Make No Mistake...

No it was not made well. You look like a moron for attempting it. And like Mott the Hoople said, "You're just being trolled. No sane person really believes that this nut is a tea partier. Hell he probably hasn't a clue what that is. Their just saying that shit to get under tea party supporters skin. Seems to be working too."

Are you trolling? I was just informed that you are a troll.

Since Mott doesn't know the difference between "their" and "they're", you two should get along well.
Was he a Christian Crusader? I haven't seen any evidence that he was some "Christian Warrior" part of a large group who plan on killing as many people who aren't them. If he was, he absolutely is a religious extremist terrorist and part of a larger problem that Christians would need to stomp out with a vicious urgency, which is still not TEA Party activist. I can see your urge to blame something that happened in Europe on people you dislike here in the US, but I don't understand people who would cave to such inanity. I can't imagine blaming some leftist ideologue's murderous rampage on all leftists just because I don't like their policy.

So you didn't watch his video or read any of his 1500 + page manifesto, but you feel qualified to comment?

Tea Party Patriots
Mission Statement and Core Values

Mission Statement
The impetuses for the Tea Party movement are excessive government spending and taxation. Our mission is to attract, educate, organize, and mobilize our fellow citizens to secure public policy consistent with our three core values of Fiscal Responsibility, Constitutionally Limited Government and Free Markets.

Core Values

• Fiscal Responsibility
Constitutionally Limited Government
• Free Markets

Fiscal Responsibility:Fiscal Responsibility by government honors and respects the freedom of the individual to spend the money that is the fruit of his or her own labor. A constitutionally limited government, designed to protect the blessings of liberty, must be fiscally responsible or it must subject it's citizenry to high levels of taxation that unjustly restrict the liberty our Constitution was designed to protect. The runaway deficit spending as we now see in Washington D.C. compels us to take action because we know that a heavy burden of national debt is a grave threat to our national sovereignty and the personal and economic liberty of future generations.

Constitutionally Limited Government:We, the members of The Tea Party Patriots, are inspired by our founding documents and regard the Constitution of the United States to be the supreme law of the land. We believe that it is possible to know the original intent of the government our founders set forth, and stand in support of that intent. Like the founders, we support states' rights for those powers not expressly stated in the Constitution. As the government is of the people, by the people and for the people, in all other matters we support the personal liberty of the individual, within the rule of law.

Free Markets:A free market is the economic consequence of personal liberty. The founders believed that personal and economic freedom were indivisible, as do we. Our current government's interference distorts the free market and inhibits the pursuit of individual and economic liberty. Therefore, we support a return to the free market principles on which this nation was founded and oppose government intervention into the operations of private business.

Our Philosophy
Tea Party Patriots as an organization believes in the Fiscal Responsibility, Constitutionally Limited Government, and Free Markets. Tea Party Patriots, Inc. is a non-partisan grassroots organization of individuals united by our core values derived from the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States of America and the Bill Of Rights as explained in the Federalist Papers. We recognize and support the strength of grassroots organization powered by activism and civic responsibility at a local level. We hold that the United States is a republic conceived by its architects as a nation whose people were granted "unalienable rights" by our Creator. Chiefly among these are the rights to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." The Tea Party Patriots stand with our founders, as heirs to the republic, to claim our rights and duties which preserve their legacy and our own. We hold, as did the founders, that there exists an inherent benefit to our country when private property and prosperity are secured by natural law and the rights of the individual.


Not a word about immigrants, legal or illegal.... or Muslims, fanatic or not fanatic......

So if the terrorist in Oslo was similar to the TP folks, he must have believed in Fiscal Responsibility, Constitutionally Limited Government, and Free Markets\
but then, he never said anything like this in his writings or to the police or to his friends.....
Something don't add up here.....I smell a pinhead at work spreading left wing lies and bullshit........
So you didn't watch his video or read any of his 1500 + page manifesto, but you feel qualified to comment?


Muslim terrorists always talk about obeying Allah and carrying out Jihad for Allah. Show us this guy's words about obeying Jesus and carrying out war for Jesus.
You're just being trolled. No sane person really believes that this nut is a tea partier. Hell he probably hasn't a clue what that is. Their just saying that shit to get under tea party supporters skin. Seems to be working too.

Right. The problem with this, Mott, is this thread wasn't about Rootbeer's posts. I sought out "Norway Terrorist" and many stories included "Tea Party" in their title and were about how they were "similar"...

It's sick Rubbish, no tragedy is too horrible that somebody won't blame their political opponents of it, even if it happens on a different continent. The default position seems to be to blame the TEA Party movement of any atrocity regardless of where it was committed.
I believe we have finally found someone who is dumber than the President.

You also believe that Failin' Palin and Migraine Michele the Bach-to-Mom are viable presidential timber.
Right. The problem with this, Mott, is this thread wasn't about Rootbeer's posts. I sought out "Norway Terrorist" and many stories included "Tea Party" in their title and were about how they were "similar"...It's sick Rubbish, no tragedy is too horrible that somebody won't blame their political opponents of it, even if it happens on a different continent. The default position seems to be to blame the TEA Party movement of any atrocity regardless of where it was committed.

Trouble is, they are similar.
Right. The problem with this, Mott, is this thread wasn't about Rootbeer's posts. I sought out "Norway Terrorist" and many stories included "Tea Party" in their title and were about how they were "similar"...

