Majority of Americans support mass deportations of illegals

If you are a parent and commit a crime and go to jail, you are separated from your family. Why should criminal aliens illegally in the US be treated differently?

This has nothing to do with "compassion." It has EVERYTHING to do with rule of law. You came here illegally, stayed illegally, and when caught you should be treated as the criminal you are. That should be our priority.

You want compassion? Come here legally and show us you deserve it.

Trump wants to send Haitians who are here legally back to Haiti - where 70 innocent people were just killed by gangs.

I care about people. If you don't, we're not going to agree.
Trump wants to send Haitians who are here legally back to Haiti - where 70 innocent people were just killed by gangs.

I care about people. If you don't, we're not going to agree.
Sounds like Haitians need to fix their fucked-up country. Inviting them here is not a solution to that problem. By the way, just in Chicago this last weekend 26 shot, 5 killed...

We've got our own issues already, we don't need to import more.
No, my position is if you are here illegally, that is a crime. You should not be able to benefit from that crime in the least, and when arrested, tried, and convicted, you should be deported.
We all know what your position is, Herr Gardner. You try to justify anti-American political positions by claiming that the majority of Americans agree with you. Might makes right, eh? But only when it comes to evil. You refuse to accept the fact that my post is correct and that the majority of Americans agree with the things that I listed, that your kind abhors.
Tough shit. They are going. That money Joe was going to allocate for 84,000 new IRS agents will now go for Trumps soon to be created "Deportation Force" made up primarily of ex police, ex military and bounty hunters.
They are not. Trump lies to you idiots and you get suckered in again and again. How many times will you believe his lies before you figure him out? My mistake. You never will.
IMO most people ARE in favor of deporting ILLEGALS it is the way Trump is talking on how he wants to do it.
Round up a mass of people and don't bother to give them due process of law just ship them out and if there is a legal American in the bunch Too Fucking Bad.
Have a nice day
What those mental deficients openly do here would,
in The Federal Republic of Germany,
land them in prison. Seriously.
Germany has decided to stay out of the Schengen area and is rapidly closing borders to keep out illegal migrants.
Serendipity is correct . My in-laws are in Germany so I somewhat keep up with what’s going on there.
Besides, enforcing existing laws doesn’t land anyone in jail in Germany. Here, maybe.
It's baked in with her!
Sezzzzzzzzz farang living in the gooklands

Phuket officials to set up task force to identify ‘bad farang’​

PHUKET: Pol Lt Gen Itthiphon Ittisanronnachai, Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Thai Police Immigration Bureau, in Phuket yesterday (Dec 26), called for Phuket officials to establish a task force to identify ‘bad foreigners’ so that the Immigration Bureau can help to deal with them.

We all know what your position is, Herr Gardner. You try to justify anti-American political positions by claiming that the majority of Americans agree with you. Might makes right, eh? But only when it comes to evil. You refuse to accept the fact that my post is correct and that the majority of Americans agree with the things that I listed, that your kind abhors.
You regularly trot out that the will of the majority should be followed when it comes to Leftist issues, but suddenly do a 180 when the issue turns against the Left.

What is "evil" about a nation wanting to enforce its laws fairly and equitably on everyone? What is "evil" about a nation saying you need to follow our immigration laws to come here and if you don't, we will arrest, try, convict, and deport you for not doing so?
You regularly trot out that the will of the majority should be followed when it comes to Leftist issues, but suddenly do a 180 when the issue turns against the Left.

What is "evil" about a nation wanting to enforce its laws fairly and equitably on everyone? What is "evil" about a nation saying you need to follow our immigration laws to come here and if you don't, we will arrest, try, convict, and deport you for not doing so?
Please show us all where the majority of the people were for repealing Roe v. Wade, much less the draconian measures in some states that have taken place since. We'll wait.
Serendipity is correct . My in-laws are in Germany so I somewhat keep up with what’s going on there.
Besides, enforcing existing laws doesn’t land anyone in jail in Germany. Here, maybe.
Walking around with a NAZI flag or even denying the holocaust,
as do many trumpanzees here in America,
can get you jailed in Germany.

Then again, with German bureaucracy, you can be fined for speaking casually rather than formally to a police officer.
If you say the informal "du" instead of "sie" for the word "you" when talking to a cop, even that's illegal.
IMO most people ARE in favor of deporting ILLEGALS it is the way Trump is talking on how he wants to do it.
Round up a mass of people and don't bother to give them due process of law just ship them out and if there is a legal American in the bunch Too Fucking Bad.
Have a nice day