Lying Joe Biden & the Dems to eliminate fossil fuels making America Energy Dependent

Energy security is national security, because the opposite of energy independence is energy dependence, as we saw in the lead-up to and early days of Russia's war on Ukraine.

During the 2020 campaign, Biden earnestly pledged, "I want you to look at my eyes. I guarantee you, I guarantee you, we're going to end fossil fuel." He has worked to make good on that promise. His policies have driven the price of gas and electricity through the roof, threatening the lifeblood of our economy and our security.

The main sources of energy didn't change all that much from the days of Jesus's disciples to Our American Founders with the main sources of energy were wind, water, fire, and muscle. Then came coal, next came oil and gas, and finally nuclear power. The Industrial Revolution which in of itself made America the most powerful nation on earth, and that Revolution was sparked by fossil fuels which has yielded economic abundance unparalleled in human history.

Joe Biden and Obama promised that if somebody wants to build a coal-fired power plant, they can. It's just that it will bankrupt them. Obama also admitted that under his plan, "electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket." Hillary pledged that "we're going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business." Bernie Sanders and AOC want to ban hydraulic fracturing, the technology that enabled the U.S. to become the world's top oil and gas producer over the past 2 decades. They also propose a "Green New Deal" to eliminate fossil fuels and nuclear power entirely in the next decade. Joe's cancellation of the Keystone pipeline helped make him America's worst president and unfortunately helped to make America fully energy dependent.

Didn't read past the point of seeing LIBHATER!

Sorry! But the only thing to hate is hate itself!

Hate begets hate! And that's in the bible!

So go to hell- AND DON'T PASS GO!

Thanks in advance!
But you can't define what that corruption is or what it even looks like.

You would also need to say the specific date that VZ was "corrupted" by "oil wealth" given this...and given that Maduro was elected in 2013:

So which year was it that they magically became "corrupted"? Because the chart there seems to indicate that they never reached that point, since the dropoff in 2016 is what all oil producers experienced.

I really don't understand how you can make such a stupid argument given the easily-accessible data.

Venezuela ranks 177/180 nations for the worst corruption.

Here is some help with your research. You could probably have answered these questions with a little work:

Wait a second...are you now saying that wealth leads to corruption????

So then...wouldn't that mean that the wealthy people in the US, who you don't think should pay taxes, are corrupt themselves because of their wealth?

Or is that something you only reserve for Brown people because you're a racist?

Simplistic crap based on no facts or anything I actually said.
Venezuela ranks 177/180 nations for the worst corruption.

OK, but that doesn't explain the sudden drop in oil production in 2016 that all oil producers experienced.

Explain the chart, Flash.

Maduro was elected in 2013...sure looks like three years of consistently high oil production, then a sudden drop.

You would have us believe that sudden drop is because of Maduro or ambivalent "corruption", but that doesn't explain similar drops in other oil producing states and countries.


And when it comes to corruption, it's always oil companies paying bribes, not the other way around:

Five of the oil and gas industry’s biggest scandals

World’s Largest Oil Traders Caught In Global Corruption Scandal

Glencore fined $314 million for ‘endemic’ bribery of African oil officials

What was it you were saying about corruption and oil wealth?

So Flash, how come oil wealth can "corrupt" the government of Venezuela, but it can't corrupt an oil company?

What is your racist explanation for that?
They are Latinx, and you are a fucking racist.

So then why did you do it?

Because you called the people of VZ "incompetent" because their oil production dropped off, but you don't call the people of TX, OK, and ND incompetent for doing the exact same thing at the exact same time.

You're just a fucking racist piece of shit, but I've always known that.

Never called the "people of Venezuela" incompetent. I called the corrupt government incompetent by destroying the oil industry and they're not doing that great with food or other functions.

The "people of Venezuela" are leaving (7 million) the country. Are they racist for leaving because they can't eat.

Why are you protecting a corrupt government taking away civil liberties while overlooking the crisis faced by Venezuela citizens? You care more about corrupt politicians than the people
I don’t believe they were ever truly Socialist and I think corruption was the prime element for Venezuela’s failure.

Careful. The whole world knows Venezuela is corrupt but if you actually say it LV426 calls you a racist. He thinks Hispanics are a race.
Energy security is national security, because the opposite of energy independence is energy dependence, as we saw in the lead-up to and early days of Russia's war on Ukraine.

During the 2020 campaign, Biden earnestly pledged, "I want you to look at my eyes. I guarantee you, I guarantee you, we're going to end fossil fuel." He has worked to make good on that promise. His policies have driven the price of gas and electricity through the roof, threatening the lifeblood of our economy and our security.

