I have a generator.
It kicks on within seconds of the power going out.
As long as the gas company doesn't shut down, I'm good.
Doesn't help with cable TV, unfortunately.
Good thing I saved my DVDs and Laserdiscs.
Laserdiscs? Damn, you are old!
I have a generator.
It kicks on within seconds of the power going out.
As long as the gas company doesn't shut down, I'm good.
Doesn't help with cable TV, unfortunately.
Good thing I saved my DVDs and Laserdiscs.
Lots of them, actually, even some needing electricity to run A/Cs. But none straining the electric grid like the upcoming summers having to charge all these electric cars.
Getting rid of coal and gas power plants means the Grid is weak and can't handle the added pressure of millions of Electric cars charging
Lots of them, actually, even some needing electricity to run A/Cs. But none straining the electric grid like the upcoming summers having to charge all these electric cars.
You are using a questionable site for your reference.
All these electric cars? You rightys claim nobody is buying them, now we have so many it is a problem.
No. It's not faith when simple reality stares them in the face. A hot summer (running A/Cs and charging electric cars) will weaken the grid.
Faith tells you that soy and wind will solve everything.
It will say nothing since the earth will end in 2030. Of course we have been hearing these predictions of doom and gloom for over 50 years
No, the 2030 thing is recent. You are a victim of a Psyop.
“Limiting warming to 1.5C requires global greenhouse gas emissions to peak before 2025 at the latest and be reduced by 43 percent by 2030,” he said.
Such cuts would be hard to achieve without without drastic, economy-wide measures, the panel acknowledged. It’s more likely that the world will pass 1.5C and efforts will then need to be made to bring temperatures back down again, including by removing vast amounts of carbon dioxide — the main greenhouse gas — from the atmosphere.
Many experts say this is unfeasible with current technologies, and even if it could be done it would be far costlier than preventing the emissions in the first place.
That is according to the IPCC
It is a problem because solar will nor be able to produce what natural gas and coal could. It will be a problem in a few years when there are millions of cars plus commercial trucks charging at the same time
They are expecting blackout this summer
So you assume, wrongly, that the energy companies are not constantly growing and rebuilding the grid. Wind power supplies 57 percent of Iowa's energy, It is 17 percent in Texas. There are real inroads being made.
Good luck when they have blackouts this summer
Solar and wind will not be. However, when the grid goes down, you cannot buy gas. Pumps and stations require electricity. We will have the same problems you gasbags will have,
Solar and wind will not be. However, when the grid goes down, you cannot buy gas. Pumps and stations require electricity. We will have the same problems you gasbags will have,
I can take my gas-powered generator to the gas station and power up a pump or three and pump all the gas I need, assuming the owner will let me. 5 gallons runs the generator for 8 hours and it can power my frige and AC along with a few lights or a TV or two.
On the other hand, if you have an EV you're fucked.
Solar panels can power stuff during the day, but once the sun goes down, you're fucked.
That greentard shit doesn't work when the grid goes down...
Then Biden better keep some natural gas and coal backups. Biden is likely to stupid to think about that. I have a whole house generator that runs off a natural gas pipeline
The outlawing of emergency generators as is now happening is a great window into how diabolical our overlords are.
It only gets worse from here, this cult is anti-human, they get off on our suffering, the more the better.