MAGA People Don't Know What Great Is

1-6 was an insurrection that was designed to stop the government from performing its duties. That is one definition of insurrection. It was violent and if it succeeded, there is no telling how it would have ended. It was a serious threat to the government's functioning as it always has. Dillon thinks quibbling about the nomenclature makes it less dangerous and less serious. It was the most dangerous day in American system since the war of 1812.
Ever asked a MAGA supporter what they think makes America great?

The answers are all over the place. One of the most common answers is 'protecting our borders.'

So if protecting our borders would make America great again, then when, exactly, in our history did we have a big impenetrable wall to keep people out of America?

It's that whole 'again' thing.

It implies we WERE great at a previous time, and our greatness has slipped away.

So why did Trump never articulate when we were great, or when it slipped away?

His followers say they like Trump because he isn't afraid to 'say it like it is.'

But he never really did say it like it is about when we were great, or why we suddenly need a wall that we never had - to be great again.

That's ridiculous. And here's why. He purposely didn't define it; so everybody could see what they want to see in it. Everybody who hates the government for whatever reason they hate can get the idea that Trump is going to do something about it. With no specifics whatsoever! Con man. He's a slick talking con man and if ya fall for his shtick you're an easy mark.

The rich, powerful and greedy get somebody to cut their taxes. -That's the crucial thing. The following culture war issues are how they do that:
The government-haters get to think they have 'somebody on the inside' to mess up government for them.
The racists get somebody to endorse their hatred.
The liberal haters get somebody to insult the liberals.
The anti-abortionists get somebody to fight that battle.
The gun-nuts get somebody to prevent any life-saving regulation.
The anti-gays get somebody to help them hate on gays.
The people who think name-calling makes America great get somebody to call other people names.

Culture wars are so popular with Republicans!

And apparently, all that 'makes America great again.'

It's enough to make a lot of people pretty sick and disappointed in our lack of morals and consideration. And that does not make America great.

America was already great. We never lost that. But nobody ever said we were perfect. Nobody is claiming to MAPA.

We have our issues, always have. And we can't work on them very well if we are too busy hating on one another. A house divided.

We gotta learn how to get along again.

We're all in this together.

It's our country, right or wrong, and our future is shared. It's up to us to make our country greater. We will have much more success at that if we start thinking of our fellow Americans as just that. We gotta keep that in mind. Ugly insults do not make America great. A great country is able to function well.

OP doesn't know what "Great" is.

Great is being able to get out of high school, get a job, get married, have some kids and support a family, own a home, have a vehicle or 2, have a boat or RV and take a 2-week paid vacation once a year.

Great is being able to pay your month's housing cost with 1 week's worth of work.

Great is being able to pay for all the food and utilities with the next.

Great is being able to save or spend the next 2 week's income according to your discretion.

That's "Great", and that's the America I grew up in; Why should it be denied to younger generations?

Do elaborate, pls. TIA

I want that for future generations. It seems leftists are hellbent on denying future generations The American Dream.

That's what MAGA is. True Story.
1-6 was an insurrection that was designed to stop the government from performing its duties. That is one definition of insurrection. It was violent and if it succeeded, there is no telling how it would have ended. It was a serious threat to the government's functioning as it always has. Dillon thinks quibbling about the nomenclature makes it less dangerous and less serious. It was the most dangerous day in American system since the war of 1812.

You ain't seen nothin' yet.
1-6 was an insurrection that was designed to stop the government from performing its duties. That is one definition of insurrection. It was violent and if it succeeded, there is no telling how it would have ended. It was a serious threat to the government's functioning as it always has. Dillon thinks quibbling about the nomenclature makes it less dangerous and less serious. It was the most dangerous day in American system since the war of 1812.

It was a unarmed and unorganized mob of over-zealous fools. Hardly an insurrection.

The most dangerous day in American system since 1812? Kent State ring a bell?
The borders? The walls are tunneled under easily. The tiny strip of show wall Trump actually got built was beaten over 3000 times. Illegals and drugs enter by boat too. They fly in. They overstay Visas. The vast majority of illegals and drugs come in through the points of entry. Rightys do not care about the facts and do not search for the truth.
As the wealth gap shows, the money the rightys think is being taken by the poor and immigrants, it in fact goes to the top 5 percent in increasing amounts.