The main sources of energy didn't change all that much from the days of Jesus's disciples to Our American Founders with the main sources of energy were wind, water, fire, and muscle. Then came coal, next came oil and gas, and finally nuclear power. The Industrial Revolution which in of itself made America the most powerful nation on earth, and that Revolution was sparked by fossil fuels which has yielded economic abundance unparalleled in human history.

Joe Biden and Obama promised that if somebody wants to build a coal-fired power plant, they can. It's just that it will bankrupt them. Obama also admitted that under his plan, "electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket." Hillary pledged that "we're going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business." Bernie Sanders and AOC want to ban hydraulic fracturing, the technology that enabled the U.S. to become the world's top oil and gas producer over the past 2 decades. They also propose a "Green New Deal" to eliminate fossil fuels and nuclear power entirely in the next decade. Joe's cancellation of the Keystone pipeline helped make him America's worst president and unfortunately helped to make America fully energy dependent.

I thought you wanted energy independence. The Keystone Pipeline was going to bring oil from Canada.
The "people of Venezuela" are leaving (7 million) the country. Are they racist for leaving because they can't eat.

No, they're leaving for a better life.

3.5M kids in TX are starving right now and are on meal vouchers, yet you don't call the government of Texas "incompetent".

How come?
Why are you protecting a corrupt government taking away civil liberties while overlooking the crisis faced by Venezuela citizens?

I'm not protecting VZ, I'm just proving you wrong.

I don't give a shit about Venezuela.

What I do give a shit about is the excuse making people like you do for oil companies.
All this pearl clutching over the illusion that we actually have a future is probably unnecessary.

Humans may only have a few more generations, if that many, left on this planet.
If that's the case, all of our troubles will be over.
Non-existence is the ultimate peace and rest.
Relax and enjoy the final act.
The "people of Venezuela" are leaving (7 million) the country. Are they racist for leaving because they can't eat.

They're leaving because unlike the US, the federal government of Venezuela doesn't provide food stamps to 42 million starving people who live in shithole states like TX.
Are they racist for leaving because they can't eat

First of all, this has nothing to do with oil production dropping off a cliff in 2016 when everyone else's production also dropped.

Secondly, there are about 42 million people in the US on food stamps and about half of them are children....aka a capitalist success story, right?

Don't you want to brag about how we keep 42 million people in the country by giving them food stamps? Maybe if Venezuela did a little bit of socialism like the US, they would stay.

That is, if you consider it a capitalist success story that 42M people (20M of whom are kids) are on food stamps.

But who knows? Maybe Flash does think that's an example of capitalism's successes.

He's a fucking weirdo, so maybe in his mind, SNAP proves capitalism works? I mean, I think SNAP proves it doesn't, but who can say really when a centrist is farting in his own hand and then smelling the fart and going "yum yum yum".
Didn't read past the point of seeing LIBHATER!

Sorry! But the only thing to hate is hate itself!

Hate begets hate! And that's in the bible!

So go to hell- AND DON'T PASS GO!

Thanks in advance!

No, hate isn't the only thing to hate. BTW, I chose Libhater for my moniker for my extreme hatred for extreme/radical liberalism that is ruining or destroying our nation in every way possible. Being the Christian I am, I do not and I cannot hate any individual. My 3 brothers are extreme radical leftists, yet I will never ever hate them for being so screwed up.
No, hate isn't the only thing to hate. BTW, I chose Libhater for my moniker for my extreme hatred for extreme/radical liberalism that is ruining or destroying our nation in every way possible. Being the Christian I am, I do not and I cannot hate any individual. My 3 brothers are extreme radical leftists, yet I will never ever hate them for being so screwed up.

I'll just let your moniker speak for itself!
I'll just let your moniker speak for itself!

Good job, and when you get time you might want to look at my avatar that clearly shows that what I hate is Liberalism and not the individual. BTW, the Lib in Liibhater is short for liberalism, just in case you're still confused.
Good job, and when you get time you might want to look at my avatar that clearly shows that what I hate is Liberalism and not the individual. BTW, the Lib in Liibhater is short for liberalism, just in case you're still confused.

We are all liberals, and we are all libertarian, and even conservative to degrees. The problem is there are no two of us alike and there is always someone who uses the system against everybody else. That is why we use a majority rule system in America. SO YOU BETTER GET USED TO IT INSTEAD OF TRYING TO CHANGE IT! It's called democracy.

If we were not liberals, we would all still be a colony of England and the Union Jack would be flying high everywhere today.

No SIR! Our Constitution was written with a combination of Liberal, Conservative, and Libertarian ideas, ideals, and ideologies in mind!

And no matter if you are mostly Libertarian, Conservative, or libertarian, you are never going to be able to create a system leaving the other two factions out of the equation.

Otherwise we would all be kneeling down to a king right now- and worshiping his idols, and filling up his treasure chest!
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