A decline in revenue made them forgot how to produce oil? Silly assumption.
It's posts like this that make me not respect you at all; you're playing dumb (a form of sophistry) because you ultimately have no well thought out or reasonable argument to make here.
So instead, you just post stupid shit and bait because you're worthless.
The decline in revenue didn't make them forget how to produce oil, it made them realize that if they pumped more of it, that would only drive the price down further and create bigger deficits.
You can't drill or pump your way to higher prices and thus, higher revenue.
The more you extract, the lower the price and the lower the revenue.
What has more value: 1000 barrels sold at $100/barrel or 10,000 barrels sold at $1/barrel? Now I know that is advanced math for you, but I think you can do it.