Mainstream Media is in the bag for Obama, Time to Investigate why?

So is the SCOTUS in the bag for the dems too idiot?
You are really losing it Vinny, no, you have already lost your cool. Folks, look at all these rapid fire replies by the obviously nervous Evince, this is the responce of someone who is worried that SJJ has "hit" on something, that his prescious lib bias Mainstream media may be "waterboarded" under oath in the Congressional hearings on MainStream Media Bias, that I suggested happens. Evince's knows that I know and that I know how to "get ur done", that is what is bothering Evince and other Leftists on this Forum. When they have the hearings, it will only take one person to spill the beans, to come clean and tell US what is really happening within the MainStream media, how they manipulate the news during their "back room" meetings.
DNC lawyers argued that the high court should allow the consent decree to remain in place. Evidence presented during the 2008 and 2009 litigation over the decree showed that the order is still needed today, they said.

“That evidence includes proof that the RNC violated the Decree in 1990 and in 2004, when it created voter challenge lists that targeted minority voters; that between 1997 and 2008, Republican candidates and party organizations had engaged in separate voter suppression activities in various states, including Texas, Arkansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin; and that the racially polarized voting that influenced the RNC in the 1980s persists today,” Angelo Genova wrote in his brief to the court.

“This substantial evidence stands in stark contrast to the RNC’s proffered ‘evidence,’ “ Mr. Genova added. He said the Republicans had made a “preposterous claim that because President Obama, Attorney General [Eric] Holder, and former RNC leaders Michael Steele and Boyd Rutherford are African-American, the RNC no longer has any incentive to suppress minority votes in violation of the terms of the Consent Decree.”

The case was Republican National Committee v. Democratic National Committee (12-373).

why did the SCOTUS REFUSE to let the republican party free of this decades LONG court ordered supervision ?
The SCOTUS agrees the republican cheat is why.

the facts are clear

even the right leaning scotus refused your lies
The SCOTUS agrees the republican cheat is why.

the facts are clear

even the right leaning scotus refused your lies
Scrotus sounds like a dirty word to me, something that Howey might use, butt of course you are not Howey, are you? You know that I have hit onto something here, and you are the AM Leftist stooge doing your best at damage control, butt that will not help you. I am sending out my suggestions to the House today, so we can "Get Ur Done", as they say. Sit back and relax, Vinny, there is nothing that you or your cohors can do to change my Mensa mind. I forgot to add, that I have a large list of YouTube videos proving media bias, along with a multitude of articles proving, when all put together, that there is more than a normal amount of MainStream media pro Democrap bias proof.
Naturally, you would react like you just did, what else could you do? I will reword it; When the Republicans gain back control, the sheet will hit the fan, and we both know that history tells US that they certainly will regain control, and be back on top.

I see by all of Evince's multitude of rapid replies, that Evince is all uptight about the possibility of a Congressional hearing investigating the mainstream media's pro-bias towards the Left, you too seem uptight. They even slanted the news to influence a National Election, which I believe would border on criminal conspiracy.

Is it Freedom of Speech to go into a room and discuss/conive how the news should be presented in order to cast a more favorable light towards the Demos, or to make the Republicans look bad in the public eye? There has been talk about the Mainstream media bias for years, it is time to bring the facts out in front of the American People BEFORE the elections of 2014, this should be all The House does until the 2014 Elections, with no more Obama Bills passed. This is called playing hardballs, tit for tat, no pun intended....

:rofl2: Absolutely brainless.

If you think I have the slightest concern that MSM will be investigated for being tilted towards Obama .. you must be on drugs. :0)

Maybe you can wish/think the courts into investigating polling agencies to find out why Americans have such a low opinion of republicans. Surely that cannot actually be true. :rofl2:

Don't look now Mr Psuedo-patriot .. but your base is shrinking rapidly. Maybe you can wish/think the courts into investigating why white males was the only demographic that republicans won in 2012. :rofl2:

We all just had a good look at teabagger 'hardball.' :0)

I encourage you to promote more of the same 'hardball' so I can watch the rest of the Republican Party rip you dummies a new asshole again. :0)

,, grow a fucking brain.
they cant CHEAT enough to win anymore.

I hope they try to

they will be caught red handed and once again they will be rightfully known for what they are
:rofl2: Absolutely brainless.