Wrong. The walls are tunneled under at great expense and effort, and only in urban areas where they can go undetected. Tunnels are also used almost exclusively for drug smuggling as there is no money in building one for illegal immigration.

If having a wall on the southern border eliminates say, 10% of illegal immigration and drug entry, given its low cost it's worth building.
Ever asked a MAGA supporter what they think makes America great?

The answers are all over the place. One of the most common answers is 'protecting our borders.'

So if protecting our borders would make America great again, then when, exactly, in our history did we have a big impenetrable wall to keep people out of America?

It's that whole 'again' thing.

It implies we WERE great at a previous time, and our greatness has slipped away.

So why did Trump never articulate when we were great, or when it slipped away?

His followers say they like Trump because he isn't afraid to 'say it like it is.'

But he never really did say it like it is about when we were great, or why we suddenly need a wall that we never had - to be great again.

That's ridiculous. And here's why. He purposely didn't define it; so everybody could see what they want to see in it. Everybody who hates the government for whatever reason they hate can get the idea that Trump is going to do something about it. With no specifics whatsoever! Con man. He's a slick talking con man and if ya fall for his shtick you're an easy mark.

The rich, powerful and greedy get somebody to cut their taxes. -That's the crucial thing. The following culture war issues are how they do that:
The government-haters get to think they have 'somebody on the inside' to mess up government for them.
The racists get somebody to endorse their hatred.
The liberal haters get somebody to insult the liberals.
The anti-abortionists get somebody to fight that battle.
The gun-nuts get somebody to prevent any life-saving regulation.
The anti-gays get somebody to help them hate on gays.
The people who think name-calling makes America great get somebody to call other people names.

Culture wars are so popular with Republicans!

And apparently, all that 'makes America great again.'

It's enough to make a lot of people pretty sick and disappointed in our lack of morals and consideration. And that does not make America great.

America was already great. We never lost that. But nobody ever said we were perfect. Nobody is claiming to MAPA.

We have our issues, always have. And we can't work on them very well if we are too busy hating on one another. A house divided.

We gotta learn how to get along again.

We're all in this together.

It's our country, right or wrong, and our future is shared. It's up to us to make our country greater. We will have much more success at that if we start thinking of our fellow Americans as just that. We gotta keep that in mind. Ugly insults do not make America great. A great country is able to function well.

SO basket of deplorables is taking the high road?

fuck you you smarmy totalitarian cunt.

you dont even believe in having separate countries, globalist liefucker.
Hello Nordberg,

The borders? The walls are tunneled under easily. The tiny strip of show wall Trump actually got built was beaten over 3000 times. Illegals and drugs enter by boat too. They fly in. They overstay Visas. The vast majority of illegals and drugs come in through the points of entry. Rightys do not care about the facts and do not search for the truth.
As the wealth gap shows, the money the rightys think is being taken by the poor and immigrants, it in fact goes to the top 5 percent in increasing amounts.

The guy with the yacht, the plane and the numerous mansions and expensive properties is the one ripping off workers, not the undocumented laborer doing the jobs Americans don't want.

The super-rich have done a marvelous job of blame-shifting here by exploiting the xenophobia of the right to get them to think immigrants are the problem. Marvelous job.

People like Tucker Carlson have gotten rich over exploiting that hatred.

The right is so gullible.
Hello Nordberg,

1-6 was an insurrection that was designed to stop the government from performing its duties. That is one definition of insurrection. It was violent and if it succeeded, there is no telling how it would have ended. It was a serious threat to the government's functioning as it always has. Dillon thinks quibbling about the nomenclature makes it less dangerous and less serious. It was the most dangerous day in American system since the war of 1812.

And the losers of that day have not learned their lesson. A fraction of the participants have been brought to justice, but the believers in that cause have not been swayed.

Anti-government fervor will be the death of the USA. The enemy within is the idea that government is the problem.

