Lying Joe Biden & the Dems to eliminate fossil fuels making America Energy Dependent

No, you're not debating because you don't act in good faith.

The reason you don't act in good faith is because you are insincere and don't believe in anything.

You are a perfect example of what Conservatism does to people; it turns them into cowards.

You are not debating. You are saying nothing.

So standing up for the Constitution, and starting and running your own business is the act of a coward, eh? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Not a belief. It is your paradox. You cannot argue both sides of a paradox.

Right, not a belief because you have just post because you want the attention.

That's why you ultimately don't say anything in your responses, just excuses for why you won't respond.

So many excuses...
Yes they are.

Is the reason you think links aren't proof because you can't find any that back you up? LOL.

False authority fallacy. Holy Links are not a proof. You are still locked in your paradox. You are being irrational. You must clear your paradox.
Right, not a belief because you have just post because you want the attention.

That's why you ultimately don't say anything in your responses, just excuses for why you won't respond.

So many excuses...

Psychoquackery. That won't clear your paradox.
You are not debating. You are saying nothing.

You can't rely on your tricks anymore because I know you're an insincere turd.

So because you can't rely on those excuses, you just ape what I do because of how effective it is against you.

Imitation is one of the highest forms of flattery.
You can't rely on your tricks anymore because I know you're an insincere turd.

So because you can't rely on those excuses, you just ape what I do because of how effective it is against you.

Imitation is one of the highest forms of flattery.

....and now you return to just throwing insults again. Loser. You can't clear your paradox by insulting people.
That had nothing to do with ambiguous political corruption you still can't prove or even identify.

If the Venezuelan oil industry could produce so great they wouldn't need to bring in Chevron and other foreign oil companies to help them. It is because political corruption ran off the experienced workers and replaced them with political supporters.

Why can't they produce now if they were so good in 2015?
So once again, we have an instance of me providing you with empirical data that you ignore because you want to be a racist prick.

Drop in production =/= incapacity unless you want to say the same thing about TX, OK, ND which you don't because you want to be racist instead.

I' racist against other white people? Venezuelans are not a race and neither are Hispanics. They are Caucasian.

Using the RACE CARD is a lazy substitute for debate.

If the Venezuelans were capable of producing oil in 2015, why don't they continue that with increased production today? Because they can't so they are bringing in foreign companies.

You think they are capable of producing oil and gas but can't even feed their own people causing 7 million to flee the country. You just can't stand to admit Venezuela is a failed experiment in socialism.
I' racist against other white people? Venezuelans are not a race and neither are Hispanics. They are Caucasian.

Using the RACE CARD is a lazy substitute for debate.

If the Venezuelans were capable of producing oil in 2015, why don't they continue that with increased production today? Because they can't so they are bringing in foreign companies.

You think they are capable of producing oil and gas but can't even feed their own people causing 7 million to flee the country. You just can't stand to admit Venezuela is a failed experiment in socialism.
I don’t believe they were ever truly Socialist and I think corruption was the prime element for Venezuela’s failure.
I don’t believe they were ever truly Socialist and I think corruption was the prime element for Venezuela’s failure.

I agree. Only the oil industry was socialized and it can no longer produce without foreign help. The rest of the government is just criminal chaos.

It used to be one of the successful democracies in Latin America until the oil wealth resulted in corruption and President Perez was impeached and imprisoned followed by Chavez and his rule by decree and taking away civil liberties.
If the Venezuelan oil industry could produce so great they wouldn't need to bring in Chevron and other foreign oil companies to help them.

Because they cut spending when they were required to do so in order to get the emergency loans.

Prior to 2016 and for the first three years of Maduro, VZ's oil production was just fine.

So they have the capacity to do it, having done it for decades before the price war.

You ignore the data because you want to be racist.
It is because political corruption ran off the experienced workers and replaced them with political supporters.

I thought you said it was incompetency, now you're saying it's corruption? Make up your mind.

If what you are saying is true, then there would have been a gradual decline in VZ's oil production that began when Maduro took over (2013)...but if you look at the chart and data, like I've been asking you to do for a dozen posts now, you see that following Maduro's election, oil production in VZ increased.

So nothing you are saying is true or supported by the data, and in fact, it appears that the people Maduro replaced the other workers with did an even better job since oil production went up after Maduro took over.

History. Data. Facts...three things all missing from your argument.
I' racist against other white people? Venezuelans are not a race and neither are Hispanics. They are Caucasian.

They are Latinx, and you are a fucking racist.

Using the RACE CARD is a lazy substitute for debate

So then why did you do it?

Because you called the people of VZ "incompetent" because their oil production dropped off, but you don't call the people of TX, OK, and ND incompetent for doing the exact same thing at the exact same time.

You're just a fucking racist piece of shit, but I've always known that.
If the Venezuelans were capable of producing oil in 2015, why don't they continue that with increased production today?

Because they cut spending and the spending they cut was around oil production since oil production is what caused this mess in the first fucking place.

They did exactly what you wanted them to do conditionally to get the loans.

So once again, you are complaining about a problem for which you are either the cause of and/or the obstacle to solving.

Every. Fucking. Time.

You think they are capable of producing oil and gas but can't even feed their own people causing 7 million to flee the country.

Back in 2015, they were able to do that...but then the price of oil dropped, and so did their tax revenues, which caused deficits that had to be closed by spending cuts in order to get the emergency loans.

And if you want to talk about not being able to feed people, look no fu5ther than the state of Texas, where 3.5M kids are on some kind of meal voucher program. That's in Texas can't even feed their own people without federal subsidies like food stamps and free school lunches.

But do you call them incompetent? Nope, because you're a racist piece of I've been saying this whole time.
I don’t believe they were ever truly Socialist and I think corruption was the prime element for Venezuela’s failure.


Look at the chart...for years, VZ's oil production was just fine.

In fact, after Maduro was elected, their production INCREASED: averaged 2265.65 BBL/D/1K,1K in July of 2020.

So it wasn't corruption that brought VZ's oil production down, it was the price war that was being waged between OPEC and US Shale.

The data does not suggest corruption unless you want to accuse TX, ND, and OK of that same corruption since those three states also cut their production in 2015-16, at the same time VZ did.
It used to be one of the successful democracies in Latin America until the oil wealth resulted in corruption

Wait a second...are you now saying that wealth leads to corruption????

So then...wouldn't that mean that the wealthy people in the US, who you don't think should pay taxes, are corrupt themselves because of their wealth?

Or is that something you only reserve for Brown people because you're a racist?
It used to be one of the successful democracies in Latin America until the oil wealth resulted in corruption

But you can't define what that corruption is or what it even looks like.

You would also need to say the specific date that VZ was "corrupted" by "oil wealth" given this...and given that Maduro was elected in 2013:


So which year was it that they magically became "corrupted"? Because the chart there seems to indicate that they never reached that point, since the dropoff in 2016 is what all oil producers experienced.

I really don't understand how you can make such a stupid argument given the easily-accessible data.