If you think I have the slightest concern that MSM will be investigated for being tilted towards Obama .. you must be on drugs. :0)

Maybe you can wish/think the courts into investigating polling agencies to find out why Americans have such a low opinion of republicans. Surely that cannot actually be true. :rofl2:

Don't look now Mr Psuedo-patriot .. but your base is shrinking rapidly. Maybe you can wish/think the courts into investigating why white males was the only demographic that republicans won in 2012. :rofl2:

We all just had a good look at teabagger 'hardball.' :0)

I encourage you to promote more of the same 'hardball' so I can watch the rest of the Republican Party rip you dummies a new asshole again. :0)

,, grow a fucking brain.
We will also investigate how illegal aliens voted, with fake ID's used to get legal driver's licences at the Department of Motor Vehicles with the assistance of Hispanic employee clerks. They came in with faked birth certificates and their "brothers" did not question the fake Birth Certificate IDs, they let them slide, gave them driver's licences, from which they registered to vote. This next election with be a clean one, no more illegal voters, the chickens will really come home to roost, this time around
We will also investigate how illegal aliens voted, with fake ID's used to get legal driver's licences at the Department of Motor Vehicles with the assistance of Hispanic employee clerks. They came in with faked birth certificates and their "brothers" did not question the fake Birth Certificate IDs, they let them slide, gave them driver's licences, from which they registered to vote. This next election with be a clean one, no more illegal voters, the chickens will really come home to roost, this time around

:0) You can 'investigate' any damn thing you want .. who the fuck cares?

It requires a complete moron to believe the shit you 'think.'

Take this with you as you leave .. :0)

Republican party's 'humiliating' defeat raises prospects of lasting party split
Elements that used to bind Republicans together are now in doubt, split further by social issues such as immigration reform
Republicans have a penchant for self destruction,. all they had to do was SHUT UP, and the focus would have been on the miserable roll out of the ACA web site.

But they didn't, preferring to self inflict wounds. Not a big fan of either party, but the Repubs are just stupid.
After the Republicans regain control of both Houses of Congress and the Presidency, there needs to be an investigation of the Mainstream media's proven pro-bias towards the Democraps. In fact, the House needs to start calling in the mainstream media honchos and grill their fat asses, under oath, as to why they repeatedly rig the news to make the Democraps look better than they should "look", while picking and choosing the news to make the Republicans look bad. CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CNBC, and NBC need to be investigated now. I will be sending out "Letters" asking for this investigation to take place, before the 2014 elections. There are many YouTube clips that will prove their favoritism towards the Democrap Party.......Mensa Rules

Fox has the greatest number of cable news viewers so that puts them in the top four. And if mainstream is defined as "the dominant trend in opinion, fashion, or the arts", then Fox is as much mainstream for its category as the rest.
Fox news was created to try and win a permanent majority for the right in this country.

its a sham and they even fought in court for the right to lie to their veiwers
Fox news was created to try and win a permanent majority for the right in this country.

its a sham and they even fought in court for the right to lie to their veiwers

On one hand they cry foul about the MSM, on the other hand they brag how Faux has so many viewers it makes the other cable channels look like chopped liver. Guess it's called having your cake and eating it, too.
:0) You can 'investigate' any damn thing you want .. who the fuck cares?

It requires a complete moron to believe the shit you 'think.'

Take this with you as you leave .. :0)
, Republican party's 'humiliating' defeat raises prospects of lasting party split
Elements that used to bind Republicans together are now in doubt, split further by social issues such as immigration reform
As usual, when I get your goat, so what else is new, you start doing your 4 letter word thing because that is really all you can do when you get cornered, you lash out like a weasel. When it comes to gun control, I will support not letting you have a gun, because you cannot control your fragile temper, you are a going bonkers specialist when you are stumped, you are a dangereous individual. What do you really think of Louise Faracan, tell the ****ing truth for once, quit hiding your true colors, blood?
I bet that you are one of those North East Coast revolutionary wanta-bees...fess up, tell US how you really feel? NO REPARATIONS, NO HOW NO WAY, leaving my lily white ass, I'm here to stay for the duration........TOUCHÉ

why did the SCOTUS agree with me about the republican party cheating in elections for decades?
I do watch Fox Report - 60 minute newscast - Catherinre Herridge won Accuracy in Media's Reed Irvine Award for her Bengazi coverage -
largely stonewalled by the MSM.

Very good foreign reportage, much more then the 30 minute newscasts. Other then this, really no use for them
yes their whole argument is riddled with lies
Hey jackass, who the "blank" are you talking to, do some quoting so we all know how paranoid you and your Lefty cohors are? I love to mentally dominate Libs like you, it has become my passion, to post the truth and inform the silent majority what's what. You really need to take a break, leave the Forum, to get your sheet together and then come back on and act more normal, not like some loony toone balless eunuch.