Lying Joe Biden & the Dems to eliminate fossil fuels making America Energy Dependent

There is no 'peak' in a price war. A price war is in the very nature of competition.

You pretend to be a contrarian because when it comes down to it, you ultimately don't believe in anything so your standard operating procedure is to just be contrary in the hopes you tire the other person out before they point out your phoniness:

Oil prices keep plummeting as OPEC starts a price war with the US

OPEC is confident that it's winning its price war with US shale

An analysis of OPEC’s strategic actions, US shale growth and the 2014 oil price crash
That currency would be so useless nobody would accept it.

Well since the US dollar is the world's most dominant reserve currency, they certainly will accept it.

Another example of Flash opening his big, fat mouth and saying something completely fucking wrong.
Seven million people have left Venezuela due to repression and lack of food.

What does that have to do with oil? NOTHING.

So now you're just changing the subject and redefining the parameters of the conversation because you ultimately don't know what you're talking about.

And BTW - Texas has one of the highest rates of children in poverty in the US and in the Western world, with over HALF of the kids in that state receiving some kind of meal voucher.
Do you think they believed the government and government owned oil company is competent; or, are they just racists?

I can guarantee you that control of oil production was not a deciding factor in anyone's decision to leave Venezuela.
Because of political corruption removing those with oil and gas experience and replacing them with political cronies who ruined the oil production.

Untrue and a total and complete lie disproved by the data showing VZ oil production.

If what you said was true, then the decline in oil production would have started much earlier when Maduro was elected in 2013 and "began replacing people", at the very least, the decline in production would be gradual...BUT IT INCREASED. Then in 2016, it suddenly dropped. That's because of the price war, not incompetence.

Unfortunately for your shitty argument, oil production in Venezuela increased in the three years before the sudden drop in 2016.

So this excuse is bullshit, it's impossible to prove, and is refuted by the actual data.

You like data, don't you Flash? Or do you only like it when it helps your argument?

It seems to me you like being racist more than you like being accurate.

Just curious, exactly WHEN did Maduro supposedly replace all those people who seemed to produce oil just fine when Chavez was President?
That has nothing to do with ethnicity (Hispanics are not a race) and did not occur in TX, OK, and ND.

Of course it occurred in those states, Flash, they needed a bailout!

The incompetence in ND, OK, and TX is why production in those states dropped, if what you are saying is true about VZ.

You just want to be racist SO BAD that you sacrifice accuracy for it.

Big differences and false equivalency on your part.

Nope. Not at all.

Those states needed a bailout because like VZ, they also over-rely on fossil fuel revenues to cover their budgets.

But you don't call them incompetent for cutting production for the exact same reasons VZ did.
Big differences and false equivalency on your part.

OK, time to show your work then, Flash.

Time for you to explain the difference in why production dropped in TX, OK, ND at the same time it dropped in VZ...and be sure to show your work because you never do.
The U. S. was not incapable of producing like Venezuela was.

Don't make me tap the chart: averaged 2265.65 BBL/D/1K,1K in July of 2020.

VZ was totally capable of producing oil, having increased its production in the three years before the price war, according to the data in the link.

So once again, we have an instance of me providing you with empirical data that you ignore because you want to be a racist prick.

Drop in production =/= incapacity unless you want to say the same thing about TX, OK, ND which you don't because you want to be racist instead.

It came back and became the world's leading producer of oil and gas.

The US didn't produce anything, oil companies did and they are multinational.

So what the fuck are you talking about?

Venezuela has to bring in those evil capitalists to help it produce.

Because they cut spending on their oil production like you wanted them to.

Don't you screech constantly about cutting spending?

Flash: I dEMaND spEnDiNg CutS!

Venezuela: OK, then we will cut spending on oil production since that's what got us into this mess in the first place.

Flash: nO, nOT liKE ThAt.

Like I said, all Flash wants is to be racist and not get criticism for it.
Right, and the purpose of that competition is to make the most money possible...which is why they meter out exactly how much oil will produce the highest possible profit.

That is not in the consumers' best interest.

So once again, the dissonance crops want cheaper oil, but you also want "competition".

You can't have both.

Competition exists, dude, whether I want it or not.
The Venezuelan oil industry couldn't produce.


It produced just fine until 2016 when the price war took its toll, just like the chart here says: averaged 2265.65 BBL/D/1K,1K in July of 2020.

TX, OK, and ND did not have political corruption that destroyed their production capability

VZ production capability wasn't destroyed in 2016, it was cut because of the price war.

That had nothing to do with ambiguous political corruption you still can't prove or even identify.
You pretend to be a contrarian because when it comes down to it, you ultimately don't believe in anything so your standard operating procedure is to just be contrary in the hopes you tire the other person out before they point out your phoniness:

Oil prices keep plummeting as OPEC starts a price war with the US

OPEC is confident that it's winning its price war with US shale

An analysis of OPEC’s strategic actions, US shale growth and the 2014 oil price crash

Holy Links don't point out anything except your inability to think for yourself. You are even trying now to void your own argument! You are locked in paradox. You cannot argue both sides of a paradox. It's irrational.