Majority of Americans support mass deportations of illegals

T. A. Gardner

Thread Killer
Outside of the Left (aka Democrats) an overwhelming majority of Americans support mass deportations of illegals. Polling has found that 86% of Republicans and 58% of Independents are in favor of mass deportations. Only on the Left is there serious opposition to this idea and even within the Democrat party 25% are in favor of it.

A wide majority now want a wall built on the border and increased enforcement to stop illegal crossings.

The Left seems surprised by this, but it isn't as if this is suddenly the case

It is truly amazing that Biden / Harris with their open borders policies have done in less than three years what no other administration before them has: They have turned the country massively against illegal immigration and in favor of draconian enforcement to include mass deportations, building a border wall, and rigidly enforcing our borders.
There are no open borders. If we did that long ago my ancestors would have been sent back to Scotland. Trump's back to Germany and yours back to Haiti.
There are no open borders. If we did that long ago my ancestors would have been sent back to Scotland. Trump's back to Germany and yours back to Haiti.
Of.course there are open borders. Do you practice being stupid in front of the mirror or is it just your "super" power?
Who exactly are these "illegals" about whom TAG is bitching?
Has he got actual names, or is he pulling these "facts" out of his ass as usual.

TAG thinks that he's part of some kind of majority, but the majority of the population comes from urban blue states
where people like TAG are recognized as mental and moral deficients.

I do favor mass deportations--of right wing zealots to North Korea.
Maybe Kim's government officials could use them for landfill or something.