Macca Sucks Corporate Cock

Yep. The only two decent Beatles are bloody dead....

I'll never forgive him for 'The long and boring song'. Bloody wankfest of a song. lol
I never cared much for the Beatles. I know that is a communistic anti american, etc thing to say, but it is true.
There now I am glad it is out in the open and the closet door is open, whew...

I like Rock type music, but never liked much Elvis either. Just an Abbie Nermal Guy with no heroes....

Is it getting time for Paul to die again ?
All his music and in fact all music is distrubited by corporations! Guess you missed that little detail, bright boys
All his music and in fact all music is distrubited by corporations! Guess you missed that little detail, bright boys

Yes, but not all of them are hegemonists who spread like a virus like Starfuckingbucks...
I'm a massive Beatles fan, but not a fan of Macca himself. Bloody Balladmeister.

AOI, have you seen the documentary, "The US vs John Lennon"? Great soundtrack. And for someone like me (Lennon was before my time), it was a real eye-opener.

And, it could have been made today!
AOI, have you seen the documentary, "The US vs John Lennon"? Great soundtrack. And for someone like me (Lennon was before my time), it was a real eye-opener.

And, it could have been made today!

No, I'll have to d/load that... Lennon was killed when I was five so my memories are from film etc...

You must be mid twenties then Darla?
AOI, have you seen the documentary, "The US vs John Lennon"? Great soundtrack. And for someone like me (Lennon was before my time), it was a real eye-opener.

And, it could have been made today!

No, I'll have to d/load that... Lennon was killed when I was five so my memories are from film etc...

You must be mid twenties then Darla?

LOL! No way. But the Nixon years, which is the time this is set in, was before my time, in that I was born, but not really what I would call cognizant. In fact, I was a bit older than you when Lennon was killed. I thought you were write and come across that way. That is meant as a compliment. Also, I have this thing, were I just assume everyone is older than I am.

I knew almost nothing about Lennon, and his music (other than a couple of top 40 songs, that I never really liked, for instance "woman"), before seeing this. It's well worth seeing.
Sir Paul McCartney has been unveiled as the first signing to the music label of coffee house chain Starbucks.
The company announced plans last week to sign established and new acts to Hear Music, which has previously released albums of licensed songs.

Talk about selling out....Starfuckingbucks???

Shut the hell up AOI.. big deal...what does it matter if its Corp Starbucks or Corp Capitol Records.. gimmie a break.

As if Lennon or Harrison didnt have an interest in making money ...

And USC... do you really know what the hell you are talking about..?
And USC... do you really know what the hell you are talking about..?
Does it make any difference on a political board ?
besides.. if you know anything about the Beatles.. you know their musical talent was about Variety... there were as many fans into A long and Winding Road as there were those that like I Am a Walrus ... thats what made them so damn popular ....
See, this is why, ever since I made the mistake of stating that I thought The Stones were the best rock band ever, I have learned to just nod my head. Once the Beatles come up, and men are involved, you better just nod.

"Lennon was the best, they were nothing without him" Nod your head. "Mcarthy made that band" Nod your head. "Yoko ruined everything, that japanese witch" Nod knowingly. "Yoko had nothing to do with it, the problems were already there." Nod again. "Mick couldn't clean the shoes of any Beatle alive or dead". Here's where you might want to add "good point" besides nodding, because they'll be watching you closely.

I'll talk politics or religion with anybody, but music with men? I'm not that brave.
Lets see .. Bob Dylan began his rise to fame by singing his Folk Songs in a ....hmmmm...of all things a Coffee House!! Do you think there may be some symbolism here ...

As an avid Beatle Fan one thing I know for sure... Lennon was given way too much credit and wrongly laced with Sainthood while McCartney was not given enough ... and I happen to be a fan of both.

If anyone wants to know more about their History I will gladly share in an off topic forum ....
See, this is why, ever since I made the mistake of stating that I thought The Stones were the best rock band ever, I have learned to just nod my head. Once the Beatles come up, and men are involved, you better just nod.

"Lennon was the best, they were nothing without him" Nod your head. "Mcarthy made that band" Nod your head. "Yoko ruined everything, that japanese witch" Nod knowingly. "Yoko had nothing to do with it, the problems were already there." Nod again. "Mick couldn't clean the shoes of any Beatle alive or dead". Here's where you might want to add "good point" besides nodding, because they'll be watching you closely.

I'll talk politics or religion with anybody, but music with men? I'm not that brave.

I love the Stones ... , I love Pink Floyd and I love The Who ....

Its not matter of siding with one or the other ..its putting each Bands contribution in its proper perspective....

AOI is a rapid anti corp dude who thinks the One Album Shot Sex Pistols were relevant... thats why it makes sense that he would hate McCartney...who was mis-labeled as only the balladeer of the Beatles. McCartney was actually responsible for driving the Beatles most creative period. Personally..I like a good ballad as much as I like a good rocker ...