Lying Joe Biden & the Dems to eliminate fossil fuels making America Energy Dependent

Bringing up color was desperation at its worst

You are the one who said the reason why VZ's oil industry fell apart was because of "incompetence" when the oil industries of TX, ND, and OK went through the exact same thing at the exact same time. Those states got bailouts from the federal government to cover the revenue gaps, but you don't call them "incompetent", just Venezuela.

So that's why you're racist.

Any ethnic group would have experience declining oil production if they had the kind of political upheaval, corruption, and mismanagement. That was due to political policies and not color.

Maduro was elected in 2013; after his election, oil production increased.

If you had done even the most basic research instead of being racist, you would clearly see that it wasn't Maduro that caused VZ's oil production to drop, it was the price war being waged on the global markets, and VZ was collateral damage.

You want to label Brown people as incompetent so badly, and I think the reason why is because you are lazy and incompetent.
Wanting to nationalize the oil industry when we are the top producer in the world is just looking for a way to fail.

WE THE PEOPLE aren't the top producer...oil companies are.

WE THE PEOPLE don't produce anything...oil companies do.

You think that We the People are in it together with Oil Companies, but that's not the case because the oil companies are multinational, so they don't have the same needs American consumers do.

Nationalizing the oil industry and withdrawing from the global markets means we no longer have to bail out fossil fuel states whenever the price of oil drops, or whenever they fuck up...which they do constantly. Since we wouldn't be selling any of that oil on the global markets and keeping it all for ourselves, then the only motivation the government-owned entity has is a matter of consumer access. Since we control our own oil in nationalization, we can charge ourselves as much or as little as we want; and we can achieve that by producing as much or as little as we want.

Before, oil companies would produce only the exact amount of oil necessary to achieve the highest profit; post-nationalization, the government would produce only the exact amount of oil necessary to meet demand. Which one of those two scenarios is better for consumers?
Price wars have been eliminated via oligopoly. Oil companies do control the supply and the price.

OPEC does, not oil companies.

Oil companies react to what OPEC does, but they don't drive the market.

OPEC practically killed the US Shale business in 2014-16 simply by increasing production.
You are the one who said the reason why VZ's oil industry fell apart was because of "incompetence" when the oil industries of TX, ND, and OK went through the exact same thing at the exact same time. Those states got bailouts from the federal government to cover the revenue gaps, but you don't call them "incompetent", just Venezuela.

So that's why you're racist.

Venezuela has a majority white population you idiot.

Political incompetence is not limited to any race or ethnic group. Venezuela was a leader in OPEC but having a nationalized oil industry didn't help it any.

Defending the Venezuelan oil industry is a losing battle (which is why you tried to use race, as usual).
You are the one who said the reason why VZ's oil industry fell apart was because of "incompetence" when the oil industries of TX, ND, and OK went through the exact same thing at the exact same time. Those states got bailouts from the federal government to cover the revenue gaps, but you don't call them "incompetent", just Venezuela.

So that's why you're racist.

Maduro was elected in 2013; after his election, oil production increased.

If you had done even the most basic research instead of being racist, you would clearly see that it wasn't Maduro that caused VZ's oil production to drop, it was the price war being waged on the global markets, and VZ was collateral damage.

You want to label Brown people as incompetent so badly, and I think the reason why is because you are lazy and incompetent.

Seven million people have left Venezuela due to repression and lack of food. Do you think they believed the government and government owned oil company is competent; or, are they just racists?
That currency would be so useless nobody would accept it.

Would it? Has it? Has that happened already? No? So what the fuck are you doing here? Thinking hypothetically because you can't think realistically.

So government defaulting on debt =/= bankruptcy.

So as long as a country controls its currency, it can't go bankrupt like oil and natural gas companies do all the fucking time, all the live-long day.
Venezuela has a majority white population you idiot.

Venezuela's population is Latinx, and the implication you made was that they were incompetent because they are Latinx, which is why you didn't reserve the same harsh judgment for TX, ND, or OK, who experienced the same price war VZ did.

Like I said, those states were bailed out, but you never once called them incompetent.

No, you reserved that word specifically for those people.

That's why you're a racist piece of shit.
Political incompetence is not limited to any race or ethnic group.

Wait a said it was incompetence when it came to oil extraction.