It's sick Rubbish, no tragedy is too horrible that somebody won't blame their political opponents of it, even if it happens on a different continent. The default position seems to be to blame the TEA Party movement of any atrocity regardless of where it was committed.

Damo, they were primed and ready to blame something like this on the TEA party. They tried to do it when Loughner went nuts, they were just convinced he must be part of the TEA Party, and it when it turned out he was more "left wing kook" than right wing, they dropped it... this is just an extension of that. Anyone who can remotely be tied to anything "right" is going to be tied to the TEA Party, because they don't have anything left. Their only hope at this point, is to continue to hurl as much vitriol and mud at "the right" as humanly possible, doesn't matter if there is a shred of truth... just smear and jeer non-stop from now until the election... hey, it's not even started getting bad yet!

The very first thing MoronBrain did, was point out this nut was "opposed to immigration" and make the connection to the TEA Party... but I know of hundreds of TEA Partiers, and NONE of them are opposed to legal immigration... not a single one! Legal immigrants have literally built this country, and to insinuate the TEA Party position is "opposed to immigration" is an offensive insult, and par for the course with this bunch.
Damo, they were primed and ready to blame something like this on the TEA party. They tried to do it when Loughner went nuts, they were just convinced he must be part of the TEA Party, and it when it turned out he was more "left wing kook" than right wing, they dropped it... this is just an extension of that. Anyone who can remotely be tied to anything "right" is going to be tied to the TEA Party, because they don't have anything left. Their only hope at this point, is to continue to hurl as much vitriol and mud at "the right" as humanly possible, doesn't matter if there is a shred of truth... just smear and jeer non-stop from now until the election... hey, it's not even started getting bad yet! The very first thing MoronBrain did, was point out this nut was "opposed to immigration" and make the connection to the TEA Party... but I know of hundreds of TEA Partiers, and NONE of them are opposed to legal immigration... not a single one! Legal immigrants have literally built this country, and to insinuate the TEA Party position is "opposed to immigration" is an offensive insult, and par for the course with this bunch.

Poor Dixtard.

People are "primed and ready" because Teatards appear in public carrying guns and post threatening messages on the internet. Do I need to link up to some to refresh your memory?


If you're going to make threats and advocate "taking back our country", spread Islamophobia, talk about punishing liberals and Marxists, then when somebody says the same things and acts on it, you're going to be associated with that. Deal with it.


Breivik has confessed he was behind a bombing in central Oslo and the shooting massacre at a youth camp outside the capital, which together killed 93 people, but denies criminal responsibility.

In his manifesto and comments to his lawyer, he has said he wanted to start a revolution to inspire Norwegians to retake their country from Muslims and other immigrants. He blames liberals for championing multiculturalism...

There is much in the conservative killers manifesto that resembles your rantings, BTW. Read it.
Right. The problem with this, Mott, is this thread wasn't about Rootbeer's posts. I sought out "Norway Terrorist" and many stories included "Tea Party" in their title and were about how they were "similar"...

It's sick Rubbish, no tragedy is too horrible that somebody won't blame their political opponents of it, even if it happens on a different continent. The default position seems to be to blame the TEA Party movement of any atrocity regardless of where it was committed.

It's not that hard to imagine, and however depressing it may be, it's not new, the first step after any problem is to point the finger of blame, and if you don't point first, like as not you will be pointed at. I think mostly it forms out of the desire for things to be neat, all the christian right wing groups as one group, all the muslim groups in one, all the atheists in one, the kind of thinking that spawns global conspiracies that all the governments are in collusion to control us.

As if I can't get along with my sister and she lives three states away, why do you think that "the people in power" get along any better?

Oh and if it wasn't obvious while I don't support the Tea Party I'm pretty sure they haven't spread to Norway
Poor Dixtard.

People are "primed and ready" because Teatards appear in public carrying guns and post threatening messages on the internet. Do I need to link up to some to refresh your memory?


If you're going to make threats and advocate "taking back our country", spread Islamophobia, talk about punishing liberals and Marxists, then when somebody says the same things and acts on it, you're going to be associated with that. Deal with it.


Breivik has confessed he was behind a bombing in central Oslo and the shooting massacre at a youth camp outside the capital, which together killed 93 people, but denies criminal responsibility.

In his manifesto and comments to his lawyer, he has said he wanted to start a revolution to inspire Norwegians to retake their country from Muslims and other immigrants. He blames liberals for championing multiculturalism...

There is much in the conservative killers manifesto that resembles your rantings, BTW. Read it.

So the Tea party likes guns, and apparently so did this guy, ALSO so do Muslim extremists, South American drug cartels, Russian criminals, pretty much every soldier in the world and a large number of people who don't have guns but wish they did so they could get rid of the dictators running their country. Your point?

Spewing similar rants doesn't make them friends, Hitler and Stalin both thought that the world would be better under them, result of that friendship? Millions dead and a devastated Russia, both 19th century England, Prussia, Russia and Austria thought Napolean would look better without a head but spent almost as much time backstabbing eachother as fighting him. Christian conservatives and Nazi's (German nazi's not the home grown racists we have here, though they don't like gays either) are/were anti gay.

And for the final point, just because he agreed with some of their stufff doesn't make them behind it, most people don't like terrorist but are you a fan of the Abu Ghraib prison?

As a side note the quote about watering the tree of liberty always makes me giggle because it's so close to Mussolini's quote about "Blood alone turning the wheels of history"