STILL WAITING for you to give a quote saying that he admires Hitler.
Still waiting for you to admit you are not a Christian and that you are a liar, Hater, but I won't hold my breath because I believe you are mentally diminished and unable to do so.
God forgives the stupid, mentally ill and those who are unable to use God's greatest gift;
free will. A normal person can choose to embrace God's light and the words of Jesus or they can step into the darkness as you continue to choose, Hater. That's God's gift; our ability to choose and you've chosen anger, hate and spreading lies.
After several discussions with you, my best guess is that God will forgive you because you lack the capacity to choose due to mental defect of unknown origin.
The bad news for violent, hateful people like you, son, is that,
if you cross the legal line, you will be held accountable and could spend the rest of your life in a 6'X8' concrete box with a young horny guy who makes you sleep in the lower bunk where your pillow will have a lot of bite marks.
FWIW, when caught, you should plead insanity. Seriously. Better than going to buttfuck prison.