Made The Decision Years Ago: No More Cruise Ships

Hello Phantasmal,

Yes, they do move. I was lucky to have smooth seas for my memories. Had great times, but figured OK, no way it's ever getting any better than that so leave it at that before it ever has a chance to go downhill. I also heard some horror stories from friends. Part of the problem is you have to book in advance before you know what the weather is going to be. It would have to be a whole different experience in bad weather.

Cruises are for brain dead imbeciles, pretty much like you to be honest!

We've only been on one "cruise" which wasn't really a cruise at all, but a trip from Washington up through the Inner Passage to Alaska on the Alaska Marine Highway System on MV Columbia in 2013. The trip took three days. It was absolutely wonderful. You could bring your own food, or buy it on board. You could choose from a berth/cabin, or camp out on deck. You could even bring your pets but they had to stay below decks in the ferry's vehicle hold. It was just regular every day people, some going up for jobs, some returning home after visiting Outside, some just tourists like us who wanted the experience. Everyone had a story. If you wandered around and said hi, you met some really cool ppl.

Couple of pics:

Camping on deck:



The Columbia is undergoing overhaul now, and the whole AMHS is in financial trouble and cutting routes.

Holy smoke, it sounds remarkable! Thank you for sharing
I love visiting wine country!

You misspelled "whine". Lol.

You never realize just how vast the vineyards of Napa Valley are until you see them in person, some literally stretch as far as the eye can see. I'm guessing you are a white wine person. I like a good Cab, or Merlot. We have some very good sweet wines here locally. This is one of my faves, plus the graphics are a hoot.
You misspelled "whine". Lol.

You never realize just how vast the vineyards of Napa Valley are until you see them in person, some literally stretch as far as the eye can see. I'm guessing you are a white wine person. I like a good Cab, or Merlot. We have some very good sweet wines here locally. This is one of my faves, plus the graphics are a hoot.
I’ve seen them, my girlfriends and I did a trip down the West Coast from Washington to California! It was a lovely trip, so much fun!
Hello ThatOwlWoman,

Mr. Owl has been watching videos of that. Are you talking about the narrow boats in the canals in England?

That could work. They've got them in Europe and in the States. You could get two couples and a boat with bikes included. Or bring your own bikes if you like. One couple drives the boat while the other goes biking along the trail by the shore. And you know since it's a canal there are no hills to pedal up. Plenty of places to pull over and swap out driving or riding. Sounds cool. I think you can get them with more cabins but then you need more couples. That could get 'interesting.' It's enough of a challenge to get 2 people to want to do the same things at an agreed time, let alone 4 - 6 - 8 people. But I guess if you're in a canal the options are limited. You can go forward or back where you came from. Or you can stay where you are for a day. And then there's always the weather factor. It would be good to be flexible.

All in good time. Maybe after we get done with this pandemic in a year or two.
I Made The Decision Years Ago: No More Cruise Ships for me.

I loved taking cruises. It was fabulous fun. Great food, partying, drinks, visiting interesting destinations...

Really was a special experience.

I never cared for cruises, but mine were on Carnival. If I do it again I will choose a more luxury line.
Cruises are for brain dead imbeciles, pretty much like you to be honest!

I have actually never been on one either, never really had a desire........

Closes I have come in the Ferry rides out of Vancouver, up the San Juan islands etc...
Once I was on a cruise and was up on deck with a friend just checking out the ocean. We noticed up ahead there was a rain storm. Not real big. Very dark. You could see a clear path on either side of it. There was a huge party going on around the main pool with a band and dancing. No roof over most of that area, and it was as crowded those cruise ships usually are.

We sort of expected the ship to make a turn to bypass the storm. Why let the party get rained out?

But no. We realized there was no turn coming. We were headed right for the storm. And then we realized that the deck with the party was surrounded by walls so that nobody there could see what was coming.

We made our way to a covered upstairs balcony overlooking the party.

