Majority of Americans support mass deportations of illegals

Some people are deep thinkers. Trumpys think with their hair. Have you considered what a clusterfuck mass deportation would be? People have rights. You would have to take them away. Then the brutality of forcing people to leave their homes would meet great resistance. This is America. They have guns too. Picture the mistakes? American citizens would be swept up. Have you considered the cost? How many planes and police would it require? It would be the end of America as we know it.
Americans have rights under OUR constitution. Illegals aren't Americans. Anyone harboring illegals is breaking the law.. Illegals possessing firearms is a felony. Providing a birth certificate isn't difficult for Americans. The cost would be offset by not having to provide food, motel rooms and medical care, and heavily fining employers who employ illegals. America would stabilize.
You're typically inane answer has nothing to do with the comment to which you responded.
I don't usually click the button to see what you've said,
but it's certainly not surprising that you're still an extraordinarily stupid, motherfucking mutant.
Commies hate dem some opposition.

A majority of Americans also favor stricter gun regulations, abortion rights, same sex marriage and equality for LGBTQ citizens, a pathway to citizenship, separation of church and state, national health care, legalization of weed, higher/fairer taxation of the wealthy, and the bipartisan border security bill. Since when did you MAGATs start caring about what the majority wants?
Such 'One-size-fits-all' thinking is asinine. Virtually none of what you propose above needs to be done at the federal level. Much of it is based on polling of idiots that don't have a clue about these issues beyond some superficial buzz words. What works for New York City may be completely wrong for rural Kansas.

Majority of Americans support mass deportations of illegals​

Do you mean indigenous Americans or the European imports ?
You don't have any wriggle-room on what's ' indigenous ' so don't even go there.
Sure I do. Much of the Americas was quite literally unoccupied land. The pre-Columbian population was so small that they occupied a mere fraction of the available land. There also, at least in N. America, not a single tribe with a defined set of political boundaries or even an established state. What 'government' there was, was limited to individual villages and locations. Many tribes were still hunter gatherers with no set location who simply travelled where their food sources went. Then there were other groups like the Apachie and Comanche who lived by what amounted to warfare, like Viking raiders, attacking other groups and taking what they wanted or needed.

Even then, there were agreements between tribes and newer groups settling the land over such things as property rights that both agreed to. Or, in other cases, tribal leaders broke treaties and sided with "Europeans" in wars because they thought doing so was to their benefit. When those leaders ended up on the losing side, they often lost land in the process. And, no, you can't apply modern standards and mores to that as that amounts to a historian's fallacy.

So, your argument of "indigenous" is absurd.
Such 'One-size-fits-all' thinking is asinine. Virtually none of what you propose above needs to be done at the federal level. Much of it is based on polling of idiots that don't have a clue about these issues beyond some superficial buzz words. What works for New York City may be completely wrong for rural Kansas.

So your "one size fits all" regarding deportation is okay but mine is bad. Okay then, Cletus. :rolleyes::cautious::D
Start with the worst first and tighten up hiring restrictions. If their jobs dry up a lot of them will self deport. Offer free plane ticket home.
Separating families, incredible hardship.

Being a compassionate nation is important to me. I get that it's not everyone's priority.
If you are a parent and commit a crime and go to jail, you are separated from your family. Why should criminal aliens illegally in the US be treated differently?

This has nothing to do with "compassion." It has EVERYTHING to do with rule of law. You came here illegally, stayed illegally, and when caught you should be treated as the criminal you are. That should be our priority.

You want compassion? Come here legally and show us you deserve it.