Mainstream Media is in the bag for Obama, Time to Investigate why?

DNC lawyers argued that the high court should allow the consent decree to remain in place. Evidence presented during the 2008 and 2009 litigation over the decree showed that the order is still needed today, they said.

“That evidence includes proof that the RNC violated the Decree in 1990 and in 2004, when it created voter challenge lists that targeted minority voters; that between 1997 and 2008, Republican candidates and party organizations had engaged in separate voter suppression activities in various states, including Texas, Arkansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin; and that the racially polarized voting that influenced the RNC in the 1980s persists today,” Angelo Genova wrote in his brief to the court.

“This substantial evidence stands in stark contrast to the RNC’s proffered ‘evidence,’ “ Mr. Genova added. He said the Republicans had made a “preposterous claim that because President Obama, Attorney General [Eric] Holder, and former RNC leaders Michael Steele and Boyd Rutherford are African-American, the RNC no longer has any incentive to suppress minority votes in violation of the terms of the Consent Decree.”

The case was Republican National Committee v. Democratic National Committee (12-373).

Its court documented FACT

While I am no fan of the media, I am also not a fan of a fascist State. You can't be serious about this. What is the Congress going to do; tell the media they're not fair? The media has been this way for a very long time and actually believe their well meaning Socialist gobbledeygook is mainstream and centrist.
Makes sense, as Democrats still have the gall to call themselves patriotic Americans. It's amazing how these liars can point at something and tell you it's something completely different.
As usual, when I get your goat, so what else is new, you start doing your 4 letter word thing because that is really all you can do when you get cornered, you lash out like a weasel. When it comes to gun control, I will support not letting you have a gun, because you cannot control your fragile temper, you are a going bonkers specialist when you are stumped, you are a dangereous individual. What do you really think of Louise Faracan, tell the ****ing truth for once, quit hiding your true colors, blood?
I bet that you are one of those North East Coast revolutionary wanta-bees...fess up, tell US how you really feel? NO REPARATIONS, NO HOW NO WAY, leaving my lily white ass, I'm here to stay for the duration........TOUCHÉ

:0) "as usual when I get your goat" :rofl2:

You really are delusional. You're an ignorant racist motherfucker and I get to treat you like the piece of shit that you are. I get to smack your dumb ass around with my superior intelligence and wisdom .. just like I'm doing right now. :0) While I smack you around with articles and evidence of your humiliating defeat and diminishing chances at national election success .. all you have is this insane dribble some teabagger pulled out of his ass and stuck in your mouth. :0) You're a stupid motherfucker .. yes you are.

And just so you know dummy .. I'm not posting to you .. I'm posting through you. I'm demonstrating just how ignorant a racist motherfucker like you really is. I'm demonstration just how out of touch with reality a brain dead republican/teabagger bitch like you truly is.

Who gives a rats ass about your 'lily pink ass' ??? :0) That stank ass doesn't mean shit. :0)

Still here bitch ..

Tea Party's Popularity Reaches New Low, Poll Finds

GOP vs. Tea Party

When are you going to post ANY evidence of any impending investigation of MSM and Obama .. or is it that you don't have any .. just spouting the shit somebody stuck in your mouth?
I do watch Fox Report - 60 minute newscast - Catherinre Herridge won Accuracy in Media's Reed Irvine Award for her Bengazi coverage -
largely stonewalled by the MSM.

Very good foreign reportage, much more then the 30 minute newscasts. Other then this, really no use for them

WOW! Who would have guessed a right wing media shill group awarded a prize to a right wing shill. How surprising is that? I never thought that would even happen.
Its court documented FACT

Its also 30 fucking years ago, dipshit.

This report reveals the Left’s vote fraud strategy for the 2012 elections. Like a KGB operation, it is thorough, multi-faceted and redundant. It has overt and covert, illegal and legal elements, the latter of which are designed, at least in part, to facilitate illegal activities later. It is a deliberate, premeditated, comprehensive plan to win the 2012 presidential election at all costs, and is in keeping with the organizational methods, associations and ethics of the Community-Organizer-in-Chief, Barack Obama.

A total of four Democratic officials and political operatives have now pleaded guilty to voter fraud-related felony charges in an alleged scheme to steal a New York election.

Former Troy Democratic City Clerk William McInerney, Democratic Councilman John Brown, and Democratic political operatives Anthony Renna and Anthony DeFiglio have entered guilty pleas in the case, in which numerous signatures were allegedly forged on absentee ballots in the 2009 Working Families Party primary, the political party that was associated with the now-defunct community group, ACORN.

