I can take my gas-powered generator to the gas station and power up a pump or three and pump all the gas I need, assuming the owner will let me. 5 gallons runs the generator for 8 hours and it can power my frige and AC along with a few lights or a TV or two.
On the other hand, if you have an EV you're fucked.
Solar panels can power stuff during the day, but once the sun goes down, you're fucked.
That greentard shit doesn't work when the grid goes down...
Are you saying that is the solution for a blackout? You rightys keep doing that. I will take a generator to the gas station. If the owner does not shoot me, I can fill up my tank. Therefore ICEs are able to continue. Except for the stations close when they have no power. The registers do not work. There was a blackout in 2003. People could not get gas. The ICes do not work when the grid goes down.