Made The Decision Years Ago: No More Cruise Ships

We really enjoyed it. We opted for a cabin instead of on-deck camping because we brought along camera equipment and other stuff that we didn't want to leave unguarded. Theft is sometimes a problem. The cabin though was in the interior and super hot so other than sleeping we spent all our time up on deck. One night we woke up because the engines had stopped in the middle of the night. We went up to see what was going on. A fishing vessel had gotten stuck and was capsizing, so the ferry stopped to give aid and rescue the men. Eventually the CG showed up and took control of the situation. So that was pretty cool! We saw whales and eagles and otters and tiny settlements of ppl who waved as we went by. One of my favorite things was getting a cup of tea and parking nearby ppl and eavesdropping. A couple of elderly native women would sit in the cafe and do beadwork (which they sold on the boat) and gossip about ppl they knew. They were hilarious to listen to. Graphic descriptions of someone boinking with someone else, resulting fights from the boinking, then wise nods and "Kids these days." lol

Sounds like good times!
I have seen seen many species of whales, but I never have seen orcas in the wild - and I imagine those waters are teeming with orca.
Sounds like good times!
I have seen seen many species of whales, but I never have seen orcas in the wild - and I imagine those waters are teeming with orca.

We saw both humpbacks and orcas. Those photos you see of them leaping out of the water? Incredibly hard to shoot!
We saw both humpbacks and orcas. Those photos you see of them leaping out of the water? Incredibly hard to shoot!

That is a shot even trained professionals struggle to acquire!

Orcas are among my favorite marine mammals, I rank them up there with sea otters
I might avoid Carnival, after some of the failures they have served-up in recent years. I do look forward to a cruise one of these days.
Hello ThatOwlWoman,

We saw both humpbacks and orcas. Those photos you see of them leaping out of the water? Incredibly hard to shoot!

I bet.

Handy tool: one of those cameras or phones that takes continuous pics, like 30 shots per second, as long as you hold your finger on it. 'Burst mode' it is sometimes called.
I Made The Decision Years Ago: No More Cruise Ships for me.

I loved taking cruises. It was fabulous fun. Great food, partying, drinks, visiting interesting destinations...

Really was a special experience.

But despite how much fun it was I decided no more.

Two big concerns:

1. Fire

2. Disease / pandemic

You are in a confined space with thousands of other people and no way out. All it took was a few news reports with distressing video showing fires on ships, and hearing stories of disease outbreak on cruise ships and that did it for me.

No more!

I've had some great cruises, really. All the cruises I took were loads of fun, very memorable.

And those memories are enough to last a lifetime.

A lifetime which will not be cut short by having a bad experience on a cruise ship because I am never setting foot on one again.

And now we have Coronavirus!

If *EVER* there was something to confirm a decision, this did it.

Never again.

I'm good with the memories...

Every crew on every ocean and the ocean itself is ecstatic you made that choice. Whatever you do, do not go back on it.