(2012) The son of Rep. Jim Moran(D) has resigned from his father's campaign for apparently condoning voter fraud.The latest involves the son of US Rep. James Moran (D) of Virginia – Patrick Moran, Representative Moran’s campaign field director – shown on a secretly taped video apparently discussing a plan to use forged documents to cast ballots for 100 registered voters who seldom vote

More than 1.8 million deceased individuals are listed as voters.

• Approximately 2.75 million people have registrations in more than one state.

• About 12 million records have incorrect addresses, meaning either the voters moved, or errors in the information make it unlikely any mailings can reach them.

This is over 16,000,000 potential fraudulent votes...
Its also 30 fucking years ago, dipshit.

More than 1.8 million deceased individuals are listed as voters.

• Approximately 2.75 million people have registrations in more than one state.

• About 12 million records have incorrect addresses, meaning either the voters moved, or errors in the information make it unlikely any mailings can reach them.

This is over 16,000,000 potential fraudulent votes...

Alaska updates its voter registration rolls on a regular basis, sounds like it is what other states need to do.
Alaska updates its voter registration rolls on a regular basis, sounds like it is what other states need to do.

Remind me, how many Democrats were elected in Alaskas' last electoral cycle?

Maybe checking the validity of voter eligibility isn't such a bad idea, huh?
:0) "as usual when I get your goat" :rofl2:

You really are delusional. You're an ignorant racist motherfucker and I get to treat you like the piece of shit that you are. I get to smack your dumb ass around with my superior intelligence and wisdom .. just like I'm doing right now. :0) While I smack you around with articles and evidence of your humiliating defeat and diminishing chances at national election success .. all you have is this insane dribble some teabagger pulled out of his ass and stuck in your mouth. :0) You're a stupid motherfucker .. yes you are.

And just so you know dummy .. I'm not posting to you .. I'm posting through you. I'm demonstrating just how ignorant a racist motherfucker like you really is. I'm demonstration just how out of touch with reality a brain dead republican/teabagger bitch like you truly is.

Who gives a rats ass about your 'lily pink ass' ??? :0) That stank ass doesn't mean shit. :0)

Still here bitch ..

Tea Party's Popularity Reaches New Low, Poll Finds

GOP vs. Tea Party

When are you going to post ANY evidence of any impending investigation of MSM and Obama .. or is it that you don't have any .. just spouting the shit somebody stuck in your mouth?
Folks, read this pimp style bullsheet and tell me who is getting who's goat. I routinely dominate "Briiliant Writers" all the time, except CoalBlack is not a brilliant writer, he/she is a hasbeen old codger, who has lived in the past for too long. I turned this MFer everyway butt lose, and I suggest that you, CoalBlack, start following me around like some of your other cohors do, to reeducate yourself, to learn what is really happening, not what you want to happen. PS, try to act civilized and quit using all the street corner jive ass talk, before I cyber slap your fat ass some mo....LOL
Folks, read this pimp style bullsheet and tell me who is getting who's goat. I routinely dominate "Briiliant Writers" all the time, except CoalBlack is not a brilliant writer, he/she is a hasbeen old codger, who has lived in the past for too long. I turned this MFer everyway butt lose, and I suggest that you, CoalBlack, start following me around like some of your other cohors do, to reeducate yourself, to learn what is really happening, not what you want to happen. PS, try to act civilized and quit using all the street corner jive ass talk, before I cyber slap your fat ass some mo....LOL
He who laughs last, laughs longest. This Fool, aka CoalBlack, stated that he posts Right through me, I beg to differ with the dummy, he ran away, butt I am still here kicking Lib booteeey as I see fit, forget about it. Next shooter, this one done run out of ammo...........
He who laughs last, laughs longest. This Fool, aka CoalBlack, stated that he posts Right through me, I beg to differ with the dummy, he ran away, butt I am still here kicking Lib booteeey as I see fit, forget about it. Next shooter, this one done run out of ammo...........
Your a tough guy gunny!
Internet toughest klansman over 65 category
Your a tough guy gunny!
Internet toughest klansman over 65 category
By following me around, like we all know you do, Dudeee, you are now showing signs of human intelligence. A Neanderthal showed signs of human intelligence, so do not get too happy about my analyzing your pin headed Lib brain..... He He....I have added CoalBlack as another Lib who follows me around to get some smarts, but that may take awhile.....Ha Ha
By following me around, like we all know you do, Dudeee, you are now showing signs of human intelligence. A Neanderthal showed signs of human intelligence, so do not get too happy about my analyzing your pin headed Lib brain..... He He....I have added CoalBlack as another Lib who follows me around to get some smarts, but that may take awhile.....Ha Ha
Your the best gunny