Next, we wondered if there would be some sort of announcement to warn people what was about to happen.


Ship plows right into the storm. All of a sudden, no warning at all, right in the middle of a song, the whole dance floor is getting heavy downpour.

What a great show! Women shrieking, people scrambling, everybody trying to crowd under the limited roof areas, getting totally soaked. It was like the fire sprinklers got turned on at a wedding reception.

Talk about a sudden end to a rip-snorting party...

I'll never forget the sight.

Great memories.

Glad I had the fun and got away with a good time.

Woulda been horrible to be stuck on that ship DT refused to allow to land because he didn't want 'his numbers' to look bad.

I've never taken a cruise, and when reports started about outbreaks of norovirus on the ships, I decided I never will.
There are many things in this life that can kill you, so it is not shipwrecks which concern me. Although I confess to an irrational fear of a potential zombie apocalypse!

Being stuck on the ocean on a crowded boat just doesn't sound that appealing to me.

I like to sight see different places, not people on ships. Going to bed exhausted after a day of touring is my idea of a restful vacation. :cool:
Hello Bill,

Not during a pandemic...........

Oh, but of COURSE!

I wouldn't go anywhere near ANYTHING like that until post pandemic, and we ain't there yet. Long way to go, apparently.

DT says trust him, go ahead and vote for him, he'll come through with the COVID victory later. I have to laugh.

Yeah, right.

When donkeys FLY.
I like to sight see different places, not people on ships. Going to bed exhausted after a day of touring is my idea of a restful vacation. :cool:

Cheers, and me too
I am interested in culture, history, art, ecology, and the aesthetics of people, food, and scenery.

Drinking alcohol and partying on a cruise ship does not hold much appeal for me, but to each their own!
I wanted to take a voyage across the Atlantic Ocean, from Southampton England to New York?!! Maybe someday when the pandemic has been declared over? I find the ocean fascinating, but also fearful too?!!


"The only way to cross". The QM2
Hello signalmankenneth,

I wanted to take a voyage across the Atlantic Ocean, from Southampton England to New York?!! Maybe someday when the pandemic has been declared over? I find the ocean fascinating, but also fearful too?!!


"The only way to cross". The QM2

It will probably be fine. Pick a good time of year for weather. Tell us about it. I won't be there.

One thing is the breeze. If the ship is going 20, and you have a 20 mph headwind, then you've got 40 miles an hour of wind coming across the deck. You need to hang onto things that might blow away. Hats, towels, napkins, etc. It's also enough to blow the food off your fork so it makes eating out on deck a challenge. And if your beverage gets low ya gotta hang onto that, too. Full ones are OK.
Friend of mine took her daughter and herself on a cruise to Ireland ( she was born in Liverpool ) she loved it

This was pre-COVID -- I took a cruise down the Reine river (Germany) one time -but that was a day trip..

I'd rather jet, but it was neat looking at her pics of the atlantic
Holy smoke, it sounds remarkable! Thank you for sharing

We really enjoyed it. We opted for a cabin instead of on-deck camping because we brought along camera equipment and other stuff that we didn't want to leave unguarded. Theft is sometimes a problem. The cabin though was in the interior and super hot so other than sleeping we spent all our time up on deck. One night we woke up because the engines had stopped in the middle of the night. We went up to see what was going on. A fishing vessel had gotten stuck and was capsizing, so the ferry stopped to give aid and rescue the men. Eventually the CG showed up and took control of the situation. So that was pretty cool! We saw whales and eagles and otters and tiny settlements of ppl who waved as we went by. One of my favorite things was getting a cup of tea and parking nearby ppl and eavesdropping. A couple of elderly native women would sit in the cafe and do beadwork (which they sold on the boat) and gossip about ppl they knew. They were hilarious to listen to. Graphic descriptions of someone boinking with someone else, resulting fights from the boinking, then wise nods and "Kids these days." lol