Majority of Americans support mass deportations of illegals

:rolleyes: And exactly how is that going to be implemented, genius? Who is going to pay for it? Are the MAGA/GOP reversing their decades long stance against "invasive federal gov't on state's rights"?

Inquiring minds want to know. We'll wait.
the money gets printed out of thin air.

that's how money works.

our values and what we choose to spend it on define our reality.

TRUMP 2024!
Please show us all where the majority of the people were for repealing Roe v. Wade, much less the draconian measures in some states that have taken place since. We'll wait.
You tard... Roe v. Wade was made up out of thin air. There is no--NO--legal basis for it being put into law. The federal government has NO authority to regulate abortion. It is a state issue. You cannot prove otherwise.
You regularly trot out that the will of the majority should be followed when it comes to Leftist issues, but suddenly do a 180 when the issue turns against the Left.

What is "evil" about a nation wanting to enforce its laws fairly and equitably on everyone? What is "evil" about a nation saying you need to follow our immigration laws to come here and if you don't, we will arrest, try, convict, and deport you for not doing so?

She's truly obnoxious!
You regularly trot out that the will of the majority should be followed when it comes to Leftist issues, but suddenly do a 180 when the issue turns against the Left.

What is "evil" about a nation wanting to enforce its laws fairly and equitably on everyone? What is "evil" about a nation saying you need to follow our immigration laws to come here and if you don't, we will arrest, try, convict, and deport you for not doing so?

Lovely sentiments but in practice you all do not "enforce laws equitably on everyone." Come back when that happens and we'll talk.
Outside of the Left (aka Democrats) an overwhelming majority of Americans support mass deportations of illegals. Polling has found that 86% of Republicans and 58% of Independents are in favor of mass deportations. Only on the Left is there serious opposition to this idea and even within the Democrat party 25% are in favor of it.

A wide majority now want a wall built on the border and increased enforcement to stop illegal crossings.

The Left seems surprised by this, but it isn't as if this is suddenly the case

It is truly amazing that Biden / Harris with their open borders policies have done in less than three years what no other administration before them has: They have turned the country massively against illegal immigration and in favor of draconian enforcement to include mass deportations, building a border wall, and rigidly enforcing our borders.
Not an economist, but I'm guessing the national economy will take a major hit when this happens.

Our nation needs immigration reform. Spending money to get rid of illegals is stupid when the easier and cheaper solution is to lock up business owners who profit from illegals and entice them to stay in the US will jobs and places to live.
Walking around with a NAZI flag or even denying the holocaust,
as do many trumpanzees here in America,
can get you jailed in Germany.

Then again, with German bureaucracy, you can be fined for speaking casually rather than formally to a police officer.
If you say the informal "du" instead of "sie" for the word "you" when talking to a cop, even that's illegal.

Reichwingers only trot out European countries when it's convenient. Otherwise they call them all "socialist" and comparing them (like with national health care) with America is verboten, did you notice that too?
Who exactly are these "illegals" about whom TAG is bitching?
Has he got actual names, or is he pulling these "facts" out of his ass as usual.

TAG thinks that he's part of some kind of majority, but the majority of the population comes from urban blue states
where people like TAG are recognized as mental and moral deficients.

I do favor mass deportations--of right wing zealots to North Korea.
Maybe Kim's government officials could use them for landfill or something.

Of course.
Go back to sleep, old man.
No, in most cases, they aren't. Abortion is a medical procedure, nothing more. It is a state issue. You no more have a "Right" to an abortion than you have a "Right" to get pregnant.
Even if Harris wins, but "people" like yourself and Earl are not rounded up,
we'll still have a long way to go.

You know the things that so many of you nutjobs like to say about all Democrats?
A lot of them are actually true about me!
Right now, I'd have no problem backing a Stalinesque purge of devolved trumpanzees.
You tard... Roe v. Wade was made up out of thin air. There is no--NO--legal basis for it being put into law. The federal government has NO authority to regulate abortion. It is a state issue. You cannot prove otherwise.
Jesus H. Christ, Terry. Your dementia is getting worse. If you start having suicidal thoughts then you should go see someone about it.

The fact you truly believe the Constitution gives us our rights makes you a "Leftist", dumbass. The fact you support Trump's SCOTUS appointees lying under oath during their confirmations is no surprise coming from an oath-breaker.

At a time when Texas law restricted abortions except to save the life of the mother, Jane Roe (a single, pregnant woman) sued Henry Wade, the local district attorney tasked with enforcing the abortion statute. She argued that the Texas law was unconstitutional. The Supreme Court agreed, holding that the right of privacy, inherent in the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, protects a woman’s choice to have an abortion. That right is limited, however, as the pregnancy advances, by the State’s interest in maternal health and in fetal life after viability. Amid national debate over this issue, this was the first time the Court took up this question and affirmed the “right to choose,” as it is often titled.

The Supreme Court on Friday eliminated the constitutional right to obtain an abortion, casting aside 49 years of precedent that began with Roe v. Wade....

....The vote to overturn Roe was 5-4. Justices Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett joined Alito’s opinion. Chief Justice John Roberts did not join the opinion. He agreed with the majority that the Mississippi abortion restriction at issue in the case should be upheld, but in a separate opinion, he argued that the court should not have overturned Roe.
No, in most cases, they aren't. Abortion is a medical procedure, nothing more. It is a state issue. You no more have a "Right" to an abortion than you have a "Right" to get pregnant.

Interesting. You are in favor of states being able to regulate medical procedures. So if your state decides that you cannot have coronary stents or a CABG if you are over 70 because it's a waste of money, even to save your life, you're okay with that. What if they decide to ban vasectomies because they prevent the birth of children -- that's fine too, right? I'm sure you can explain to us why one particular "medical procedure" should be left in the hands of bureaucrats, but not all of them. We'll wait. And wait.

So much for small government "conservatives." We knew you guys were fakes.
Even if Harris wins, but "people" like yourself and Earl are not rounded up,
we'll still have a long way to go.

You know the things that so many of you nutjobs like to say about all Democrats?
A lot of them are actually true about me!
Right now, I'd have no problem backing a Stalinesque purge of devolved trumpanzees.

If they get their wish for mass deportation, I hope we get to pick who gets kicked out. lol