Lying Joe Biden & the Dems to eliminate fossil fuels making America Energy Dependent

Since YOU are radioactive (and so it everyone else!), you are beset by your own fear. Obviously, you don't know anything about radioactive materials or the effects of ionizing radiation.

Not satisfied merely with losing a debate on one thread, your masochistic nature compels you to pick a fight on another thread that you will eventually lose and bail on.
Since YOU are radioactive (and so it everyone else!), you are beset by your own fear. Obviously, you don't know anything about radioactive materials or the effects of ionizing radiation.

Yeah, I've heard that too. Doesn't associate. There is no significant corollary.

Define The Problem.

Define The Scar.

No one is trying to eliminate sensible safety procedures, including mining safety.

Which is what you are doing.

Joe's cancellation of the Keystone pipeline helped make him America's worst president and unfortunately helped to make America fully energy dependent.

How would we be more energy independent to get more oil from Canada?

We are still an net exporter of energy.