Lying Joe Biden & the Dems to eliminate fossil fuels making America Energy Dependent

Not necessarily.

Since nationalization would remove the US from the global oil market, the US can set the price of gas itself because it controls its own supply of oil.

The US is currently a net exporter of oil and natural gas combined:

Since 2018, however, the United States has been the largest producer of oil and gas in the world and a net exporter

So if we held back all domestically-extracted natural gas and oil, we'd end up with more than we need.

Let's Secede and Put an Oil Embargo on the Blue-State Union
I mean, my dude, you're describing how capitalist oil companies operate today.

One thing I love about Conservatives is that whenever the "free market" does something they don't want it to do, they blame socialism.

It's not socialism that is causing oil companies to cut production, it's capitalism that does that because when oil production is cut, the price goes up. When oil production is increased, the price goes down.

Now what company on earth would deliberately lower their own profits?


Not only that, but western oil companies created OPEC so they could piggy-back on the Muzzies' jihadist price-gouging and blame foreigners for it.
The government setting the price results in reduced supply. Competition is lost in a regulated market. We became the largest producer through capitalism, not government control. I don't think we can remove ourselves from the global oil market.

Mooin' MENSA

The petrocrats became rich because of their fully-owned petroleum scientists. High IQs create all the excess wealth of the plutocracy. But they are intentionally turned into nerdy wimps from childhood on, so they slavishly submit to becoming Cash Cows for Corporate Cowboys.

It's just simple supply & demand...the more oil you extract, the less valuable it is unless there are compensatory cuts elsewhere that balance out the production increases.

Every single oil producer will only produce the exact amount of oil necessary to achieve the highest possible profit, no more no less.

That runs in direct conflict with the needs of consumers, who need cheap and abundant oil...but "cheap" and "abundant" run counter to the profit margin of oil companies, who seek expensive and scarce amounts of oil in the global market in order to drive the price up.

Not only that, but western oil companies created OPEC so they could piggy-back on the Muzzies' jihadist price-gouging and blame foreigners for it.

Well I'm not so sure about that because western oil companies are in constant conflict with OPEC, with a price war happening just 7 years ago.
So you think the problem is the competency of specifically Venezuelans; so how come they had no problem competently pumping oil for a decade before these problems started?

Sounds to me like you're looking for an easy answer because you're a lazy motherfucker. Of course, VZ had no issue pumping oil for a decade; Flash just wants to be a little bit racist here by implying Latinx people can't do things competently like his Nazi pals can:

The Keystone pipeline leaked in Kansas. What makes this spill so bad?

Five of the oil and gas industry’s biggest scandals

World’s Largest Oil Traders Caught In Global Corruption Scandal


What were you saying about corruption and incompetence?

Inferior People Have a Desperate Need to Believe in Equality.
Mooin' MENSA

The petrocrats became rich because of their fully-owned petroleum scientists. High IQs create all the excess wealth of the plutocracy. But they are intentionally turned into nerdy wimps from childhood on, so they slavishly submit to becoming Cash Cows for Corporate Cowboys.

The problem with what Flash wrote is that he doesn't understand what "competition" means in this context.

Competition in the context of oil production means profits, nothing else.

So when he's talking about "competition", what he's really talking about are oil companies competing with each other for profit.

He wants you to think that "competition" is somehow fostering innovation, even though he can't articulate what that innovation actually is.

And then he tries to take public ownership of private oil production ("We became the largest producer through capitalism"), as if We The People had any say in what an oil company produces...while attacking me for proposing the exact same thing.
Implying corruption.

The thing I really love about you, Flash, is just how oblivious you are to everything that doesn't fit within your myopia:

Oil company on trial in $1.1bn corruption case given access to top EU officials to lobby for gas

World’s Largest Oil Traders Caught In Global Corruption Scandal

Oil industry rocked by global corruption scandals

Exxon contractors linked to biggest corruption scandals in oil industry

Boy, it sure seems that private corporations are the corrupt ones here...whereas Flash can only imagine hypothetical corruption by the state.