Apathy is the problem!

All that it takes for bad people to prevail is for good people to do nothing.

We need to get all the good people well informed, truly well informed, and actively engaged in the running of our nation.

When enough good people vote, the bad cannot prevail.

The real problem in America is that we simply have too many good people who are not paying attention to what is happening. There are more good people than bad. It's just that too many of them don't even bother to become well informed or vote.

We need good people who understand how to differentiate between fact and opinion, between real news and fake, and we need them to vote for what is best for America.

When that happens then goodness can prevail.
Bonus question.

If electing Trump was supposed to make America great what went wrong?

If Trump didn't make America great, then he was a failure.
I really have to do a lot of guessing about what MAGA people think. Most of them have shown that a polite liberal cannot talk to them without being insulted, such is the level of their anger and rage. 4 years of Trump making America great has not changed that. Apparently for them, greatness in America means people being openly rude to liberals.

Most of the MAGA people in this forum have mouthed off to me and been place on permanent ignore. I'm happy to talk to anyone about politics, but I draw the line at entering an abuser/enabler relationship. Without entering an insult contest, of which I have no desire to do, my only recourse is to put rude people on ignore. I don't think a country in which one side openly expresses ridiculous hatred for the other is great. No. that does not sound great to me.

MAGA people seem to think greatness means:

Being rude to liberals.
Expressing hatred of immigrants.
Hating on Muslims.
Hating the government which binds us.
Hating progress.
Hating gays.
Hating blacks.
Hating China (while buying lots of Chinese products)
Loving big oppressive powerful corporations that rip us all off.
Pretending to be religious while expressing lots of hatred.
Forcing women who have been raped to bear the children of it.
Doing nothing about gun carnage.
Loving Putin (that's just weird)
Loving wealth and power. (maybe that explains the Putin thing)
Preventing women from achieving equality. Stop the ERA!
The wall.


Huge area of concern for MAGA people.

They seem to think that if we remove millions of workers who spend in our economy, create jobs and raise our GDP, that this will make America great.

I think it would cause a recession.
Every single devolved mutant who voted for Donald Pigfucker Trump after having seen his act for four years.

Sooo...every, single American citizen who voted for Trump in 2020 - whether they liked him or not?
All 74 million of them?
You want them all 'purged' from America?

So, clearly, you do not believe in democracy or the will of the people.
You want a Communist-style dictatorship.
Where every voter in every election MUST vote for the ruling/'proper' party or they are 'purged' from society.

You know...I think China is rather difficult to become a citizen of.
But I hear Cuba is open to immigration.
Perhaps you would be happier there.
Ever asked a MAGA supporter what they think makes America great?
No, I already know. Seem you have not either from what I'm reading... lets dig in shall we ?

[quoteThe answers are all over the place. One of the most common answers is 'protecting our borders.'[/quote]
Protecting our borders is a stated job for the federal government so swing and a miss there

So if protecting our borders would make America great again, then when, exactly, in our history did we have a big impenetrable wall to keep people out of America?
When the president openly called for foreign nationals to illegally cross our borders

It's that whole 'again' thing.

It implies we WERE great at a previous time, and our greatness has slipped away.
Correct ! Well done !

So why did Trump never articulate when we were great, or when it slipped away?
Americans already knew. Mainly we were glad to hear a leader admit it was true.

His followers say they like Trump because he isn't afraid to 'say it like it is.'

But he never really did say it like it is about when we were great, or why we suddenly need a wall that we never had - to be great again.
You fault Trump for being able to effectively communicate with the citizens ? I remember many discussions about how Obama routinely failed to articulate a message as he would tend to get "professorial". That would appear to be a good quality. Certainly was for the Roosevelts and Reagan, even Clinton. We didnt SUDDENLY need one, we DESPERATELY need one. Again because prior presidents were calling for people to violate international law.

That's ridiculous. And here's why. He purposely didn't define it; so everybody could see what they want to see in it. Everybody who hates the government for whatever reason they hate can get the idea that Trump is going to do something about it. With no specifics whatsoever! Con man. He's a slick talking con man and if ya fall for his shtick you're an easy mark.
You seem to have gone off on a ramble, lets move or.

