dumb one.

Look up the demise of the Weimar Republic and tell me that "just printing money" is a solution to anything.

The Weimar Republic stood until 1933 when Hitler and the Nazi Party took control, which had nothing to do with "just printing money". It wasn't "printing money" that got the Nazis elected so they could dismantle the democratic institutions that were an intrinsic part of Weimar Germany.

You're such a fucking piece of shit that you try to scold me for not knowing history, belying the fact that you are the one who doesn't know shit about history.

Look up the demise of the Weimar Republic and tell me that "just printing money" is a solution to anything.

So when you look up the demise of the Weimer Republic, you learn that its demise is linked not to "printing money" in the early 1920's, but rather a fascist movement that used racial grievance and xenophobia to attain the requisite power to dismantle the democratic institutions within the Weimer Republic, after first attempting a coup to establish that order. SOUNDS REALLY FUCKING FAMILIAR, DOESN'T IT?

Remind me, which one of us is letting Nazis run amok on JPP and providing them with cover by doing things like messing with the search function so we can't bring back all the stupid shit you Nazi pals have been saying here?

Oh right, you.

You're so fucking stupid you didn't even know that.

You cannot make the connection between "printing money" and the Nazis taking over, because "printing money" had nothing to do with the Nazis taking over.

YOU CANNOT SEEM TO LEARN FROM HISTORY and the reason is because you're ultimately a know-nothing dipshit on a power trip.
Teach me history, then, oh dumb one.
He already did. RQAA.
The Weimar Republic stood until 1933 when Hitler and the Nazi Party took control, which had nothing to do with "just printing money".
No. Discard of history. You are completely ignoring the hyperinflation in Germany (and it's cause).
It wasn't "printing money" that got the Nazis elected so they could dismantle the democratic institutions that were an intrinsic part of Weimar Germany.
Germany wasn't a democracy during any of this time. The Weinmar 'republic' was an oligarchy. It had a 'constitution', but it was amendable by the government, rendering it more of a guideline. It was not a constitution.
Germany fell from this into dictatorship.

The hyperinflation of the Weinmar 'republic' that you seem to say never happened was directly caused by printing fiat money faster than wealth being created due to capitalism. The government was broke, and tried to print it's way out of it's problem. The result caused the Mark to collapse. They weren't worth the paper they were printed on. The heavy costs of waging WW1 was laid on Germany, via the Versailles treaty, and there simply was no way to pay it.

The collapsed economy in Germany and the disaster of the Versailles treaty caused the rise of the NAZI party, the collapse into dictatorship, and WW2.

You're such a fucking piece of shit that you try to scold me for not knowing history,
You don't know history. Consider this another contribution to teach you what you do not know.
belying the fact that you are the one who doesn't know shit about history.
Inversion fallacy. Buzzword fallacy. Learn what 'fact' means.
So when you look up the demise of the Weimer Republic, you learn that its demise is linked not to "printing money" in the early 1920's,
It is the CAUSE of the demise of the Weimer 'Republic'.
but rather a fascist movement that used racial grievance and xenophobia to attain the requisite power to dismantle the democratic institutions within the Weimer Republic,
It was an oligarchy, not a democracy.
after first attempting a coup to establish that order. SOUNDS REALLY FUCKING FAMILIAR, DOESN'T IT?
Yup. Just like the Democrat coup that took place in 2020 when Joe Biden was installed as Chief Puppet.