Lying Joe Biden & the Dems to eliminate fossil fuels making America Energy Dependent

Wrong! Solar and wind are not only grossly inefficient and expensive, but you become more dependent on alternative sources to them to make up for that inefficiency. Companies that depend on reliable electric power spend more to install UPS systems and back up diesel generators to ensure reliable power when the grid 'hiccups' or goes down. Places like Germany have already proven that's the case.
Right now, most US used solar panels come from places like China, while Spain and other countries supply the wind generation equipment. How does that make the US independent? Since there will be an on-going need for these as they have relatively short (by industry standards) lifetimes on the order of 20 years, and often less, we will be continuously buying replacement parts and systems to keep the grid up. That creates more dependence not less.

Solar is currently the most expensive method of producing electric power, watt for watt.
Wind is the 2nd most expensive.

As these are not available resources all the time, grid operators cannot use them to adjust for load easily. As you already know, that adjustment must be made second by second, day after day.
So was petroleum when cars were first on the road. (Not that YOU would know ANYTHING about history).

How do you think new technologies come to the fore? Do you think the first computers were as powerful as they are today?

Some of us actually have solar on our homes so, unlike you, we know what it's like. You don't. But you spout your nonsense in spades like you know something.

Why don't you go get a degree that forces you to actually MAKE something and then come back and tell us how technology advances. I'll wait the 20 or so years it will take you.

Gasoline cars are more efficient than EV's. EV's require many more energy conversions to function than a gasoline car. Each conversion is a loss. Further, long transmission lines, transformers, distribution lines, and even the generators themselves all generate waste heat.
Cobalt is in ICE automobiles.
There is no cobalt in an internal combustion engine nor it's induction or exhaust system.
I gave you the proof with the industries that are using it.
A blog by a clueless twit isn't a proof.
You simply reject any and all evidence that disputes your incorrect assumptions.
A blog by a clueless twit isn't evidence.
I am not assuming anything. I know the metallurgy that goes into a car. I know the systems in a car and how they are built and what they all do. There is no cobalt.
The steel manufacturers are eliminating coal in steel production.
No, they aren't.
facts were given to you.
Learn what a 'fact' is. A 'fact' is not a proof.
Apparently, your mental blind spots kept you from understanding or even reading them.
Your Holy Links to various wacky blog sites mean nothing.
Gasoline cars are more efficient than EV's. EV's require many more energy conversions to function than a gasoline car. Each conversion is a loss. Further, long transmission lines, transformers, distribution lines, and even the generators themselves all generate waste heat.

Who cares? They aren't using the same fuel, so who cares about efficiency? Last I checked we've got a LOT more sun than we do oil. And cheap available oil will run out one day. At which point it will be too expensive to run your ICE vehicle. But the sun will still be there runnin' my EV!

It's good to be smart.
Pretty much EVERY economy before the 18th century prospered without them.

The roman empire did to so let's go back to that, right? No modern economy has achieved any level of prosperity without fossile fuels. To imagine one as big as the US could manage without them is asinine.
The roman empire did to so let's go back to that, right?

Why deny ourselves the technology we have today? We have a lot of really cool non-fossil fuels available to us now that the Romans didn't have. Why deny that?

No modern economy has achieved any level of prosperity without fossile fuels.

Cart before the horse. Our economy was largely structured around fossil fuels. Yes they have been great for our technological development. Nuclear bombs won WWII, doesn't mean we should use nuclear bombs in EVERY conflict.

We grow and learn. Why are you so against development of new technology just because you like one from the 18th century that we KNOW is damaging to the environment????

To imagine one as big as the US could manage without them is asinine.

That's probably because you don't develop anything new in your job. You just do what others tell you to do. Those who actually DO develop new technologies know that we can always grow. And a lot of us know more about coal and oil than you ever will and know the stuff you don't understand about it.

Would you be interested to know that many coal fired power plants spew more radioactivity into the environment than a functioning nuclear power plant? Yeah. But you'd have to understand the chemistry of coal to know that.
Why deny ourselves the technology we have today? We have a lot of really cool non-fossil fuels available to us now that the Romans didn't have. Why deny that?

Cart before the horse. Our economy was largely structured around fossil fuels. Yes they have been great for our technological development. Nuclear bombs won WWII, doesn't mean we should use nuclear bombs in EVERY conflict.

We grow and learn. Why are you so against development of new technology just because you like one from the 18th century that we KNOW is damaging to the environment????

That's probably because you don't develop anything new in your job. You just do what others tell you to do. Those who actually DO develop new technologies know that we can always grow. And a lot of us know more about coal and oil than you ever will and know the stuff you don't understand about it.

Would you be interested to know that many coal fired power plants spew more radioactivity into the environment than a functioning nuclear power plant? Yeah. But you'd have to understand the chemistry of coal to know that.

I'm not denying anything but to support all your toys solar wind geo thermal etc etc won't cut it. Leftists panty sniffers won't go for nuclear so we are left with this bullshit. Shut the fuck up
I'm not denying anything but to support all your toys solar wind geo thermal etc etc won't cut it. Leftists panty sniffers won't go for nuclear so we are left with this bullshit. Shut the fuck up

You don't know the first foreign thing about ANY of this stuff.
Once again attack the poster when you can't address the issue. Nice job. You're what Thomas Sowell calls a first level thinker. Lol

DUDE, I put actual scientific information in my earlier post and you just blew past it like it wasn't there!

LOL. Do you REALLY want to take me on head-to-head on fossil fuel chemistry?????? Seriously?

Go ahead. Throw it out there. Whatcha got?
DUDE, I put actual scientific information in my earlier post and you just blew past it like it wasn't there!

LOL. Do you REALLY want to take me on head-to-head on fossil fuel chemistry?????? Seriously?

Go ahead. Throw it out there. Whatcha got?

California will be a great test

No modern economy was built on renewable energy sources and none will be maintained by them either. BTW drop the drama queenery bullshit