Damo, they were primed and ready to blame something like this on the TEA party. They tried to do it when Loughner went nuts, they were just convinced he must be part of the TEA Party, and it when it turned out he was more "left wing kook" than right wing, they dropped it... this is just an extension of that. Anyone who can remotely be tied to anything "right" is going to be tied to the TEA Party, because they don't have anything left. Their only hope at this point, is to continue to hurl as much vitriol and mud at "the right" as humanly possible, doesn't matter if there is a shred of truth... just smear and jeer non-stop from now until the election... hey, it's not even started getting bad yet! The very first thing MoronBrain did, was point out this nut was "opposed to immigration" and make the connection to the TEA Party... but I know of hundreds of TEA Partiers, and NONE of them are opposed to legal immigration... not a single one! Legal immigrants have literally built this country, and to insinuate the TEA Party position is "opposed to immigration" is an offensive insult, and par for the course with this bunch.