I love how Flash thinks all government-run things are corrupt, and all private run things are not but every example of corruption is an oil company paying a bribe to a government official, not the other way around.

The Entire Left and the Entire Right Are the Mortal Enemies of Populism
Venezuela's population is Latinx, and the implication you made was that they were incompetent because they are Latinx, which is why you didn't reserve the same harsh judgment for TX, ND, or OK, who experienced the same price war VZ did.

Like I said, those states were bailed out, but you never once called them incompetent.

No, you reserved that word specifically for those people.

That's why you're a racist piece of shit.

The Race Card Is a Joker. Losers Play It to Make Themselves Feel Like Winners
Venezuela has a majority white population you idiot.

Political incompetence is not limited to any race or ethnic group. Venezuela was a leader in OPEC but having a nationalized oil industry didn't help it any.

Defending the Venezuelan oil industry is a losing battle (which is why you tried to use race, as usual).

What Now Rules the World Ruins the World

The rulers with Spanish blood are decadent, lazy, and spoiled HeirHeads. They have the attitude that productive work is uncouth; it makes them feel like peasants. So, like our Preppies, they are economically useless. That solves the paradox of a predominantly White country being so backward. The lower-class Whites in Latin America are wannabe Preppies. English-speaking America is becoming the same way.
False equivalency.

The U. S. was not incapable of producing like Venezuela was. It came back and became the world's leading producer of oil and gas. Venezuela has to bring in those evil capitalists to help it produce.

Inventor Supremacy Must Replace Investor Supremacy

Capitalists don't produce anything. Their High-IQ slaves created all oil production. Class-biased indentured-servitude education, nerd-bashing, and corporate patents severely reduce the motivation for those with superior ability to undergo the humiliation required by the ruling parasites to develop their talents. That accounts for the slow progress in the oil industry and dependency on a stagnant market.
Competition exists, dude, whether I want it or not.

When Bullies Beat Brains, the Whole Society Will Decline and Fall

Any corporation that paid the smartest high school students a high salary and paid their tuition would soon dominate its industry. It would be like an NFL team getting the whole first round of draft choices. This isn't done, because they are economic bullies and only know how to manage a business through humiliating their employees. So much for their egotistic bragging about "success comes to the best." Of course they do offer a high allowance and paid-up tuition to their children, who become inferior people in superior positions, the other secret cancer of this economic system. We're not allowed to diagnose either terminal disease.
We are all liberals, and we are all libertarian, and even conservative to degrees. The problem is there are no two of us alike and there is always someone who uses the system against everybody else. That is why we use a majority rule system in America. SO YOU BETTER GET USED TO IT INSTEAD OF TRYING TO CHANGE IT! It's called democracy.

If we were not liberals, we would all still be a colony of England and the Union Jack would be flying high everywhere today.

Your confusion over what constitutes a modern day liberal, or modern day liberalism with that of one being a Classical liberal, or one who believes in Classical liberalism is well noted.
Your confusion over what constitutes a modern day liberal, or modern day liberalism with that of one being a Classical liberal, or one who believes in Classical liberalism is well noted.

"Classical Liberal" is just a fancy way of saying fascist.
Two Countries: Great America and Ingrate America

Little Mamas' Boy, sucking their thumbs in college and looking up to their professors as infallible father-figures, never grow up. That's what turns their kids into homosexuals.

Unlike Christianity, homosexuality isn't a choice and isn't something you "turn into".

It's something you are that you either embrace or deny.
"Classical Liberal" is just a fancy way of saying fascist.

LOL! LOL! So you're saying that our Founders who were all Classical Liberals are now to be addressed as being fascists? Got it!
A classical Liberal would be best defined today as being a Conservative, and or as we pro American Republicans.
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LOL! LOL! So you're saying that our Founders who were all Classical Liberals are now to be addressed as being fascists?

Well most of them were slave owners who denied representation to women and Black people, so yes...fascism is as fascism does.