The rich, powerful and greedy get somebody to cut their taxes. -That's the crucial thing. The following culture war issues are how they do that:
As did the not rich or powerful get tax cuts.
The government-haters get to think they have 'somebody on the inside' to mess up government for them.
The racists get somebody to endorse their hatred.
The liberal haters get somebody to insult the liberals.
The anti-abortionists get somebody to fight that battle.
The gun-nuts get somebody to prevent any life-saving regulation.
The anti-gays get somebody to help them hate on gays.
The people who think name-calling makes America great get somebody to call other people names.
Oh drat, another disjointed rant.

Culture wars are so popular with Republicans!
your team invented them hoss.

And apparently, all that 'makes America great again.'

It's enough to make a lot of people pretty sick and disappointed in our lack of morals and consideration. And that does not make America great.

America was already great. We never lost that. But nobody ever said we were perfect. Nobody is claiming to MAPA.

We have our issues, always have. And we can't work on them very well if we are too busy hating on one another. A house divided.

We gotta learn how to get along again.

We're all in this together.

It's our country, right or wrong, and our future is shared. It's up to us to make our country greater. We will have much more success at that if we start thinking of our fellow Americans as just that. We gotta keep that in mind. Ugly insults do not make America great. A great country is able to function well.

agreed we need to regain civility but that starts with honesty and integrity.

get busy.
Sooo...every, single American citizen who voted for Trump in 2020 - whether they liked him or not?
All 74 million of them?
You want them all 'purged' from America?

So, clearly, you do not believe in democracy or the will of the people.
You want a Communist-style dictatorship.
Where every voter in every election MUST vote for the ruling/'proper' party or they are 'purged' from society.

You know...I think China is rather difficult to become a citizen of.
But I hear Cuba is open to immigration.
Perhaps you would be happier there.

Our constitution thwarts the will of the people, probably due to the fact that we didn't yet have enough good lawyers to write it in the late 1700s.

Due to the insane form of government it created, less educated rural people from middle and southern America are vastly over-represented relative to their actual numbers,
while more educated and more sophisticated people from urban coastal America are vastly under-represented relative to our numbers.

It was a very early, awkward attempt to create a democratic republic, and it's since been completely surpassed by more advance nations in Europe.

The 50 state America format has now deteriorated too much to be repaired by democratic means.
It either requires a socialist military dictatorship to straighten it out and save it from fascism, hopefully eventually evolving into a new, more modern democracy,
or it needs to be partitioned so that Blue States are no longer held down by primitive Red Sates.

Red State inhabitants now seem to include more devolved mutants than actual humans. These creatures don't belong in voting booths.

This should be completely obvious to anyone with any serious level of intelligence and moral decency.
Our constitution thwarts the will of the people, probably due to the fact that we didn't yet have enough good lawyers to write it in the late 1700s.

Due to the insane form of government it created, less educated rural people from middle and southern America are vastly over-represented relative to their actual numbers,
while more educated and more sophisticated people from urban coastal America are vastly under-represented relative to our numbers.

It was a very early, awkward attempt to create a democratic republic, and it's since been completely surpassed by more advance nations in Europe.

The 50 state America format has now deteriorated too much to be repaired by democratic means.
It either requires a socialist military dictatorship to straighten it out and save it from fascism, hopefully eventually evolving into a new, more modern democracy,
or it needs to be partitioned so that Blue States are no longer held down by primitive Red Sates.

Red State inhabitants now seem to include more devolved mutants than actual humans. These creatures don't belong in voting booths.

This should be completely obvious to anyone with any serious level of intelligence and moral decency.

you're an insane tyrant.

please go fuck off.

the bill of rights is the height of human achievement.
The Bill of Rights are ten amendments that have absolutely nothing to do with the form of government that was adopted by the new United States.

One sure way to spot a fucking moron: whenever the effectiveness of the constitution comes up, they talk about the amendments first without recognizing the deplorable job done in
the main articles configuring the government.

American education is a fucking disaster. There's no better proof of that that this JPP forum.