But now that you've learned VZ had no problem extracting massive amount of oil before 2015 (thanks to me informing you of that), you have to now adjust your argument and shift the goalposts to ambivalent and ambiguous "political incompetence" when the actual cause of this crisis is the price war that happened between OPEC and US oil companies.

Like I said...the same thing that happened to VZ also happened to TX, OK, and ND...those states got bailouts and VZ did not.

If you are saying the drop in production in VZ beginning in 2015 is due to incompetence, then what is the reason for the drop in production in TX, OK, and ND beginning the same time? Also incompetence?
Venezuela was a leader in OPEC but having a nationalized oil industry didn't help it any.

VZ was collateral damage in the price war between OPEC and US Oil Companies.

Prior to 2015, VZ had no problem with oil production at all: averaged 2265.65 BBL/D/1K,1K in July of 2020.

In fact, after Maduro was elected, VZ oil production INCREASED.

So it had nothing to do with the competency of VZ's government and everything to do with the price war that US companies started, then lost. Because OPEC only increased production in 2014-16 to kill the US Shale business, which it did very, very efficiently.

VZ was just collateral damage there.
Defending the Venezuelan oil industry is a losing battle (which is why you tried to use race, as usual).

I'm not defending it, I'm providing valuable context that you leave out.

Prior to 2015, VZ had no issue producing oil at all...but then in 2015, suddenly production dropped off. Why? Because of the price war.

The same reason why production dropped off in TX, OK, and ND at the same time it did in VZ.

But you don't call TX, OK, or ND incompetent even though they made the same mistake VZ did, which was over-rely on fossil fuel revenues to cover their budgets.
That is partly correct. But if we eliminate fossil fuels. I wont be able to drive my gasoline car, or ride my motorcycle. Which is why i cant stand the liberal left. Not the MC, but the fact that I am being told what I can and cant have by a bunch idiots who think they have the right to tell everyone else what will be, and what we can have, and what we can say, etc. What gives you the right to tell anyone what to do or have or say? How dare you? That's why you can call me a gun nut if you want. But I will defend the constitution by ant means(which by the way, My right to own and carry a firearm for my protection form the government is protected in the second amendment. Have you even read it? My money is on "No". Thanks for listening.
Wait a said it was incompetence when it came to oil extraction.

Because of political corruption removing those with oil and gas experience and replacing them with political cronies who ruined the oil production.

That has nothing to do with ethnicity (Hispanics are not a race) and did not occur in TX, OK, and ND.

Big differences and false equivalency on your part.
Seven million people have left Venezuela due to repression and lack of food.

OK, but what does that have to do with oil production? Nothing. It's just you trying to distract from your fucking putrid racism.

You know that over half of all children in TX are considered "starving"? But you don't call Texas "politically incompetent", no, you just reserve that term for Brown people.

I bet you didn't even know that more than half of all kids in Texas get reduced-price or free school lunches. You probably didn't know that don't think you need to do any sort of research in order to protect your argument's rear flank.

What an embarrassing face plant, there.
Do you think they believed the government and government owned oil company is competent; or, are they just racists?

I don't believe a single one of those people even thought about that.

State or private oil company administration was probably WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY down there on the list of reasons to leave VZ.
That is partly correct. But if we eliminate fossil fuels. I wont be able to drive my gasoline car, or ride my motorcycle. Which is why i cant stand the liberal left. Not the MC, but the fact that I am being told what I can and cant have by a bunch idiots who think they have the right to tell everyone else what will be, and what we can have, and what we can say, etc. What gives you the right to tell anyone what to do or have or say? How dare you? That's why you can call me a gun nut if you want. But I will defend the constitution by ant means(which by the way, My right to own and carry a firearm for my protection form the government is protected in the second amendment. Have you even read it? My money is on "No". Thanks for listening.

Grow up.
I don't believe a single one of those people even thought about that.

State or private oil company administration was probably WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY down there on the list of reasons to leave VZ.

Except the ones who lost their jobs in the oil industry.

Did they think about whether the Venezuelan government was competent? I guess that makes them a racist.
Because of political corruption removing those with oil and gas experience and replacing them with political cronies who ruined the oil production.

But that doesn't account for the same production drop among US oil producing states.

For some reason, you just aren't willing to accept the fact that there was an oil price war in 2014-16 waged by OPEC, who sacrificed VZ to kill US Shale.


Thanks to OPEC sacrificing one of its member states, they were able to kill the US Shale industry, which was making noise as OPEC's newest, biggest competitor.